Lu Jie, who stepped out of space, also appeared on the sea again.

"When I'm bored, I like to come to this world."

"I know it's fake, but it's still interesting."

"But don't worry, soon you will not be fake."

After Lu Jie finished, he also drew an array.

With the completion of the array painting, Yang Hua's face also showed a smile.

After the things are settled, Lu Jie returns to his room to have a rest.

Now there is nothing to do, just waiting for the answer of the dragon.

Three days later, long also found Lu Jie.

Looking at the smile on the dragon's face, we can see that he has already talked with fur people.

This guy's mouth is evasive. It's estimated that he has a fight with Naruto.

"Well, has the matter been dealt with here? Has Magellan told you? "

Lu Jie also said slowly.

"Well, I've already told you. But I'm not going to do it. They've been with me for a long time. I think they know what I'm going to do. Therefore, there is no need to do these things, otherwise it will make many people cold. After all, it's not good to clean it up in this way. "

The Dragon said slowly.

"Yes, you should consider these things yourself. When shall we start? "

Lu Jie asked again.

"As soon as you know, we don't have much time. If you do something like this one day earlier, you can move on to the next step earlier. By the way, this is the historical text you want. "

After the Dragon finished speaking, he also directly took out a huge red stone.

This stone was put by Lu Jie before. I didn't expect to get it back after a few years.

"Well, I'll call them and get ready to go."

After Lu Jie finished, he also left directly.

Soon, after calling on perrona and her party, they also set out directly.

This time, they set out on frog Island, because at this time, liwil Millie was still in Lujie's space and did not wake up, so they could not use the leville for the time being.

Although Lu Jie can still be summoned out, without Millie's leville, she directly lost her power.

Therefore, Lu Jie also directly chose frog island.

As time went by, under the guidance of bear's life card, they also came to a windless zone.

I didn't expect that this submarine Research Institute was built here.

However, this is still a good thing for Lu Jie.

After all, there is no wind belt, but there are a lot of his friends who can help.

"It's here, but if we get close, we'll be scanned.

Moreover, there are ten generals stationed here. As long as there is a battle, the Navy will arrive here in the shortest time.

Therefore, we have not taken any rash action. " The dragon also said directly.

"You use it as the outer part of the sea floor, right?"

Lu Jie also said slowly.

"Yes, or it would be fatal if we didn't use the sea floor stone here. You know, there are a lot of super sea king without wind belt. "

The dragon also said helplessly.

This is also a problem, if you want to directly break through the seabed, you have to face these powerful Sea King species.

And a super sea king class, the strength in the sea is beyond the general.

Even if the sea knight is very flat, he will not have the idea to collide with these existence.

"I know all the details. Then, let's see my performance next! "

After Lu Jie said that, he also directly snapped his finger, and a row of feeding machines also appeared on the Bank of frog island.

Then, Lu Jie also went to the main switch, directly turned on all the machines.

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