One pound of meat equals one attribute point

Chapter 345: Rapid Growth, the Ancient God of Flesh and Blood

Before this mission began, the captain of the "Storm" Babek obtained first-hand information about the secret realm of Dragon Tomb from General Simmons. In the visual and written records of that information, there is no doubt that the Dragon Tomb Secret Realm is a desolate and dilapidated place without any life.

But what they are currently detecting through remote sensing equipment is completely contrary to what is recorded in the data.

The entire world is filled with dense light red carpets. These carpets overlap like spider curtains, spreading outward, and finally covering every corner of the secret realm. In the center of these spider webs is a giant dark red sphere hundreds of meters high.

The sphere stood like a mountain in the center of the secret realm, constantly moving and breathing like a heart. The closer you get to the inside, the more red the color inside becomes. A shuddering evil aura escaped from it.

The battleship "Storm" driven by Babel was more than 300 meters long and had a prismatic appearance.

Although it is quite different in size from the "Moon Shadow" class battleship with a diameter of 1,000 meters, the "Storm" is definitely a giant. Whenever Babik stands on its deck and looks down through the glass, Babik has a feeling of being high above and conquering everything.

But now...

Looking at the secret realm in front of me, it seems that it has turned into a living thing.

This illusion was replaced by another feeling that I had never experienced before.

He felt like a bug flying into a forest filled with cobwebs and ferocious predators. There was darkness all around, and it was strangely quiet. But those unspeakable terrifying beings have already targeted him. If he is not careful, he will be shattered to pieces and never recover.

"Huh!" Babel took a deep breath, then shook his head. Get this ridiculous feeling out of your head.

He thought for a moment and said, "Activate the detection rune."

In the steel-cast central command room of the "Storm", there is a strange device with multiple rings nested in the center.

As the order was given, a buzzing sound came.

The ring-shaped device above began to rotate, and then the dark green runes engraved on the surface lit up.

A stream of data flowed past Babek's eyes like a waterfall... The species is unknown, the vitality is growing rapidly, the detection limit has been exceeded, warning, warning!


Accompanied by a harsh beep and a flash of dark red light.

The nested detection device stopped operating, and the runes on it were first overlit, and then exploded, emitting streams of thick black smoke.

Several technicians responsible for operating the equipment looked at each other in confusion. One of the younger demons thought that there was some kind of malfunction in the equipment. He reached out and touched it, trying to determine where the problem was. As a result, a "chi" sound came out, and he retracted his fingers as if he was electrocuted. There were already traces of burns on the parts that came into contact.

At this time, Babek finally knew why Simmons wanted to take this matter into his own hands.

This is not meant to be directed at, on the contrary, it is a sign of respect.

This kind of thing...

Babek didn't want to know what kind of monster would pop out of it.

Just in the state of transformation and hatching, it can bring such a powerful sense of oppression to myself across such a long distance.

Once the transformation is complete.

I can't even imagine how ferocious the monsters that emerge from it will be.

"Since the life level cannot be determined, then directly charge the main gun to full power." Babik gave the order decisively, "Aim at the heart and fire!"


Accompanied by a heavy mechanical sound.

The top corners of the "Storm"'s head moved apart toward the outside sides, exposing the black muzzle.

First, a circle of invisible ripples spread outward, twisting the void.

Then little bits of dark red light condensed like fireflies, converging toward the center, eventually forming an unstable, blazing sphere. The sphere was restrained by a dense stream of runes and exploded. The power transformed into it shot out towards the huge heart on the plain at a speed close to that of light.


The remaining gas in the secret realm of Dragon Tomb was instantly detonated and heated.

The charred ground was torn layer by layer and dented downwards.

Squeezed by the huge impact, countless amounts of magma spurted out from the cracked gaps.

The entire secret realm instantly turned into a sea of ​​boiling fire, with dense cracks in the air, and the raging power of chaos dyed the dark clouds into a strange burning red.


Although the entire secret realm of Dragon Tomb is on the verge of being broken.

But the heart still stood tenaciously in the sea of ​​​​fire, and the rock-hardened outer case cracked and fell off, falling into the magma. A huge wave of fire burst out with a "pop" sound, but the internal structure was still well preserved.

Moreover, the color is becoming dim and transparent, and a dark human-shaped shadow vaguely appears inside.

