"Well, let's go over and talk about it."

"My teacher's spirit now has half a body. It is estimated that it will soon become a separate spirit."

"It should have something to do with evolution. My snow cherry is special. Its ability is to copy, so it also copies my human form."

Night Tong also made up a sentence.

Indeed, no matter how many girls or night pupils.

They are strange beings to this kind of spirit.

If you have any understanding, how much can you have?

There are only a few contacts.

"Well, I hope my spirit can become such a cute baby."

Daski said with a smile.


At this time, a powerful energy instantly oppressed several people.

"This is..."

"Come on, you go into Shenwei space. What terrible existence has come over..."

Night pupil some anxious say.

At the same time, it also directly opened the Shenwei space.

"Night pupil..."


Not waiting for the garden to say anything, he was immediately involved in a force of space and disappeared in front of the night pupil.

And then, ooh, guyna disappeared.

I didn't even say a word.

Daski because of in the night pupil's side, is directly pulled into the divine power space.

Then, she pulled Bonnie on one side and threw it into the Shenwei space.

But night pupil, but did not escape by the power of this space swept.

Then it disappeared into the misty forest.

I don't know how many years have passed.

The consciousness of night pupil returns slowly.

Just after being involved in the whirlpool of space, a strong spiritual impact directly made that night pupil lose consciousness.

"I am..."

Night pupil slowly stood up, looking at the strange environment around, some of the said.

"Only garden, guyna!"

A few seconds later, the night pupil suddenly stood up and yelled loudly.

At the same time, it's also a way to spread out all the things you've seen and heard.

The exploration ability of writing wheel eye was the maximum.

But to my disappointment, nothing was found.

Just like when I entered the Greenwood before, I couldn't see any creatures at all.

Besides trees, there are trees.

"It looks like it's a random vortex, and I don't know where they're being transported."

Night pupil sat on the ground, a face dignified said.

I tried the engraving left on them before, but there was still no way to transfer it.

Sure enough, to set the engraving here, in order to complete the space transmission ah!

Later, the night pupil reaches out his hand to call daski and Tina out.

"Yetong, where are the three sisters?"

Daski and Tina quickly asked as soon as they came out.

Tina also learned what happened to them here, so she also looked at the night pupil with concern.

"We should be..."

Night pupil is also a simple explanation.

"Now, let's go to the city first. Only if we have a certain popularity in the city, they will come to our side by themselves."

"Random transmission. I don't know where they're going to be sent."

Night pupil some helpless say.

However, according to the ability of the two people, even in this LUSHEN, there should be self-protection.

"Tina knows."

"Where shall we go first?"

Tina said slowly.

"Go to aurox first. The iceberg guy should have taken control of it."

After the night pupil finished, he also put the three people into the divine power space and stepped out directly.

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