And there's something wrong with Perth pan here.

Isn't there a map of the world here?

Why, this guy, can find his way to the next city in a world where the trees look the same?

"Perth pen, I have something to ask you."

After turning more than one hundred turns, Ye Tong couldn't help asking.

"What can I do for you, my Lord Yetong?"

Perth pan quickly came to the night pupil, a face of humility said.

After the night pupil had taken over this place, Perth Pan said that he was the first to surrender.

At the beginning, the four of them had seen the power of night pupil.

Not to mention, the night pupil also came with a helper.

These guys, one by one, are as powerful as the temple elders, and he doesn't dare to provoke them at will.

"I won't ask about maps."

"In this world without maps, how can you accurately find the route?"

The night pupil says his doubt quickly.

After all, such a thing, but related to the future of the journey to find garbage!

"It's very simple. "

" we all have pass orders. "

"In the pass order, there is a record of the route. This record can only be directly perceived between neighboring cities. "

"That is to say, if you want to go to other cities, you need to go through them."

Perth Pan said quickly.

At the same time, it also took out the pass order.

On top of it, there's a forward direction command.

Generally, their orders are carried by spirits, so they can know the direction at the first time.


"Where can I get it?"

Ye Tong asked again.

Something like a simple navigator.

Although it has great limitations, its role here is self-evident.

"It's all from the temple."

"You are all outsiders. If you go to the temple, you will become their temple people."

"If you don't agree, you'll basically die."

"The strongmen of the temple are many."

Perth pen said with a solemn face.

You should know that he follows Ye Tong and has his own ideas.

If they died because they had offended the temple.

Here, what he had planned to do was completely destroyed.

"I see."

"Go on."

Night Tong said, but also let him continue to move forward.

Soon, they came to a region of white fog.

"Lord Yetong, we can't move on."

"At this time, we need to fire flares, and then let people in this city open the city barriers."

"So that we can pass safely."

When Perth pan got here, he stopped.

Hearing this, Ye Tong's face also showed a smile.

"No more flares."

"Mr. Yixiao, you can also practice your hands. The spirit seed I mentioned is in here."

Night pupil a face flat say.


"You You don't want to hunt for spirits, do you? "

Perth Pan's face, also at this time, became a little frightened.

Even the spirit hunters in the temple dare not directly enter a white fog forest without any arrangement.

After all, no one knows what kind of spirit will appear in a strange area!

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