Although there was only a black silhouette, it was very blurry, but the long hair shawl, the extremely strong muscles all over the body, and the astonishingly tall body. Babek just took a brief look through the glass and calculated with his fingers that the monster was almost twenty meters tall.

"Hiss..." He took a breath.

Babek felt as if there was cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't care to reach out to wipe it, squinted his eyes and said, "Continue to attack, inject the power from the power furnace into the main gun, directly overload, don't leave any remaining power."


The commander in charge of controlling the ship suddenly raised his head, widened his eyes, and said in surprise, "The main gun is still overheated and cannot withstand such a strong output. If it is fired forcibly, the Storm will suffer irreversible damage, or even It’s definitely possible—pop!”

Babek slapped the commander in the face, and the latter immediately flew out of the chair and hit the far wall hard.

"Execute the order!" Babek's body was strong and burly.

The chandelier hanging behind him was completely obscured. From this angle, only the large shadow cast by his body could be seen.

And that mouth full of iron teeth shining with metallic light.

"As you command!"

The commander's heart twitched violently, confirming that he had just felt a cold killing intent from Babek.

He quickly got up from the ground and returned to his seat.

The fingers of his hands were flying, and he kept fiddling with the runes on it. Taking a deep breath at the end, with a certain determination in his eyes, he summoned all his strength, and with a "click", he pushed the joystick of the main gun in front of him directly upward to the top, where it was stuck.


The main gun began to charge again, and this time the accumulated power was even hotter than last time.

Violent vibrations came from under the soles of the feet. Strings of red lights flashed on the signal lights. Various alarm signals quickly passed over the projection, and were then handled urgently by the operators.

When the last powerful blow was successfully launched, there was even a wave of cheers from the command room. Even Babek's naturally fierce face had an imperceptible smile.

The effect of the explosion is like burning a tomato with a flamethrower. The outer surface is peeled off layer by layer, and the unborn contents inside are exposed to the power of the starship's main gun.

The flesh and blood on that giant, vaguely human-shaped creature melted like a candle, forming a blur of flesh and blood at its feet. In the end, all that was left was a skeleton with a metallic luster. His head hung down, maintaining its shape only by the flesh and blood connected behind it.

The detection rune was scrapped just now.

The personnel on the ship could not tell whether there was still life in the monster, but it seemed that it was indeed dead.

At this time, another commander on the ship looked up and asked, "Are you responsible for taking it away and recycling it?"


Babek thought for a while and added, "To be on the safe side, cut it and bring it back."


The hatch opened, and a team of seven fully armed demons jumped out.

The leader is named "Als", nicknamed "Juju". This is a cultivator in the realm of demon god. His nickname comes from his unusually thick left arm. There is no skin on it, and the blood-red muscle fascia is directly exposed, embedded with fist-sized eyes.

These eyes were taken from the corpses of his enemies. At this time, Gululu was turning around, looking very evil.

Als was currently suspended in mid-air, resting on the monster's head.

This evil-god-like monster had just been bombarded by the ship's main gun, and most of its flesh and blood had been stripped off. However, the pair of dark eyes were completely preserved. Standing in front of him, Als could even see his own reflection in the pupils.

A greedy eagerness suddenly welled up in his heart.

The deformed eyeballs on his left arm also squirmed, feeling waves of longing.

"If you can remove this eye and keep it as a collection, or transplant it to yourself, it would be a pretty good choice."

Als thought so, and indeed did so. His highly deformed scarlet left arm thrust out, his fingers spread out, and he grabbed the monster's eyeball.

But at the moment when the two are about to touch.

A ripple suddenly passed through the monster's eyelids, and then the extremely deep eyeball jumped upwards.

His pupils were dilated at first, as if he had just woken up from sleep and had not yet realized what had happened, with a feeling of confusion. Then he quickly shrunk and his gaze fell on Als.

Although he felt no hostility from the monster, the moment he was targeted, Als felt like an insect solidified in amber. His whole body was frozen and unable to move.

His muscles twitched, his face was filled with astonishment, and a strange and absurd feeling emerged in his heart.

Not only was this guy not dead after being bombarded twice by the main gun, but more importantly, he experienced the feeling of being crushed at the life level from this monster.

It was an ant in the gutter looking up at the real dragon in the sky, a mayfly in a dry well seeing the bright moon... The gap was as huge as a chasm in the sky, and it even gave him a throbbing feeling that he could not catch up in this life.

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