The space in front of diknos also began to tear up and become a little bit of particles, dissipated.

And diknos hands in front of a huge black hole with the disappearance of space, slowly presented.

Slowly expand, good, black beard spread over.

As the space in front of diknos also gradually collapsed, Brooke was shocked out of glasses, completely a super funny demeanor.

"Dicknos, you guy This guy is also destroying space? "

The man next to dinocles did not agree.

"He is using drugs to make drugs, but we are in an awkward situation now."

"No matter who wins, we are all the fish in the pool who will be affected."

Although they are with dikonos, this guy seems to release his power, just like Blackbeard, he doesn't care about the people around him.

Dikonus also raised his other hand in the split void.

At the next moment, the void, which had been divided by dikonus, was also reorganized again.

Even the space split by the black house was reorganized by this destruction and creation.

At the next moment, dikonos divided the space split by the black house earthquake and reorganized it.

Of course, diknos is still guessing, but it depends on practice. It depends on this.

Both klockdall and dorfminger were surprised to see dikonos suddenly join the divided world.

This guy should fight with Blackbeard. Since Blackbeard is destroying the space, dikonos should repair the space. Why did they tear up the space at the same time?

When the destruction of space black beard as the origin of the spread of more than a kilometer around, finally hit the dikonos hands released the ability.

The two divided spaces suddenly collide together, and the competition between differentiated fruit and dark fruit and shaking fruit.

Where the two energies intersect, the space instantly forms a twist, whether it is the broken space or the dark chaos.

Diknos and Blackbeard had sweat on their foreheads.

"What is the origin of this guy? It seems that we have to ask willstena and Doran Forrest Gump. How dare these two guys pit me?!! When I've solved the guy in front of me, I'll go to their trouble again

After obtaining the shock fruit, Diqi has greatly improved its strength and confidence.

On the other hand, diknos is panting, and his physical fitness is also rapidly declining.

But dikonos also found that the opposite black beard was more uncomfortable, a mouthful of blood constantly gushed out.

You know, at this time, the black bearded emperor wizard had just acquired the ability to shake the fruit, so he could not control it perfectly. Even now, he can see the rhythm of coughing blood from the mouth shape of black beard.

"Dickie's legs are shaking. He can't hold on."

Hearing vilsdona's words on one side, diknos was also happy.

Blackbeard was in a bad condition. At the same time, he made another effort in his hands, and the world of differentiation was overwhelmed by his ability, and the distorted space disappeared in an instant.

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