One pound of meat equals one attribute point

Chapter 371: Shocking all directions, the strongest attack! (asking for monthly votes)

Under normal circumstances.

After these "blood organs" unique to demons are taken off their bodies.

Demons are like balloons with holes punctured, the essence in their bodies will quickly dissipate, and they will die and dry up in a short time.

But now is an exception.

The originally radiant skin of the female demon quickly dimmed.

Her rather delicate face also aged a lot, her skin drooped loosely on her muscles, with some dark brown spots on it, but her life breath still existed.

As for the specific reason...

From the face of the female demon that was somewhat similar to Oris.

Su Heng guessed that it was because she also had many different bloods in her body.

Even if a single blood organ was damaged, it would only be a serious injury, and she would not die immediately.

This quality of test subjects is still quite rare, and Su Heng was reluctant to waste it.

He stretched out his hand to drive a gray-black force, and the talent of the Seed of Destruction to manipulate flesh and blood came into play. The narrow scar on the chest of the female demon, which almost cut through her entire body, healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And more gray-brown tentacles on the outside penetrated into the blood vessels, providing nutrition continuously.

The life breath of the female demon, which was originally like a candle in the wind, stabilized again at this time. However, on her face without lips, there was no joy after regaining her life, but instead a dark and dead look.

Su Heng waved his hand.

Those tentacles carried the body of the test subject without limbs to the distance, and soon disappeared in a dark like substance.

In the slightly empty cell.

Su Heng took off his white coat and hung it on a rack beside him.

He used his fingers as a sword and cut open his broad and strong chest with ease. He stretched out his fingers and groped inside for a while, and soon found the location of the third heart.

Su Heng took out the "Cinder Furnace" that he had just taken from the female demon, which was still covered with a layer of light blood.

Let it stick to the third heart seed of destruction.

From the outside, the seed of destruction looks like a fleshy potato with many tentacles and roots.

Its appearance is gray-brown. If Su Heng recovers his body, it is about the same size as a wild horse.

When the two are close to each other and touch each other.

A large amount of blood grows outward, covering the "Cinder Furnace".

Then, as these tentacles rise and fall, the gland disappears completely as if it has been eaten by the seed of destruction.

Su Heng opens the attribute panel.

He sees the words "Cinder (incomplete)" on it.

Until his attempt succeeds again, he suddenly shows a satisfied smile on his face.

When fighting against opponents in the Earthly Immortal Realm, Su Heng mainly relies on the Golden Crow Furnace and the Seed of Destruction to restrain their immortality.

The principles of these two methods are all to destroy at the cellular level. The methods specifically targeting the soul are slightly weaker in comparison.

Now there is the "Cinder Furnace" as a supplement.

This shortcoming no longer exists.

Su Heng injected tens of thousands of attribute points into the talent of Extinguishing Ashes in one breath, raising it to the highest level.

He stretched out his five fingers and looked down——


With a crisp sound.

A dark flame burned in the palm of Su Heng's hand.

Although the fire was strong, there was no heat wave rolling, but instead it gave people a cold feeling that penetrated into the soul.

Su Heng's mind moved slightly, and he created a ferocious wolf-shaped beast on the ground. Then he threw the flame on the beast. The huge body of the beast began to melt like a candle, and its tenacious vitality did not work at all. It soon turned into a handful of ashes and disappeared completely in front of Su Heng.

"Not bad!" Su Heng nodded, expressing satisfaction with the effect of Extinguishing Ashes.

Because it was directly integrated into the "Seed of Destruction", in Su Heng's hands, the ash fire of Extinguishing Ashes can cause damage from the flesh and soul level.

Therefore, compared to the power exerted in the hands of the demons,

After Su Heng's transformation, his magical power is even more powerful in terms of destructive power.

After absorbing the Cinder-Destroying Furnace, Su Heng has completely confirmed the direction of strengthening the "Original Dragon Guard".

Among the first generation of dragon guards created before, there are a total of seven different strengthening organs, namely bone and muscle strengthening glands, multiple lungs, second hearts, pebble kidneys, blood sacs, and detection nerve medulla for strengthening reaction speed.

And now the "Original Dragon Guard" will add five new organs on this basis.

These five organs are all transplanted from the demons.

