One pound of meat equals one attribute point

Chapter 244: Unsealing the Demon God, Claiming to be a Chinese Medicine Practitioner

In the Tantra lineage of Skull Plain, there has always been a method of "initiation". That is, before the master sits down and passes away, he pours all his condensed magic power into his disciples. And his magic method of transforming demons in front of Su Heng was evolved based on this method.

The difference is that it changes from passive to active.

By practicing the magic of transforming demons to a high level, he can plunder the power of others for his own use.

But this technique has a limitation. The two complex powers of water and fire cannot be tolerated. Being in the same body will cause chaos, and it is easy to go crazy and self-destruct. Therefore, the two people must practice the same sect and have the same strength in order for this magic skill to be effective.

For Su Heng, this technique seemed a bit useless.

Moreover, he has an attribute panel and can directly use the Hao Sun Magic to plunder the flesh and blood essence from the warrior's body. Increasing one's own body and accumulating attribute points is much better than this evil method. Instead, Thorban came here secretly and learned this secret technique.

In such a precarious era, his motives are worth pondering.

"Could it be that Sorban plans to attack those bald men in the Tantric Sect?" Su Heng pondered for a moment, "It is indeed possible. After all, a man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time?"

The three major esoteric sects joined forces to break through the Cambrian Pass in Jiangbeizhou.

But since then, Sorban has rarely appeared, and there must be conflicts between the two.

Moreover, this guy quietly broke through to the realm above Tiangui without even letting out any news. Ding Ding was holding back a lot of bad news and was planning something, and his plans were not small.

Su Heng lowered his head and looked out the window at the empty corridor, which was silent under the moonlight. He chuckled twice, his heart was filled with excitement, and he was looking forward to meeting Sorban next time.

When the time comes, the winner must be determined.

Thousands of thoughts passed through his mind in an instant, but Su Heng's steps did not stop.

He took a step forward and went straight to the inscription recording the "Tathagata Storehouse Sutra" and sat down cross-legged and began to practice it in detail.

This ancient stele is made of the bones of some powerful demon, and it contains the Zen spirit left by the eminent monks of the Fawang Temple.

If you are an ordinary person who is not good at cultivation, you will browse the above content for a long time.

It is very likely that you will be directly brainwashed and converted by these Zen thoughts and escape into Buddhism. But Su Heng's spiritual heritage was equally profound, and these Zen thoughts couldn't even make a single ripple in his mind. He extracted the most essential truths from these scriptures and understood them carefully.

And as the "Tathagata Tibetan Sutra" appeared on Su Heng's attribute panel, a strange and distant Sanskrit sound sounded at the same time.

Su Heng took a deep breath, his eyes filled with a faint light.

After practicing for more than a year, he finally began to explore his spiritual potential and step into the world.

At the same time that Su Heng broke through in retreat.

In another part of this ancient temple, the bamboo forest rustled, and two figures appeared in the bloody moonlight.

Among the bamboo forest is an ancient stone forest. Rough stone pillars rose from the ground, inscribed with runes, some of which were wrapped with chains and hung with skulls. The breeze blows, and these skulls collide with each other and make a sound, like some kind of weird wind chimes, which makes the surrounding environment very eye-catching.

"This is it." Someone said quietly.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were practitioners who specialized in earth vein formations called Tianqi Masters. They were very rare and were not known for their combat effectiveness. But combined with the Earth Vein Formation, under certain specific circumstances, the abilities it can unleash are unimaginable.

The top ones among them can even change the destiny of the dynasty, and their methods are so powerful that it is unimaginable. Therefore, this lineage is sought after by others and is treated politely among all the major forces.

Yu Qing is a Tianqi master.

She is very young, only a hundred years old, but she already has a very profound Taoist practice in this lineage, even surpassing some of the elders. Therefore, he was given the important task of secretly coming to Fawang Temple to decipher the formation left by the Golden Crow, unblock the demon, and release Marpa from his cage.

The blood-red moonlight and the cold wind seeped into the bone marrow.

Yu Qing was dressed in a simple gray robe, which clung to her body and outlined the body curves of a mature woman. Her skin is fair and her facial features are not very outstanding, not as good as top beauties like Qin Shunying and Li Hongxiu. But his temperament is very special, with a strong bookish air and calm eyes, which is impressive.

She holds a compass in her white palm, and the pointer on it beats gently, pointing to the stone forest with many skeletons hanging in front of her.

"Distributed in eight sects, the Star God is magical; Tianying Fire Division, the Golden Crow returns."


She recited the law silently.

Then he flicked his finger forward, and a stream of light burst out from his fingertips and landed in the stone forest.

"Boo!" came a sound like a flower blooming, a soft sound, and invisible ripples quickly passed by, distorting the moonlight. The rustling bamboo forest all around suddenly solidified and fell into silence. After a brief stagnation, a rumbling sound was heard, the ground shook, cracks spread, and black smoke rose upwards.

