"Yes, I really don't have the right to be in charge of your business."

"But here you are, in my way."

"So now you choose to leave and let me in?"

"Or let me drive you all away, and then I'll go in myself?"

Said Charlotte manster, also taking a long gun out of her sleeve.

After feeling the breath of Charlotte manster's outburst, shanks was a little frightened.

This kind of breath has gone beyond their breath.

You can even feel the same powerful breath as the guardian.

Although there is no battle yet, shanks can be sure that Charlotte manster's strength is not too weak.


Shanks said, recalling all the argyman mangrove trees and the crew of his ship, and then went back to his ship and gave way to Charlotte manster.

Charlotte manster saw this, but did not say much. She jumped up and rushed into the colorful island.

He had been chasing peach to help them.

Just now, he sensed the breath of Kato replica here, so he came here.

If it wasn't, he wouldn't want to go in.

It's also that shanks is too eager. If you wait another day, it won't happen.

When Charlotte manster disappeared, shanks continued to stare at the island.

According to his speed, he should be able to cross this side soon.

Besides, this guy is chasing people, and he can leave the area soon.

A day later, shanks started his plan again.

At this time, the island on this side suddenly disappeared when they were ready to start.

"This Damn it

"Contact Raleigh. The island is gone."

"See if he can locate it there?"

Shanks looked at the blue sea and sky in front of her, and said in a certain exasperation.

"Shanks, I'll put you on the phone here."

At this time, lakelow also took the phone bug and went to shanks.

"Who? |"

" shanks, long time no see! |"

" why, has it become so powerful now? "

At this time, a familiar voice came out of the phone.

"Captain Roger!"

After hearing the voice on the phone, shanks's face changed and said hesitantly.

"Yes, I remember I was the captain?"

"I thought I had raised a white eyed Wolf for so many years."

"Shanks, what do you want to do now and why do you plant your hand at God?"

"Don't you know what the arkeman mangrove here is for?"

Roger asked again.

With Roger's question, shanks had nothing to answer.

Because no matter how he answers here, it's wrong.

The role of Shenzhi, he knows that his actions may also cause problems to Shenzhi.

However, now he has only one way to make them quickly increase to the strength of guardians.

If you don't have the strength of the guardian, maybe this disaster can't be avoided at all!

Besides, shanks is not a man who likes to hide.

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