One pound of meat equals one attribute point

Chapter 312 Dragon Abyss opens, old friend arrives

"I like your stubborn and helpless expression, little brother." Snow clapped his hands and laughed, "Why struggle so hard? You are doomed to die. It's better to kneel down and surrender. We complete the task and give you a quick death. Isn't this a good thing to kill two birds with one stone?"

"The warriors of your generation are too weak. Such a battle is boring." Aguduo, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke at this time.

As the king of the tribe on the Skeleton Plain.

Solban is also a very proud person. When he said this, he couldn't bear it.

If it weren't for the excessive consumption, he would have been injured by the demon leader first. In his opinion, even if these two demons joined forces, they were not his opponents at all.

What's more, this guy was just knocked back by his punch and couldn't move, but now he said this with a shameless face.

Solban was almost furious.

But he calmed down quickly.

He has rich combat experience. The more he gets to this point, the more he can't act impulsively.

That would make it easier to fall into the enemy's trap and cut off the last ray of life.

"You are too arrogant!" Solban's mind flashed a light, snorted coldly, and said, "You don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is. If you really think you are invincible, then chase me and see if you can cut off my head."


He exerted force on his legs and his speed soared suddenly.

"Snap!" Snow swung the long whip in his hand and turned it into a dark cage.

Unfortunately, Solban's reaction speed was very fast. At the critical moment, he passed through the gap between the cages. However, the long whip was covered with thorns and was very sharp, leaving three blood marks on Solban's broad back. Snow stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the long whip returned to her hand.

Looking at the scarlet blood on it, Snow sneered, "This guy has already consumed a lot of energy, and now he is even more poisoned by my soul. He can't run far."

"Let's continue to chase him." Snow urged.

But Aguduo on the other side frowned, looking at the direction where Solban disappeared, and seemed a little hesitant.

"Why are you still stopping here!?" Snow swung the long whip in his hand, looking a little angry.

"That direction..." Aguduo replied, "If we continue to chase, we will enter the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty. When we set out before, the elder specifically told us to avoid exposing our whereabouts and attracting unnecessary attention."

"Are we just going to let him go like this?" Snow's eyebrows were raised, "If our mission fails, Lord Oris will not let us go."

"Huh!" Aguduo took a breath and nodded, "Okay, but we have to be fast."




Zhongzhou, a huge palace with magnificent momentum, like it was built for the gods.

"Even if I become a ghost, I will never let you go for the revenge of exterminating my family!"

A pretty girl in white clothes covered in blood knelt in a pool of blood, looking up at the black-armored giant approaching step by step in front of her. Because of hatred, the girl's face, which should have been beautiful, now looked like a ghost crawling out of the abyss of purgatory.

The firelight on the surrounding dragon pillars flickered, and in the shadows, a high and indifferent face appeared in front of the girl.

"Whatever you want, I don't care." The third prince sighed and spoke calmly.

The girl opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but a huge claw had already pierced into her chest and lifted her up. Then the third prince opened his mouth wide, bit his shoulder, and exerted a little force on his hand. The girl opened her mouth and screamed, and her body was torn in half.

Large pieces of bloody internal organs, mixed with blood and broken bones, fell like a waterfall, and were everywhere on the ground, on the black armor.

The third prince closed his eyes, chewed the blood and flesh in his mouth, and swallowed it down with a gulp, and then sighed with satisfaction again.

The movement in the hall soon spread outside.

"There's an assassin!" Someone screamed, and soon a large group of eunuchs and maids trembled into the palace.

They bent their waists and dared not look up.

Holding a bucket and a clean towel in their hands, they moved quickly.

In just a few breaths, the blood and filth in the hall were cleaned up.

Soon, several young and beautiful maids held the incense burner and put it down gently. The white smoke that rose up slowly dispersed in the hall, and now even the last trace of blood disappeared. It was as if everything just now had never happened.

The third prince took heavy steps and sat down on the bench at the end of the hall.

A burly black-robed Taoist priest with a face like a red date walked in from outside, came to the third prince, and bowed deeply.

The Taoist priest's name was Lu Yue.

He was a retainer who specialized in handling various private affairs and black jobs for the third prince.

"The woman just now?" Lu Yue sniffed the faint incense in the air and asked carefully.

"It's just a test from the Golden Family, don't take it too seriously." The third prince's eyes flashed with a fierce look, and he waved his hand, asking him not to mention it again.

"What do you want to ask me this time?" The third prince's face was shrouded in shadows.

As if in the actual darkness, his already burly body looked even more sturdy and inhuman. Even if he sat there motionless, he gave people a huge pressure like an abyss.

"Zhao Chengen is dead." Lu Yue replied.

"He is more likely to cause trouble than to help." The third prince frowned slightly, his face gloomy, "It seems that the task assigned to him has also failed, so what..."

"The Immortal Tree, the item itself is nothing, but it is likely to involve the descendants of the former Dayue Dynasty." Lu Yue said. Although this matter was in the name of the Third Prince, the details were designed by him. Of course, this series of actions was also tacitly approved by the Third Prince.

