At this time, Ye Tong began to investigate the identity of these people.

After a simple understanding, the night pupil came out of the house.

"They are all secondary hall Lord level existence, and this side has been basically confirmed. They do not know what kind of existence the so-called Temple master is."

"This temple master, I think, is the existence of our final surprise stage."

Night pupil a face dignified say.

You know, this side of the main hall of the existence of the level, it has been a little difficult for them.

Although it can be dealt with, but it can not do anything like rolling.

It's all night pupils. They use their special abilities to surprise or sneak attack. And even if they do, it is still very difficult for them to fight.

Whether it's in the mouth of the Lord crocea, or in the mouth of the other Vice Chancellors.

The temple master is an invincible existence.

They did not even have the power to fight back before the master's orders.

What's more, don't say anything about them. What's more, even the Lord crocea said it.

If you let him fight with Ye Tong again, he may not lose.

"Well, what should we do at this time?"

Only garden also has some doubts to say.

After all, among them, Ye Tong's strength is the best.

Even Xiaoyao and Kun are not necessarily the opponents of Yetong.

Therefore, to make a decision at this time, the night pupil is definitely the most suitable person.

"I think at this time, we should look for the most special existence."

"When we find her, we may get some explanation for our problems."

"Besides, I always feel that this existence should not be our enemy."

At this time, guyna on one side also said directly.

"Guyna, what are you talking about?"

People are looking at Gu Yina, after all, there are only a few people here who can know the problem.

But now they are in contact with many beings, and they have no understanding of the so-called hall master.

"Do you remember a man?"


"Saud D d'Avril!"

Guyna said again.

"Do you mean the teacher's mother?"

"But, like these guys, he's a vice Temple Lord."

"If we want to get information from her, there will be a big war."

Dasky said with some misgivings.

"I don't think so!"

"She obviously didn't want to fight us before."

"What's more, you can sort out the information that Ye Tong said. This SODD Avril is likely to have contact with the Fengyue teacher outside!"

"So the question is, if Saud D d'Avril is really just a deputy hall master, why does Fengyue continue to contact her here?"

"Then, I will tell her all the information about my apprentice."

Said guyna again.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Is there really something wrong with Saud D d'Avril?!

"But even if we want to find her now, we don't know where she is!"

Night pupil some helpless.

Although I know that there must be a lot of problems with Saud D Avril, but judging from the situation, I can't find her at all!

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