After hearing the words of Lord croya, the expression of hesitation appeared on the night pupil's face.

This thing can make the proud Lord of croya make such evaluation, that is to say, the strength of this thing is really some powerful.

"It's not a puppet, is it?"

After Ye Tong finished, he also looked at the owl of croya on one side.

"No, he's a spirit!"

"A super ferocious spirit."

"We not only devour our own hosts, but also directly devour the ones that our virtual puppets attach themselves to."

There was a look of fear in his eyes.

Hearing this, Ye Tong did not continue to speak.

It's coming up to this giant creature.

"Hello, are you Kun?"

The night pupil says calmly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the creature that was moving forward was also stopped.


Then, a big head, straight out.

He yelled at the night pupil.

This voice is like the cry of a soul from the depths of the abyss.

I don't know what kind of species it is, but I can feel the sadness in it.

"Ang! [my Peng, I can't find it! ??????

then, after the giant creature continued to cry, the night pupil could hear the meaning clearly.

His Peng, can't be found.

This guy is really Kun?!

However, in their own memory, this Kunpeng is not the same thing?

Kunfu rocked up to 90000 Li and then turned into Dapeng. That's a hundred thousand miles.

"Peng, is that him?"

"Theomius, come out! As big as the incarnation itself can be

Night pupil one face bad smile says.

If there is no difference between this and my guess, maybe the beast here is the Kun among the deities!

All this stuff!

Moreover, as long as you eat, you can grow rapidly.

Even after growing to a certain degree, you can have new abilities.

The main thing is, this thing has no evolutionary end.

In other words, as long as he can eat all the time, he can continue to evolve.

Who knows what the end point of Kun is.


Here teomaus murmured, then spread his wings and began to grow bigger.

You know, theomius here is a fusion of the spirit of the air Dragon.

In other words, he not only has a super powerful force of space, but also can exert the force of space on himself, making his body become incomparably huge.

In the night Tong said let him grow bigger, tiomarus also did not hesitate to become a big bird.

Even, his head has reached the sky.


After that, theomius also cried out.


This strange animal, raised its head, and then slowly sat on the ground.

This kind of scene, looks incomparably strange! ,

you know, this guy is just like a fish!

Can you imagine what a fish looks like sitting on the ground?

"Lo, take everyone out!"

"positioning, then locate the essence of my life!"

At this time, Ye Tong also sent a message to Luo.

"Yes, chief."


Luo directly uses his own ability and takes Lufei out of Kun's stomach.

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