"Dragon, I want to talk to you alone."

After embarrassment, the night pupil also remembers one thing, so directly said.

"Well, let's go."

The dragon appears at night pupil's side in an instant, then grabs him to disappear here.

After a hurricane, the two appeared on a top of Mount gorber.

"Strange boy Ye Tong, what do you want to tell me?"

Long looks at the night pupil with interest.

At this time, the night pupil has no mind to talk to him.

Although the constitution is higher than ordinary people, it is not much higher!

Just the dragon used his ability to bring himself here.

It's even more intense than roller coaster. For a while, Ye Tong's stomach began to turn upside down.

More than ten minutes later, the night pupil's face also recovered a trace of blood color.

"Dragon, next time you bring someone out, can you think about others' feelings?"

make complaints about the first sentence.

For their own now still have some convulsive stomach, fight against injustice.

"Kid, you're not weak. How can you bear so much?"

"Is it a green egg that hasn't been out of the sea yet?"

Long joked.

"Well, let's get down to business."

"Dragon, are you already forming a revolutionary army?"

Night pupil also says directly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the dragon's face is not surprised.

This kid can know himself and Kapp, so it is not impossible to know that he has left the Navy.

"You want to join."

The Dragon did not answer, but asked.


"Join your third rate revolutionary army? Don't laugh at me

The night pupil immediately, a face disdain of say.

In his eyes, the revolutionary army is really out of fashion.

"Third rate?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, you don't know what we're going to do, but you say we're third rate?"

"Boy, the world is not as well fed as you think."

The Dragon raised his head and looked at the sky at a 45 degree angle.

"Food and clothing I imagined?"

"Ha ha."

Yetong may have thought that the world is very beautiful in the past life.

But after inheriting the memory of this body, he doesn't feel that the world is beautiful.

Not to mention the setting of pirate king's world, he knows better than the dragon.

"Dragon, have you ever felt hungry?"

Ha ha, after a sentence, Ye Tong also asked again.


"What's the matter? I trained..."

"I mean, have you ever felt hungry in person?"

Don't wait for the dragon to start talking, night Tong asks again.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the dragon was stunned.

Then he shook his head.

"The whole world, it's malicious to you."

"That warm sunshine. It's all burning. "

"That breeze is torture."

"Can you feel such hunger as a navy general, the son of Navy hero Kapp

Yetong recalled that half a year ago, when he had just come to this world, that kind of hunger was really hunger.

And in this world, I don't know how many people are suffering from this kind of hunger.

But now, an official dragon of the second generation wants to set up a revolutionary army with his own temporary thoughts?

In Yetong's eyes, no matter how far his power develops after the dragon, he is only a third rate.

"I'd like to hear more about it."

At this time, the Dragon did not care to pretend to be forced.

Because he has a feeling that what this person is going to say is of great help to him.

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