"Hum, now you know the importance of my family?"

"You have to apologize for the past things and me, and make sure that I won't be put in my house in the future."

"In that case, I can forgive you."

Xiaoyao also said with a smile.

"I promise!"

"It wasn't you who said too much before that I would seal you up."

"I promise I won't do it again."

"At the same time, I apologize for what I did to you before!"

"I'm sorry!"

Night pupil also says directly.

When is it? What mood do you have to do with these things?!

All they need now is time. They don't have much time.

Xu here must be aware of their action, and the night before the pupil went there, but also got a small ice fire.

The appearance of this small ice fire also let Xu know that there are people here that he can't control.

Believe, this side empty also already had to prepare to his hand's intention.

If this is the case, the night pupils here will be in danger.

It can be said that as long as it is targeted, it is impossible to escape.

So now, the night pupil needs to understand the existence of this void in the shortest time.

Then, to improve their own strength, let themselves in front of the virtual, to have the strength of a war, not?!

Although their own strength now has surpassed the Fengyue them.

However, in the face of the mysterious void, the night pupil is not a little bit sure!

"It's not true that you admit your mistake so easily."

"I want you to admit your mistake sincerely."

"Mm-hmm For example, say it three times! "

"I will believe that you really think you are wrong!"

This side of the small demon tangled for a long time, but also think the better way to say.

"I'm sorry, demon. I'm wrong. 1 "

" sorry monster, I was wrong. "

"I'm sorry, demon. I'm wrong."


Night pupil quickly said a few times, after I was wrong, - is also to see the demon.

At this time, the little demon is not calm.

Isn't it said that these strong people have their own self-esteem, face ah and so on?

Why this night pupil, a bit of such consciousness is not ah?!

"Well, I'll tell you to do it!"

"In fact, I also came out of the void."

"This void should not be a special creature, but a channel."

"And this passage should lead to our world. But the timeline, some changes. "

"There must be a different timeline for the three of us to come into this world. And the time here is not the same as ours. "

"Virtual puppet's words are also a kind of energy body coming out of emptiness. In fact, it is similar to another kind of energy body."

"But the biggest difference between them and the other is that they have their own complete consciousness, and they come out with the memory in the void before."

Xiaoyao also said quickly.

"In this case, are you and Kun a special puppet?"

Night Tong hears here, also can't help but ask a way.

"Yes, not really."

"Because our will is not affected by emptiness."

"I've always been there before, not because I want to avoid people in the world, but because I want to understand Xu!"

The little demon said again.

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