"Well, let's have a race, who can eat fast?"

"Shanzhi has made a lot of meat. Come on!"

He yelled in the distance.

Even now, he's interested in meat.

"Bang bang bang!"

Nami instantly appeared in front of Lufei, and then went down three fists, and directly beat Lufei, who was now able to open five gears.

"I've said many times, don't yell when I'm drawing a chart!"

After leaving a word, Nami went back to the position just now and continued to draw as if nobody was there.

Luo mouth corner smoked, did not say what, obediently went to one side to eat.

Time goes by slowly until Nami draws the last curve and finishes this drawing.

This process took a whole day and a night.

During this period, Nami basically did not close her eyes.

"Finally, it's done! What a wonderful world

Nami said weakly.

"Nami sauce ~ ~"

At this time, Shanzhi floated over again.

"This is the tranquilizing and regulating qi soup I prepared for you. Drink it quickly and have a good sleep. Then, I'll prepare a big meal for you

Shanzhi quickly handed a bowl of soup to Nami in front of her, a pig like face said.

"Well, thank you, Shanji."

Nami smiles and drinks the soup.

After drinking, also directly returned to their own room, washed a bubble bath, rest.

Cruer, on the other hand, is looking forward to Shanji.

"I've been working all day. Do I have some soup and a big meal?"

Said cruer slowly.

"Well, go to your captain, you are not a member of my pirate crew!"

Yamaji dropped a word and left.

He's going to prepare the ingredients for his dear Nami sauce. How can he manage this guy?!

It was not until evening that Nami woke up.

After eating the love nutritious meal prepared by Shanzhi, he also picked up the phone bug directly.

"Dudu, Dudu, Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, Lu Jie and they are still looking for the next island.

"Lu Jie, straw hat, they called!"

Perrona with the phone bug, floating in front of Lu Jie, slowly said.

"Luffy, why do you call me again if you have nothing to do?"

After Lu Jie mumbled, he connected the phone directly.

"Hello, this is Lu Jie."

Lu Jie said directly.

"Brother Lu Jie, I'm Nami! Is sister nochigo there? "

Nami asked directly.

After hearing Nami's words, Lu Jie shook his head helplessly. It seems not to find their own, it is really amorous ah!

"Nochigo, Nami is looking for you!"

Lu Jie also contacted nocchigo directly through liwil Millie.

Soon, nochigo was here.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Asked nochigo, somewhat puzzled.

"Sister, I've drawn a chart of us from here to the outside. Do you want to know if you want to see it?"

Nami said, somewhat treacherously.

After hearing Nami's words, nocchio's face also showed a look of interest.

However, this mood was immediately suppressed.

"Oh, I see. If you want me to give you some advice, you can show it to me. "

"If it's to show off, forget it!"

After nuocchio pressed his excitement, he said indifferently.

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