"It's a ship in the night."

"It's all dark, even a little bit like a ghost ship!"

At this time, the lookout hand also quickly came to the night pupil in front of, slowly said.

"Ghost ship?"

"No, Brooke, this guy, should have left the West Sea."

Ye Tong has some doubts.

After all, it's been a long time. Why is the ghost ship still in the west sea?

"It's not a ghost ship. It's not the same boat we saw before."

The lookout hand said again.


"The West Sea Is it that guy? "

Think of here, night Tong thought of a person.

That's the eerie three masted sailboat, the moonlit pirate crew, the captain moonshine Moria!

"Hey, if it's this guy, there must be a lot of good things!"

Thinking of this, the night pupil is full of energy.

"Moonlight Moria, 189 million."

"The night pupil goes to school, such existence, we..."

Tina is worried.

You know, moonlight Moria is not comparable to the pirates we met before.

If there is a battle, it is not ordinary!

Even if the strength of the navy has been improved to a certain extent, compared with this pirate group, there are still some deficiencies!

Even if there are generals, they will be hesitant in the face of them.

"It's OK. I'm not going to fight!"

"Mr. Yixiao, let's go."

Night pupil is also directly to the side of a smile said.


A smile directly pulled out his long knife, cut a stone, two people also fell on it.

Towards the ship ahead.

Seeing Yetong leave, Tina is also a little helpless.

Soon, they also landed on the strange three masted yacht.

"Negative ghost!"

Just as they showed up here, one ghost after another rushed to two people.

"Overlord destroys God!"

Waiting for these ghosts to touch the night pupil, a powerful mental attack spreads out instantly.

Originally was rushing to the night pupil, their ghosts, also one by one, fell on the ground and disappeared.


"Are you here to arrest me?"

At this time, a huge figure slowly came out.

"You're going to Marlin van dor, I suppose?"

"The location of Qiwu sea, you will have it."

"So now, I'm not going to fight you!"

Night pupil also says directly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Moria was puzzled.

"What Qiwu sea?"

He is still very interested in what ye Tong said. Besides, a navy that doesn't attack pirates.

He was more interested.

After hearing Moria's words, Yetong remembered.

It seems that this guy was invited after the sand crocodile lockdale was stripped of the title of qiwuhai.

But it doesn't hurt much. Now Luo is still young.

Now, there are only seven people who can be selected for qiwuhai.

As for Blackbeard, it's still on the white beard boat!

Soon, Ye Tong also told Moria what Qiwu sea was.

What's more, qiwuhai can enjoy privileges and things like that.

"I think you recommend me to be qiwuhai, with conditions?"

After listening to Ye Tong's introduction, moonlight morria also asked directly.


"I want you to go to the new world, find the white bearded pirates, and tell me where they are."

Night pupil also says directly.

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