One pound of meat equals one attribute point

Chapter 358 The king is about to die, and he really wants to improve!

Da Zhou Dynasty, Zhongzhou.

In the magnificent palace, the third prince's face was as gloomy as water, and he was holding a secret letter in his hand. This secret letter was the news sent back from North Vietnam, which recorded the whole story of Huang Cheng and Zhao Yun going to assassinate King Qingyang.

"Two people who are more likely to cause trouble than to succeed!" The third prince quickly read the content above.

Then he rubbed his hands casually, and the secret letter was immediately ignited in his hands, turning into ashes and scattered with the wind.

He put his hands behind his back, his face gloomy.

His eyes passed over the heavy courtyard wall in front of him, looking at the dim sky in the distance, and the dim red sun that was about to set at the end of the western horizon. I just felt an unspeakable irritability in my heart, and a sense of depression ran back and forth in my chest.

Although the third prince didn't think that these two people would succeed since the beginning of this matter.

But the death of Zhao Yun and Huang Cheng was also rewarding.

At least through this matter.

He found out the relationship between King Qingyang and Su Heng.

From the information transmitted by Yiluansi, he knew that King Qingyang and Su Heng were good friends.

But he didn't expect that their relationship could reach such a level that they could share treasures like dragon skeletons.

Moreover, when King Qingyang was injured, Su Heng specially stayed in Beiyue to protect him. Now that King Qingyang's injuries have all recovered, and with the help of Longyuan, Su Heng's reputation is becoming more and more prosperous. The entire northern border area has been faintly beyond the control of the empire.

But the third prince has no way to deal with it. After all, there are a lot of troubles in Zhongzhou. And the father's condition is now...


Suddenly, a dull thunder roared in the sky.

Then a vast and powerful spirit swept through the entire palace like a wave of the sea. At a certain moment, the third prince only felt that the whole world in front of him, the heaven and earth, seemed to blend together, filled with an ancient and decayed atmosphere.

Just spread out your perception and touch it slightly.

The third prince felt as if his heart suddenly choked, as if he was a mayfly in the lake, looking up at the bright moon in the blue sky.

After being dazed for several breaths, the third prince sighed deeply.

From that shock, he slowly retracted his scattered mind.

Needless to say, in the entire empire.

There would be no other person who could give him such a shock except his father.

"Did my father come out of retreat?"

"How is his injury recovering now?"

Several thoughts flashed through the third prince's mind quickly, but his body took action first. He pushed open the heavy and ancient door in front of him with his arms, and then swung his long sleeves, walking like a dragon and a tiger. The two rows of imperial guards in black behind him quickly followed and walked towards the direction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

In front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony was a square paved with white marble, with a slightly darker passage in the center.

At the end of the passage is a platform that rises upwards, on which stand two figures. The figure in the middle is burly and wears a crown. He is wearing a dark black dragon robe and a white jade belt around his waist. His face is blocked by the pearl curtain hanging from the crown, and nothing can be seen clearly.

He stands on the platform, as if he is in the center of the world.

The aura emanating from his body is endless, and the domineering aura fills the entire sky and the earth.

On both sides of the square, thousands of figures are kneeling densely. There are court officials, direct descendants of aristocratic families, leaders of immortal sects, and military generals and fierce men who have been transferred back from the myth battlefield. At a glance, there are many powerful people who have reached the Qitian realm and tempered their bodies and spirits to the extreme.

Any one of these people who walks out is enough to be famous.

But under the terrifying majesty of the Emperor Wu, they all lose their luster and can only become an inconspicuous background in this magnificent picture.

The whole world seemed to be reduced to gray and white, with only another person on the platform, emitting a faint red light.

This was a woman of peerless beauty, with a slender figure and a pale and cold face. As the eldest princess of the empire, Ji Huaxi could not be described as beautiful. The amazing beauty she exuded when she raised her hands and feet often made people ignore her dangerous nature.

Especially under the spirit of Emperor Wu, the light emanating from Ji Huaxi was still not completely obscured. Has she also reached that realm?

The third prince came to Emperor Wu and the eldest princess and saluted with his fists.

Emperor Wu did not set his eyes on the third prince, as if he had not noticed the arrival of his successor.

