You know, all the people here are very powerful!

So, at the first time, they came out.

"Yetong, are you ok?"

People are quickly appeared in front of them, a look of concern asked.

At the same time, some of their eyes are on the body of SODD D Avril.

"Well, everybody, Saud D d'Avril is not our enemy."

"Now she is our partner."

"We don't have to go to other people now. Now I just need you to do one thing for me."

"I'll give you a part of me and let the air Dragon give the coordinates of the big city."

"You take it with you and collect the garbage. My sub body will carry the garbage collection station, which will increase some opportunities for our fight at that time!"

Night pupil says directly.

"Garbage collection!"

One side of SODD D Avril was stunned.

Why, to collect garbage?!

"It's one of his quirks, collecting garbage before or during a fight."

"The more garbage he collects, the more effective he will be."

"I don't know what kind of ability it is."

's garden is also unable to help make complaints about it.

Although Ye Tong confessed to them.

However, such a thing, really do not know how to explain it!

The only explanation is ability.

After all, people in the world have all kinds of abilities, so it's not surprising that they have such abilities.

"You have a lot in common with that man."

"I have some friendship with one of his women, and she also said that this man will have some strange behaviors when he is fighting."

"Even the purpose of fighting, sometimes, is for something illusory."

"What's more, the reason they're together is because of that guy's special ability."

Said Saud D d'Avril.

"Well, we don't have to talk about these things for the time being."

"Go straight ahead. We don't know when the fight will start."

"Air Dragon, you take me to one of the big cities."

Night pupil also says directly.

After all, time is limited here.

After the night pupil finished, the empty dragon on this side also directly took him away from here.

Other people's side, also stands a night pupil's sub body.

"This ability is a little fun."

Saud D d'Avril laughed and left with a split.

Soon, they were all gathered here, but all of them disappeared.


One day later.

"This is where their last breath should disappear."

"What's more, there are traces of fighting around here."

"Now they have not responded. They should have been killed by the enemy."

A man at the head said in exchange.

He is Lu Jie's deputy, bockmus!

"Indeed, I find it strange here, too."

"Greenwood has been under our rule for so many years."

"These strong men have never been seen before."

"That is to say, they come from the outside. In other words, maybe it's the old man's hometown, or it's the blue ocean that comes out of some powerful existence

Here, another deputy of Lu Jie, clarisso.

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