
"Who asked you, who asked you questions?"

Bonnie smelled directly. He slapped him on the face and said quickly.

You know, Bonnie didn't have any good senses for the people here.

Now it's time to get revenge. She slapped him in the face without hesitation.

"My name is Pu Chuan, and I am the Lord of the city of orox."

"I will tell you what you want to know. Please don't kill me."

Small dog Pu Chuan is also a face of fear said.

"We want to know..."


Don't wait for Bonnie to say it, puchuan, a little dog, was kicked out by the night pupil.

"Amount, amount..."

"Let go What's more... "

At the same time, the night pupil's hand, also grasped a translucent thing.

"This thing should be the so-called spirit seed in this place?"

Night pupil looks at a translucent thing in the hand, also say directly.


"Just now, I felt that faint murderous spirit. I didn't expect it was transmitted from such a thing."

Iceberg is also interested in looking at this translucent bat like object.

"Tell me what you are."

"Well, besides, you'd better explain it."

"Or I'll kill you the next moment."

At this time, tiaomaus also took puchuan, a little dog, and asked directly.

"Don't kill me."

"I am a member of the temple. If you kill me, the adults of the temple will not let you go."

"If you're going to let me go, I promise I won't do it to you."

Puchuan said quickly.

"Well, the temple?"

"It seems that I have been exposed to something terrible."

"Do you have a map of the world?"

Night pupil says slowly.

After all, if you have a map, you will soon be able to find your way back.


"This thing, u, is not allowed to exist."

Puchuan, a little dog, was also a little frightened.

Especially when the two words of the map were said, the feeling of fear was clearly displayed.


With the eye of writing wheel, you can see that this guy is not lying.

In other words, maps are not allowed to exist in this world.

But why is there such a strange setting?!

"Boss, can I have this?"

The ice wheel pill stares at the translucent spirit seed in the night pupil's hand, one face looks forward to saying.


"Here you are, theomius."

Ye Tong raised his hand and directly threw the spirit seed in his hand to theomius.

"Thank you, master."

Theomius swallowed the seed directly.

Then, there was a strange energy coming out of theomaus.

And soon, after all this energy has been conserved.

"Master, this thing can enhance my strength."

"What's more, I feel that my speed has increased a little bit."

Theomius also said directly.

Hearing this, it's his turn to be surprised.

You know, teomaus's speed is very buggy.

Now, it's just eating a spirit, and you've got a promotion!

Such a thing is a good thing!

Originally wanted to leave here as soon as possible night pupil, in the heart also had the new idea.

Teomaus, who wanted to leave here quickly.

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