Instead, the eldest princess nodded slightly to her younger brother, with a smile on her pale face. So the third prince raised his foot forward, stepped over the steps step by step, and came to the platform. Standing on the left, standing with his father.

Standing in this position, looking forward is to overlook the entire square.

Those powerful ministers and generals who had to be cautious in the past were kneeling in front of him.

Although it was because of his father, not himself. But seeing this scene, the third prince was still filled with a sense of pleasure. He hid his emotions, followed his father's gaze, and looked up at the sky.

The third prince's pupils shrank slightly and he was surprised.

On the platform, the scenery he saw when he looked up was completely different from the scenery below. The dark clouds gathered in the sky and drooped downwards. It seemed that a big hole had been broken in the middle, and the crimson light seeped out from it.

Inside, he saw a blood-red sky, twinkling stars, a huge figure covering the starry sky, and an ancient fleet moving straight forward. The picture rotated faster and faster, and finally it was like a whirlpool, so much so that the third prince could not tell the difference between up and down, and had the illusion of falling into it.


When the feeling of nausea was extremely strong, a big hand gently placed on the third prince's shoulder.

That's his father.

An unwilling roar mixed with fury came from far away from the whirlpool, "Your lifeline is about to come. You cannot protect this land forever."

Emperor Wu didn't answer, just stretched out his hand and touched it. All the strange phenomena in the sky disappeared, and the terrifying aura was also taken back.

Emperor Wu's expression was ordinary, and he still looked at his peak, as if he had never been injured. But only the two children standing beside him could keenly sense that the smell of decay in their father was getting stronger and stronger. It's like an old man on a sickbed, aging and about to die.

The third prince suppressed the fear in his heart, recalled the scene he had just seen, and asked carefully, "What are those things?"

Emperor Wu's eyes lingered on him for a moment.

He slowly turned around and walked alone into the dark Hall of Supreme Harmony before him. It wasn't until the burly figure completely disappeared into the darkness that seemed to be substantial that a sighing voice came along with the cold wind, "enemy."

After leaving Changyue and returning to the Jiang'e area,

Su Heng did not immediately return to his base camp, Baihua County, Jiangzhou.

He thought about the current situation. Although the demons are a threat, it will take some time for them to fully return. And even if the sky falls, there will still be a tall man holding him up. He really doesn't have much sense of urgency now.

On the contrary, the situation on the Mythical Battlefield is somewhat uncertain.

Although after fusing the dragon skeleton, Su Heng's strength has skyrocketed and he has a lot of confidence.

But there is also an ancient inheritance in the Blood Realm, and the Heaven of Immortality is vast and boundless. Su Heng knew too little about it, and anything could happen inside. Therefore, necessary intelligence work still needs to be collected and prepared in advance. Only when the mythical battlefield finally arrives can we be prepared.


After thinking for a moment, Su Heng used his magical power and transformed into a stream of light.

Rushing towards the direction of Skull Plain.

Skullfield is still deserted, but it has been several months. Compared to last time, the environment here seems to be even worse.

The sky was gray and filled with red clouds.

The ground was dry, and thick cracks spread like spider webs. Thick plumes of smoke rose from it, mixed with a pungent and poisonous smell. Su Heng landed on a hilltop and looked down. This is supposed to be a lake, providing precious water for nearby life.

But now as the mythical battlefield opens, the pollution in Changsheng Heaven comes.

The environment here has changed drastically, and the lake is blood red, as if it is filled with sticky blood. There were dead bones everywhere, some with rotten flesh hanging from them, and flies as big as a thumb were buzzing around on them.

Everywhere you look, you can even see some plants growing on the ground occasionally. It has also become extremely ferocious and will actively hunt and kill living creatures that come and go.

"The echoes of Changsheng Heaven continue to deepen, there are more and more mythical battlefields, and the area is also expanding. Will the entire world be dragged directly into Changsheng Heaven?" Su Heng couldn't help but think, of course he was destined to not get the answer. .

No matter what.

Even if that day does come, he believes that life will find the answer.

He stopped here for a while, then continued to move forward, and soon followed the memories of the past to the location of the ruins of Fawang Temple.

When I left the Fawang Temple before, I could still see ruins here. But now there is nothing. The ground sunk downwards, turning into a deep pit, in which a blood-red beam of light penetrated the sky and the earth. Like a huge mountain rising from the ground, it is so majestic that it can be seen from a long distance away.

