King City of Jingnan.

Once again, a group of Creators gathered in the main hall of the royal palace.

But there are not many people, only a dozen people, far from being compared with the last time.

The last time was due to the panic that spread due to the advance of the Triple Alliance, hundreds of people crowded almost every corner of the hall, representing more than 50,000 creators in the city.

After all, the area of the main hall is limited, and it is impossible to accommodate the huge scale of tens of thousands of people, so a small number of people were chosen to speak out on behalf of the collective, and came to the queen to ask her about the progress of exploring the method of obtaining the origin, or whether she could solve the problem of stable access to the origin before the Three Kingdoms attacked the royal city.

At the moment, these dozen or so people belong to the representatives of more than 50,000 Creator Representatives, and they are basically the local big family forces in Wangcheng, each with an official position.

During these days, in addition to monitoring the queen for the creator group and calming the emotions of the creators for the queen, the rest is to perform their own duties, deal with the big and small matters that happen in the city, and be responsible for arranging the defense.

They were accompanied into the main hall by stretchers carried by several ordinary soldiers.

On a stretcher, a male corpse was lying.

The corpse was in tatters, littered with blows of various sizes, fatally a severed left shoulder, and then tilted upwards to cut off almost half of the head.

On the throne,

Leah's brows furrowed and her face was frosty.

She was so annoyed that these people below were making noise from time to time.

However, when he saw the puddle of dark green liquid dripping from the ground along the stretcher from a distance, his brow stretched slightly.

Leah got up from her throne and stepped down from the platform to the stretcher.

Under a closer look, her eyebrows couldn't help but twist again.

The blood flowing from the corpse was not only inhuman red, but even the exposed bones were not human, and it looked like countless silk threads were entangled and condensed.

"Chief Celebrant, what's going on?" asked

Leah, looking at the gray-haired old man at the front.

Among the four kingdoms, except for Pingxi, which roughly retains the original official title system of Great Xia, the other three kingdoms have evolved different class official titles according to the racial civilization world in the mainstream creator planet in the country, such as the magical civilization planet, the immortal cultivation civilization planet, and the science and technology civilization planet.

Of course, in order to facilitate communication, they are not completely separated from each other.

There are some official titles, but the four countries retain the same, such as the inspectors of foreign ministers stationed in the capital.

And as Leah said, the chief of ceremonies is equivalent to the position of prime minister.

The white-haired old man himself is an older generation of creators, and he is also the head of a big family in Wangcheng, and the clansmen in the family have also given birth to many creators, with monstrous power and great power, and he was in this position during the reign of King Jingnan.

At the same time, if the interests of the family are abandoned, the old man is also one of the few people who firmly support Leah, the legacy of King Jingnan.

In the last 'forced palace', although he took the lead in speaking, his tone always remained respectful and did not offend him in the slightest.

"Returning to the king, as the war has become more and more unfavorable in recent days, the atmosphere in the city has become more and more urgent. "

The first two encounters were also made by Lao Yu and others as a last resort.

"If you don't come forward in person, Your Majesty, and calm the hearts of the people, there will inevitably be a big chaos.

"But the people's hearts did not last long, and in the past few days, they have begun to rebound, and many people can't bear the panic in their hearts, and often have accidents outside.

"Decay cannot be suppressed too much, otherwise it may intensify the contradictions and cause greater turmoil.

"Especially the creator of it, most of these people have come from other places to gather in the royal city, and they are protected by the magicians who stay behind. The

old chief finished.

He raised his hand and pointed to the corpse on the stretcher and said

, "Your Majesty, this is the incident caused by several foreign creators today. "

According to the old man's investigation and inquiry, the antecedents were probably these creators, who were in a bad mood because they were panicked by the increasing approach of the Three Kingdoms Alliance's forces to the royal city, and accidentally bumped into this person while walking on the street, and in a fit of rage, they used him as a punching bag, and ordered the guardian magician to kill him in the street to vent his fear.

"Unexpectedly, this person is not an ordinary civilian, but he is powerful. "

Although the battle eventually killed him, it also caused serious injuries to two magicians, one of whom was almost killed by him for his previous carelessness.

Hearing this, Leah's gaze fell on the corpse again, and

she wondered

, "Not an ordinary civilian??"

One of the old political ceremonial chiefs immediately said

, "Yes, Your Majesty, according to our speculation, this person may be a genetic warrior summoned by the creator of the Andong Kingdom. Another


, "Yes, in general, genetic warriors have been transformed beyond recognition.

"In order to seek to maximize combat power, the Creator of the Andong Kingdom summoned genetic warriors is even more so.

"Some of them are very tall, strong, and explosive.

"There are also some that have been modified by different genes and are completely inhuman.

"The mages we each sent out to resist on the eastern front are often attacked by many genetic warriors, and you can tell at a glance.

"But there are a few exceptions..."

Speaking of this

, he paused,

changed his tone and continued

, "I was more interested in genetic warriors in the past, and in the peaceful years before the war, I went to Andong to study for a period of time, and at that time I saw some genetic warriors whose external appearance was almost indistinguishable from ordinary people.

"But this kind of genetic warrior is generally weaker in combat power, and it is far less powerful than this genetic warrior encountered today.

"And this person's appearance and characteristics are really similar, exactly the same as our Daxia people.

"If it weren't for the green blood he was bleeding and the bones he was experiencing, he wouldn't have been able to tell the slightest hint from his appearance.

"The genetic warriors summoned by the creator of Andong are all modified by the human race on their planet.

"These alien gene warriors, no matter how similar they are to us Great Xia people, there will be some differences in their facial features.

"However, there are many planets where the creator is fused, and there are countless human races, so it is inevitable that there will be individual exceptions, and there will be a human race in a certain Creator Technology planet of the Andong Kingdom, which looks like the Great Xia people.

"So, this person should be the genetic warrior of Andong Kingdom.

After speaking

, he added:

"This person doesn't know any immortal methods, it can't be an immortal cultivator in Zhenbei Kingdom, and his body is like this, except for the genetic warriors of Andong Kingdom, there is no one else." "


Leah's eyes narrowed slightly.

Another person suddenly came to mind.

But at this time, he didn't refute

, he just said:

"No matter what, since an Andong Gene Warrior has been lurked in, it cannot be ruled out that there are more spies of the Three Kingdoms.

"In the past few days, you have arranged for people to conduct an inventory of the entire city as much as possible.

"If there aren't enough people, then set up checkpoints at intersections around the city.

"If you can't find these spies, at least you have to compress their activity space!"

"Also, strengthen the protection of the important facilities in the city, especially the large defensive magic array, there must be no mistakes."

"Let the Creators of the city settle down and try not to go out alone. After

a few words,

Leah left under the pretext of continuing to explore ways to obtain Source Stability.

Returned to the dormitory.

Leah sat at the table, her head propped up with one hand, stunned.

In my thoughts

, I am thinking about certain things, and

I am also thinking about certain people.

It wasn't until a long time

that she turned her head to look out the window and


"Is he the one you sent in

?" "Wu Anhou?"

and "Qin Tian!"

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