This is Ha ha ha, flying beast

"And it looks like this. It should be a top-notch beast. It will be great if it is used as a mount."

"Pay attention to me. I'll take this ice Phoenix down."

"Who catches it, a hundred thousand bounties, ten beauties, and one hundred slaves!"

Before the night pupil asked Perth pan what kind of city it was, there was an arrogant voice below.

"It seems that this city, like his name, is not a peaceful city."

Night Tong smiles, directly came to such a conclusion.

"Give it to me."

"I've been flying in the air these days, and I've got free time."

Kukuli stood up directly and went to the root of Binghuang's wings.

"Well, it's OK to fight, but try not to kill people, and stay alive to ask questions."

"And it's not as bad as offending people."

The night pupil says calmly.

Hearing this, kukuli also nodded, indicating that he knew.

"Mate, I know you're angry."

"But if you grow up alone and grow up with a partner, shouldn't you choose the latter?"

Kukuli took out his own and said with a smile.

Originally, Yetong intended to help them tame the spirit species completely.

But all three refused.

Because, they all have the heart of the strong.

If it's just a spirit, they can't subdue it, let alone what, and then they have to ascend.

So, all three are communicating with their own spirits in their own way.


Kukuli's spirit also gave him a response.

After that, kukuli flew directly, and his long stick was also aimed at the ground.

"Just don't kill people, we aim at their legs If you go up a little bit, you won't die, right? "

Kukuri said here, the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more strange.


"Poof, poof & amp; poof"

In a moment, with a huge trigger.

It exploded in the air just as it came out of the chamber.

"Ah! My legs... "

"Ah, NIMA, my XX!"

"Horizontal trough, this% I don't even have stubble left for me! "


Originally, some people who wanted to attack Binghuang also made a scream and abuse voice one by one.

Hearing this sound, the night pupil is also slightly pumping on the face.

This library is really

Later, the night pupil also opened its wings, directly into the air to slide down.

After landing on the ground, kukuli stood majestically in front of him.

"All right, don't bow to the pose."

"Who ordered you to kill my mount?"

The night pupil asks coldly.

After hearing the night pupil's words, everyone also closed his mouth instantly.

Even if you want to scream again, you dare not.

Because when ye Tong said this sentence, he directly opened the eye of writing wheel. With the evil breath, he was dancing behind him.

What's more, the man who attacked them was obviously just a little brother.

This person, should be the boss of the kind of existence.

My little brother is so cruel and inhumane.

As a boss, it must be a dangerous and terrifying existence.

Soon, they used all their strength to move away from the position and highlight the person who had just given the order.

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