
~" "Bell ~"

As the sky gradually dawned

, the bell tower located in the center of Jingnan Wangcheng rang on time, and there were bursts of long chiming bells.

Just like the uniform one-piece black robe and hat system of the people of Jingnan, the clock tower is also a major feature of Jingnan Kingdom, and basically every city stands one.

The architecture of the Intramuros is somewhat similar to that of medieval Europe.

There are large and small family castles of major families,

as well as simple towers where commoners live.

But both the castle and the tower are the same domed tops, with a 'spire' like a lightning rod on them.

Viewed from above,

the layout of the entire royal city looks like a huge circle.

In each of the four directions, a city gate was opened, surrounded by tall walls.

Beneath the city walls is a moat several meters wide, with a drawbridge corresponding to the location of the city gates.

Beyond the moat, there is an open plain as far as the eye can see, and no buildings exist.

This is the standard ancient castle structure.

In ancient Bactria, moats were dug and walls were built to ward off enemies.

However, with the development of the Creator's era, a variety of planetary creatures with vast powers and strong strength and can fly in the sky were summoned, completely making the city wall meaningless.

No matter how tall and wide the walls are, they can't stop the invasion of planetary creatures from the sky, let alone withstand their attacks.

Coupled with the needs of development, the ancient cities of various countries have become the central area of a city, and in all directions outside the city, various types of buildings such as houses or shops have spread out from afar, constituting a different form of urban ecology.

An ancient city structure like Jingnan Wangcheng may be unique in the entire Jingnan Kingdom, and even in the other three kingdoms.

Keep it that way.

Not for the sake of conservatism, of course, but for ease of defense.

Since the first King of Jingnan learned that the magician could arrange a large guardian magic defense array, he made the decision to continue the structure of the royal city.

Because of the large magic array, it can cover and protect the entire city.

The magic array needs to be maintained by mana, and the consumption is very terrifying, and it naturally cannot be sustained for a long time by relying on the magic power in the mage's body alone.

However, in the magic planets of the major creators, there is a kind of power stone called the Philosopher's Stone, which contains abundant magical power.

The magicians in the Creator's Magic Planet or the various magical technologies researched, and even the space magic battleships, all use magic stones to provide magical power.

The only pity is that

the Philosopher's Stone cannot be summoned to the outside world in large quantities.

No magical civilization creator would summon such a thing.

Even if the king of Jingnan exchanged various benefits such as money and even official positions, few people were willing to do so.

This is different from the scientists of Antonguo.

Although extraterrestrial scientists do not have the slightest strength, they belong to living organisms, living creatures, and the control is still in the hands of the Creator.

A few creators, tempted by profits, summon a person, not only to get a good reward from their own country, but also to rely on this scientist to continuously obtain more benefits.

And the Philosopher's Stone is really a one-shot deal.

Besides, wasting the already small planetary origin to summon these stones in exchange for benefits, and losing the protection of the planet's creatures, what if you have a mountain of gold and silver?

As for coercion by force, this is tantamount to offending the entire Creator community.

As the person in power, King Jingnan could not do this.

However, under normal circumstances, when the creator of Jingnan Kingdom summons a magician, in order to seek to maximize benefits, he will also let him carry a small amount of magic stones to fill the space of the origin layer as much as possible.

For this purpose, Jingnan Guo has set up a special department to be responsible for high-priced acquisitions.

However, the number is not large, and the operation of the magic array is very expensive, so it cannot be popularized in all cities on a large scale.

In addition, the royal city needs to be developed, and it cannot be confined to the original small city area.

In the past hundred years, the royal city has been expanding outward, and it was not completely fixed until more than ten years ago.

Eventually, the area of the royal city reached hundreds of thousand square kilometers, which could accommodate tens of millions of people.

Correspondingly, the magic array to be arranged to protect the royal city can be imagined how huge it is.

The magic stones accumulated over the past hundred years are only enough to use the magic array in the royal city.

And it's still a very reluctant kind, and unless it is absolutely necessary, it will not be squandered at will.


continuous chiming of "bell ~" and "bell ~"

is still rippling in the sky above the royal city.

According to the past, this prosperous city with a population of tens of millions has long since regained its vitality and began to be full of people.

But the sound of the bell lasted for a long time, but it still could not wake up the huge city that had fallen into silence.

Ever since the imperial court issued a travel restriction order, the royal city has been in this state of dead silence.

Ordinary civilians are forbidden to go out except to buy food.

Even if one person in the family goes out to buy food, they have to go through the checkpoints set up in the intersections.

The method of examination was very rude, and a wound was directly cut on the arm and a blood test was conducted!

The key point was that it was an administrative order issued on an ad hoc basis, and the preparation was insufficient and the manpower was insufficient, and it was all transferred from major departments.

In order to prevent someone from deliberately staining blood on their arms and trying to get through the level and avoid taking responsibility, they all do not recognize each other's inspections made at other checkpoints, and if they want to pass, they must draw the blood test wound again.

Walking down in a circle,

the wounds on the arms range from a dozen to dozens.

Even if it is bandaged in time, it can't withstand so many times, and some people who are already weak even faint directly due to excessive blood loss when they return home.

The people of the royal city have long complained about this.

But the court ignored it and couldn't take it into account.

At a time when the royal city was in danger, if strong measures were not implemented, it would not be the blood of the commoners, but the lives of those in the court who were in high power.

In the past few days, the gates on all sides have been closed day and night, the drawbridges have been closed, and even the initial order to only enter and exit has been cancelled.

On the city wall, there are ordinary soldiers who alternate shifts.

Their role is not to be guards, but to be on guard, and to report to the enemy when they spot an enemy or see a magic ship that has returned from reconnaissance.

At the west gate

, a famous soldier stood on the city wall with his head held high, not squinting.

Although I was tired from standing all night, I didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

Because in the tower not far from them, there sat two powerful magicians.

If you slack off, you may be blown off in the head by a stroke of magic.

The magicians in the tower are old and young.

The old man had a long beard and held a wand.

The young man had a white face, less than twenty years old, but since he could be summoned by his own creator, he must be a type of extremely talented.

The two of them were also tired, and they were talking without a match.

The summoned magicians are also human, and naturally have various physiological states of people.

Privately, they also interact with each other, but only within the circle of magicians.

"Lord Thor, we've been on duty for two days and two nights, so we should be on duty today, right?"

asked the young magician with his arm on the stone table in front of him, his head propped up with one hand, and his face tired.

"Yes, Barry, the magicians were all sent to the front line by the Creator, and there were only more than 5,000 people left in the royal city, half of them were transferred to guard the magic array, and the rest had to guard various checkpoints and important facilities, and there was a serious shortage of manpower, however, I had been notified last night, rest assured, someone will replace us today, Barry, hold on a little longer, it is estimated that when the sound of the tower bell stops, the rotation will arrive here. "

The bell?"

Barry subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction

of the center of the city, listened to the sound

of the bell, and laughed:

"Hehe," "Lord Thor

," "You say, this bell ringing..."

, "Could it be the death knell of Jingnan?"

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