Even in the eyes of the small demon, and even in the eyes of the small.

You are a powerful channel, so what? I can leave if I want to.

And the creatures you summon are not weak, but you can't attack or imprison them.

"I think I know."

"Well, let's sort out the information we have now."

"Emptiness should be a conscious channel, and then, for what purpose, is opening up the invasion of the whole world!"

"Then the dummy, the spirit species and us are all creatures from another world."

"Now what we have to do is clean up the puppets and understand why the world here is going to be cleared."

"Will that be the case?"

Night pupil finish saying, also be some hesitant say.

"That's it

"But it's no use just knowing the theory."

"As for the things you just said, if you were to be an ordinary person, you might not be able to do them for a lifetime."

Kun also said slowly.

After all, these things are easy to say.

But how many virtual puppets and spirits there are in the whole world.

Are there people like them from another world who want to invade the whole world?

What's more, the enemies are all puppets now?

Are virtual puppets enemies?

What about the spirit seed? Is it an enemy or a friend?

There are too many such problems.

If you want to verify one by one, you can't do it without decades of time.

"Lord croyah, do you still know the position of the vice Temple masters?"

Ye Tong raised his hand and called out the owl of croya.

"I don't know where they are anymore."

"Except me, I have always been resident in the temple."

"The others have their own chassis in the Greenwood. But they themselves are often not in their own places. "

"So I don't know if you ask me that for a while."

Said the Lord croya with a face of injustice.

It's like what kind of grievances have been suffered here in the night pupil.

"Well, what about the garbage I want you to make?"

"Give it to me quickly."

Night Tong said again.

Hearing this, the owl of croya also left his shoes and torn clothes on the ground.

The night pupil sees a shape, also be to pick up these directly.

Then, looking at the side of the small demon and Kun.

"What am I doing?"

"I have only one piece of clothes. If you want me to take them off for you, I will have no clothes."

"When my body is seen by you, you should be responsible for me!"

The little demon sees the night pupil to look at her. Is also a face of shame said.

The night pupil sees this kind of situation, also be a suffocation.

This little demon is just a demon!

Changed to the general person, estimated this time, has already surrendered!

"I'm not talking about undressing you!"

"My ability is to pick up garbage and become stronger. The more powerful people throw away the garbage, the more energy I can get."

"Well, I need you to throw some rubbish on the ground."

Night pupil is also a quick explanation.

You know, you already have five women.

What's more, the little demon here doesn't know how big an old woman she is.

At the thought of the age and noumenon of the little demon, I don't know why, but the night pupil still has some conflicts.

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