The breath of the blood world overflows from it.

Su Heng's long, disheveled hair was lifted up, and he felt strong gusts of wind blowing in his face, causing his gown to fly.

"Huh?" He hung in mid-air, then raised his brows. Looking towards the distance with slight surprise, on top of a dark mountain, there was a figure in black sitting cross-legged. His long hair stood up, and he had a long sword on his thigh. He was staring calmly at the blood in front of him, and he looked very popular.

This person is none other than Meng Huan.

He seems to be using the breath in the blood world to hone his spiritual will and practice in this way.

The effect seemed to be very good, and Su Heng felt that the aura on his body had become much more solidified.

Because he didn't hide his aura when he came.

So as soon as Su Heng fell from the sky, Meng Huan on the other side noticed it.

Accompanied by a crisp sword chant, a green sword light shot straight into the sky, circled around in the sky and then retracted.

Meng Huan let out a long breath, then stood up, his eyes fell on Su Heng, and a touch of joy appeared on his face.

"Long time no see, Senior Meng." Su Heng reached out and clasped his fists, proactively greeting him.

"I heard about what happened in Longyuan." After seeing Su Heng, Meng Huan was also very happy, "I didn't expect that you could grow to this extent in just a few months."

He was previously worried about the Mythical Battlefield.

But now that he has seen Su Heng, he feels as if he has unloaded a heavy burden, and he feels much more relaxed, recovering the natural unrestrainedness he had when they first met.

After a few pleasantries, Su Heng asked, "What's the situation here?"

"The Skeleton Origin has been polluted, and more and more demons are born in it."

When it comes to business, Meng Huan's expression is stern, and he replied, "This is still a small matter. After all, the newly born demons are not a big threat, and the disciples and elders can easily deal with them."

"It's mainly about the Blood Realm..."

Meng Huan frowned slightly and said, "Although the Mythology Battlefield has not yet been fully opened, some strong men have been able to secretly descend through some rituals. These demons are very troublesome. If they are allowed to leave at will, it is easy to cause damage and endless troubles, so I have been guarding here all this time."

"I see." Su Heng had some understanding of the recent situation, and he asked again, "Where is Solban, why didn't I see him?"

"He was injured in a long-distance fight with a demon god in the Blood Realm before, and he is now healing."

"Injured?" Su Heng was a little surprised.

Solban gained a lot in Longyuan, and also got a drop of blood from Su Heng.

In addition to his talent, he was almost the strongest among all the people Su Heng had met. He should be quite strong now, but he was injured by a demon god in the blood world. This is incredible. Su Heng was immediately interested, "What does this demon god look like? Do you know his name?"

Meng Huan recalled carefully, "He is a guy with wings, a scepter in his hand, a human body and a bird head."

"I heard from some demons who sneaked in that this guy is one of the five pillar gods of the blood world. His name is Kagos, known as the weaver of fate."

After hearing this, Su Heng said "huh" and laughed, "I didn't expect it to be an acquaintance."

Meng Huan was a little surprised, "You have also met this guy?"

"Yeah!" Su Heng nodded, "When I killed the blood sacrifice demon god Ralph before, I entered the blood world briefly through the ceremony he arranged."

The guy replied with a vengeful look, "At that time, I was driven out by this guy."

"So that's it, no wonder." Meng Huan looked like he had suddenly realized something.

Now it seems that among the five pillar gods in the blood world. It is not clear whether Kagos is the strongest one, but he seems to be the most active one among them.

When Su Heng descended on the blood world, Kagos was the first to show up to stop him. Now that the Myth Battlefield has arrived, Kagos has also taken the initiative to open up the battlefield, making this time as early as possible so that he can gain something as soon as possible.

He really wants to improve!

Meng Huan sighed in his heart, and just wanted to say something, but at this time the ground suddenly shook violently.

Sensing the familiar breath coming from it, Meng Huan's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly reminded, "Be careful, that guy is coming again!"


Su Heng shook his head, and his bones crackled.

He clenched his fists, grinned at the corners of his mouth, and his face was full of excitement.

There is only one update today QWQ, I need to spend time to sort out the subsequent outline

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