"No, Tina's abilities are locked in."

"Although that guy has been sealed by you, the influence left before is still there."

Tina said helplessly.

"So are we. All of a sudden, the spirit seeds that have been with us for such a long time can't be used. We are really not used to it!"

Said guyna slowly.


"Snow cherry, come out."

The night pupil calls out the snow cherry directly.

At this time, Xueying, holding his snow white sword in his hand, shrank into a group with trembling face.

"Is it so terrible?"

"That guy, I was defeated."

The night pupil one face ponders says.


"Master, can you beat that guy?"

Snow cherry some tremble, towering stand up, a face of doubt said.

"Mm-hmm, it has been sealed by ice wheel pills. I don't know if he is dead, but I can't go out to do something for the time being."

Night Tong said again.

He was a little confused.

How did Xueying suddenly change her face when she heard that the Lord croya was defeated.

Even the night pupil could sense the change of his breath.

"Those guys, are not all invincible?"

"Master, you can defeat him

Snow cherry a face startled say.

After all, this situation has never been heard of before.

Therefore, Xueying will have such doubts.

"Yes, I beat him!"

"No, Xueying, what do you want to say, can you say it all at once?"

Night pupil is also some helpless said.

After all, Xueying here said something, it is really too appetizing.


"Ha ha ha, I said, these guys are invincible!"

"I don't have to be afraid of these anymore."

Snow cherry says, fly up directly.

A happy face, flying in the air.

"I'll go, that's all right?"

Night pupil a face of wonder.

Even if it's a panacea, it's not so fast, right?

Didn't they have been sealed by the power of the Lord of croya?

How, I said this guy was defeated by himself, snow cherry returned to normal ah?!

"Night pupil, Tina's spirit is back to normal."

Tina raises her hand, and a field of energy appears in her hand.

"My wild is restored!"

Guyna also waved her long knife, a strong energy spread out directly.


Then, all the souls of this side were restored.

Of course, Magellan has no way to test. There are some bugs in this guy's ability.

"Do you mean Is this guy's ability something like a spiritual spell? "

"As long as you say some specific words, you can get rid of it!"

Night pupil some doubt says.

After all, there seems to be no other explanation besides this one.

"Maybe it is."

"But such a thing, let us also have some preparation and experience."

"At that time, we will have a certain resistance when we meet the vice Temple master of the temple again."

Only garden said quickly.

You know, this time they did not have time to fight, they directly lost all combat effectiveness.

After all, there will be some influence after the fusion with the spirit species.

Now, they don't have to worry.

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