Unparalleled heat was released, and the ground began to collapse, quickly turning into a piece of dark red magma, rolling violently, and bubbles popping up in a gurgling sound. The blazing fire in the void made Yu Qing's fair cheeks blush.

"Is this the end?" Next to Yu Qing was a young man wearing a Taoist robe, with plain features, freckles on his face, and an ordinary aura. This young Taoist priest's name is Zhang Gu. He is a disciple of Yu Qing and has just entered this lineage.

Brought here by Yu Qing to gain knowledge.

Zhang Gu is very young and of ordinary origin. He feels a little uneasy when he sees the scene in front of him. He clenched his fists and looked a little gloomy. "I feel like we are doing something evil."

"Why do you think so?" Yu Qing still had a calm expression on his face. He was neither guilty for releasing the demon god nor angry because of his disciples' doubts.

"More than 2,500 years ago, the corrupt demon god Marba crossed the myth battlefield and descended into this world. In just a few years, he turned a prosperous kingdom into wasteland. In the end, it was the divine beast Jinwu who fought for his life to successfully seal it, but now, we..."

Zhang Gu shook his head, "Once the demon god escapes, many people will die."

"You are right, but this is an order issued by the third prince. He is the future master of this empire, and he has his own considerations for doing such things." Yu Qing replied calmly.

"I don't understand what kind of considerations would be based on such conditions." Zhang Gu looked at the fire in front of him and seemed a little stubborn.

"Perhaps it is a deal with a destructive power in Changshengtian, or perhaps it is a cover-up through the turmoil caused by the demon god. Now the emperor has little time left, and the third prince must break through as soon as possible and have the power to suppress everything."

Yu Qing shook his head and said, "Otherwise, once the battlefield of gods and demons is lost, it will be a disaster for all living beings."

"You mean..." Zhang Gu recalled some rumors about the third prince, and he considered, "We are sacrificing a small number of people to protect more people."

"You can understand it this way." Yu Qing nodded slightly, "If thinking this way makes you feel better."

"I..." Zhang Gu shook his head, obviously unable to accept such logic.

Just then-bang!

The magma lake transformed by the stone forest in front of him suddenly exploded.

A blood-colored tentacle covered with suction cups burst out, about the thickness of an adult's thigh, driving a strong wind, so fast that it was blurred and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and stabbed towards Yu Qing's lower abdomen. This was extremely sharp and there was no sign. At such a close distance, even some Tiangui might not be able to react in time.

But Yu Qing was prepared. Dense golden runes appeared around her, engraved in the void, emitting light and extremely hot.


A muffled sound.

The blood-colored tentacle was bounced off by the rune, and a faint burn mark appeared on it.

The air was filled with an unpleasant smell of barbecue, and the ground rumbled and shook, as if something was angry.

"It's incredible." Yu Qing's face was no longer calm, and a touch of surprise flashed across her face. She took a deep breath and slowly calmed down, "After so many years, he has not escaped, but he can still show such power. It seems that this demon god is much stronger than we expected at the beginning..."

"Hiss, the information given to us by Yiluansi is probably wrong." Zhang Gu also realized that something was wrong, and his eyes widened, "Is it intentional or accidental."

"It doesn't matter, we have to leave quickly." Yu Qing said with a determined look.

She brushed her long sleeves and stretched out her hand to point forward.

The various ancient inscriptions that appeared around him were like falling meteors, floating over the stone forest and emitting light. The movement calmed down for a while, Yu Qing turned and left, Zhang Gu felt the vibration coming from deep in the ground, and was horrified. He did not dare to stay and hurriedly followed his master.

The two left one after the other, and not long after - boom!

There was a loud bang.

A black and red column of smoke rushed up to the sky.

A smoke screen formed in the lightning and thunder, and a huge human face appeared faintly.

The wind was gusting, and the twisted human face was full of hatred and madness. It opened its mouth and roared, and then exploded with a bang, turning into black mist and spreading outward at a high speed. The darkness, like a substance, began to spread and erode inside the Dharma King Temple.


In Qimuzhou, a temporary station of Yiluansi.

The mottled shadows of the trees swayed, and a crow with black feathers and red eyes flapped its wings and flew in from the window. It landed on the shelf, lowered its head and combed its feathers with its black-gold beak. A white hand untied a roll of secret letters tied to the bird's legs and quickly browsed the contents.

"It seems that everything is going well." Jian Chuan, the commander of the Yiluansi, showed a satisfied smile on his face, "Next, it's time to harvest."

"It's time to tighten the net over there in Jiangbeizhou. The best doctor treats the disease before it occurs, and the middle doctor treats the disease before it occurs. I, Jian Chuan, am not a good doctor, but I am more than enough to be an old Chinese doctor." He seemed to be quite satisfied with his series of plans, and even couldn't help bragging here.

He picked up the pen and wrote a secret letter and tied it to the crow's paw.

Then he stretched out his hand and sent it forward.


The crow flapped its wings, turned into a black mist, and quickly flew away, disappearing in the sun...

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