"Tell Lord IM, this way..."

"Nandinglev, gather at the airport with all your fighters

Before nandinglev finished speaking, the voice of IM came from the loudspeaker.


After nandingliev finished, he also disappeared into the room.

Soon, CP0 to 9 all appeared in the airport.

The first is the five old stars.

And shanks, too, is standing among them.

He is now one of the five old stars.

Originally, he was a descendant of Tianlong people. He was adopted by Roger after the war in the valley of God.

However, he has never forgotten that he is a dragon.

That's why the whole crew of their ship didn't eat the devil's fruit.

As for Roger, they did not meet the right one.

In front of the five old stars are im and Roy.

At this time, two faces, also showed a dignified look.

After all, they don't know exactly what purpose these guys are coming for.

And at this time, they don't want to fight.

"Lord Roy, Lord im."

"Grote Yetong, former leader of Xiao organization, come to peace talks!"

Just when everyone was very nervous, there was a heavy voice coming from the front end of Hades.

"Peace talks?"


For a moment, all people's hearts are raised a burst of doubt.

What's the point of such a battle? It's like coming over for peace talks?!

Besides, there are not only people from Xiao organization coming here, but also from other forces!

"We have great sincerity."

"As long as you don't trade slaves and violate the rights and interests of other countries, we can live in peace in the future."

Night Tong said again.

"Grot's point of view represents the justice of our Navy!"

"Grot's point of view represents the will of my white beard!"

"Grot's view of the night pupil


Later, one by one, the strong also came forward to express their views.

At this time, Im and Roy also determined the purpose of their coming.

"Grot night pupil, do you think that this kind of lineup is trying to intimidate us?"

"You are so many of you come here, we can still let you stay, do you believe it or not?"

Tim also stood up and said directly.

"IM, don't be so angry!"

"Our apprentices didn't want to dominate the world or anything."

"So neither of us has been in charge of his business."

"Of course, if you're sure you're going to get in the way of him, we'll do the same."

"If you think the two of us, together with the night pupil and manster, can't kill you, then go on like this!"

At this time, the voice of King Ming Hao came.


Tim wanted to say something, but then Roy reached out and grabbed her.

"We are willing to take your advice, grot."

"At the same time, we also hope that we can establish a complete trading chain."

"Of course, we hope to be able to make the shampoo islands and mariechia our autonomous regions. Other requirements are not."

Roy also stood up and said quickly.


Ye Tong agreed without hesitation.

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