If it succeeds, everything will be fine. But now it has failed, Lu Yue must test the attitude of the Third Prince and arrange the next plan.

"It's just a lonely ghost. Dayue has been destroyed for a thousand years. Even if there are descendants alive, what can they do, let alone become something that is neither human nor ghost." The Third Prince did not pay much attention to the Immortal Tree, but the mythical battlefield...

"I remember that the intelligence mentioned that Anshelie's dragon marrow finally fell into his hands." The Third Prince said.

"That's true." Lu Yue replied.

"So now the matter of Longyuan is in a commotion, and some people even say that the demon descendants who disappeared for a long time have reappeared." The Third Prince said.

Following the words of the Third Prince, Lu Yue pondered, "Given this man's character, it is almost 100% certain that he will go to Longyuan to get involved.


Zhao Chengen is a waste.

But the Iron Demon with the Mask and the Soul-Destroying Needle did not cause any damage to that man.

Such strength has definitely reached the level of Heavenly King."

Lu Yue said worriedly, "If he really gets something from Longyuan, the situation in the Northern Frontier will be difficult to control."

"It is indeed a trouble." The Third Prince nodded, thought for a while and said, "Take out the artifact Plague God Seal that I obtained from Changshengtian not long ago and give it to King Dingxuan. After refining and controlling it, it should be able to make up for the defects of his weak physical body.

In addition to his already good magical attainments, with the help of the Plague God Seal, King Dingxuan is not considered a weak person in the realm of Heavenly King."

"I understand." Lu Yue bowed to the Third Prince.

"Tell him that if this still doesn't satisfy me, there's no need to come see me again." The third prince said leisurely.

Lu Yue nodded, then turned and disappeared in the bright sunlight outside the door.




Baihua County.

Su Heng felt that this matter would not end so easily.

But there was no way, the other party had already forced it to this point, and there was no room for mediation at all.

From the beginning of his practice to now, Su Heng has never been afraid. Whether it is the myth battlefield, the king of heaven or the so-called third prince, they are all the same in front of him.

The only thing to worry about is that when we go to Longyuan next, the defense of Baihua County is empty and we may encounter danger.

He went to the White Pagoda Temple again and talked with the underworld Taoist.

Then, some old monks appeared in Baihua County stealthily.

The strength of the underworld Taoist is quite strong, plus the little golden crow. Even if the king of heaven comes in person, the two of them can resist for a short time, enough to support Su Heng from outside. At this point, Su Heng also put his mind at ease for the time being.

He continued to practice, absorbing and transforming the large amount of resources obtained from the three major secret sects.

The underworld man personally gave Su Heng a batch of corpse incense offerings.

This thing can have an immediate effect on the practice of the spiritual realm.

Su Heng's retreat this time was not long, only about ten days at most. But even so, because of the abundant resources, his progress was also obvious.

First, his body size officially broke through the ten-meter mark, and then his mental power increased, pushing the sword forging technique to the fifth level.

All the previous practice methods were also re-cultivated and perfected, reaching an almost perfect level. The top innate bones, plus the top acquired skills. The combination of the two, together forged the current terrifying physique.

Then, a lot of news about Longyuan was collected.

King Qingyang personally took action to kill many demons and break the innate barrier brought by Hunxi Mountain.

As the echo of Changshengtian deepened, the various changes that occurred on Longyuan on the other side of Hunxi Mountain could not be blocked at all.

Many immortal sects and families were attracted to the place, along with a large number of nameless casual cultivators who wanted money but not their lives.

This matter caused a lot of uproar, which was somewhat beyond Su Heng's expectations.

He originally thought that the matter about Longyuan was a special niche news, and only some people knew about it.

But now it seems that it was because of his ignorance.

In the Changyue Linjiang area, legends about Longyuan emerged in an endless stream, and every year many powerful people from the heavenly and even earthly realms went to explore, but they did not gain anything special.

Until now, the environment of heaven and earth has changed, some secrets have been revealed, and the phenomena are amazing, which immediately caused a commotion.


This kind of life standing at the top.

Powerful and mysterious.

And the legend says that there are real dragon corpses buried in Longyuan, what a fortune that would be.

Even if the cultivation is shallow, there is no chance to obtain treasures such as dragon horns and dragon blood. But even if you can pick up a few pieces of dragon feces from the ground and bring them back, it is also of amazing value!

This is the idea of ​​many casual cultivators, even disciples of small sects. They went there excitedly, and Su Heng was also ready to leave.

He didn't know much about Longyuan, he only knew that it was Anshelie's hometown.

The specific situation was not clear at the moment.

But coming earlier would at least not delay things.

Su Heng thought so.


Just before he left, a familiar breath suddenly appeared in his perception.

This guy blinked and was stunned for a few seconds before reacting.

"Sorban!" Su Heng was really surprised, and then he laughed strangely, "You really don't take the road to heaven, but you break into hell. You dare to walk into the trap. Is this guy crazy, or does he have other plans?"

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