They are -

Tendon cables that greatly increase strength and speed;

Gray matter meninges that increase innate mental power and resist hypnosis and mental control;

The Cinder-Destroying Furnace that is used to resist the immortality of earthly immortals and strengthen strength;

Iron skin that greatly increases defense;

And the spinal cord divine storage that accumulates qi and blood and is used for explosive reversal in desperate situations;

These five organs have been tested by Su Heng, and after special treatment with dragon blood, they can be transplanted into human warriors. The only remaining problem is that these organs cannot be mass-produced yet.

However, Su Heng has now come up with a solution to this problem, but it is still in the experimental stage. If it is to be used in practice, there is still some distance to go and some difficulties need to be overcome.

Some time ago, Su Heng and King Qingyang had a long-distance chat, and he got some news about the situation in Zhongzhou from King Qingyang.

The current situation in the world is gloomy.

Although Su Heng has no ambition to dominate the world, he is definitely not willing to be inferior to others.

Under an overturned nest, how can eggs remain intact?

In troubled times, even if you just want to live in a corner, it is not an easy thing.

In addition to your own strong strength, a loyal and powerful army is indispensable.

The original Dragon Guard was designed to fight against the Tiangui and the Death-level army, but now it has the Seed of Destruction and the complete dragon skeleton, plus a large number of demon test subjects captured from the Dragon Abyss.

Su Heng's ambition has also risen with it.

He hopes to create an invincible army, with dragon blood and fully armed.

Even in the worst myth battlefield, he can gallop freely and be invincible. Kill gods if gods stand in his way, and destroy Buddhas if Buddhas stand in his way.

Only in this way can he shock all directions in troubled times.

After these days of unremitting efforts, Su Heng finally saw some shadows of achieving this goal.

He left the cramped and damp prison, watching the sunlight sprinkle on the floor through the window, and the dust floating in the air. He felt as if a heavy burden was lifted from his heart, and felt a lot lighter.


Su Heng's eyebrows suddenly raised slightly.

He stretched out his hand and grasped it forward. With a flash of red light, the black scabbard suddenly appeared in Su Heng's hand.

As the big hand gently stroked it, a touch of strength was injected into it. Lines of light gray handwriting quickly passed by, and Su Heng's expression was slightly serious.

The news above was from the Hades Taoist, and the thunder tribulation in the White Pagoda Temple in the Skull Plain was coming.

The Hades Taoist was an important fighting force around Su Heng.

This thunder tribulation could not be missed, he had to be prepared and set off as soon as possible.


Thinking like this.

A narrow crack appeared in front of Su Heng again.

As Su Heng stepped into it, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed, and he appeared in a vast blood-red plain.

This is the storage space opened up from the "Blood and Flesh Furnace".

Originally, a large number of captured demon slaves were imprisoned here.

But with Su Heng's high-intensity experiments during this period, the demons imprisoned here have disappeared completely.

At a glance.

The cold wind blew from a distance, and the front actually felt a bit empty.

Especially in front of Su Heng, the huge wreckage of the warship also disappeared at this time.

Instead, there were some scattered mechanical structures inside, some of which were still emitting thick smoke. And in the center of these giant machines, there was a silver-white lake emitting a bright luster.

The little golden crow spread its wings and lay on the ground with its head raised.

With the rapid breathing, the black belly also rose and fell.

Like the continuous waves on the beach, it looked quite funny from a distance.

"Quack? Quack!"

At this time, the little golden crow, who was so tired that he couldn't breathe, obviously noticed Su Heng's arrival.

It first widened its eyes, then flapped its wings, and flew towards Su Heng like a sharp arrow.

Little Golden Crow landed on Su Heng's head, flapping its wings while pulling his hair in a rage.

Su Heng grabbed Little Golden Crow in his hand and touched its feathers.


Little Golden Crow put its wings on its hips and turned its head outward.

This means, "You must give me an explanation, or treat me to a meal, otherwise I will never forgive you."

Su Heng touched his nose and felt that he was a little too much.

However, he had already made preparations. As Su Heng waved his hand, a large amount of water vapor in the air condensed, and an ice crystal mirror suddenly appeared in front of Little Golden Crow.

Looking at the figure in the mirror, Little Golden Crow's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked a little surprised.

Before coming here, it was as fat as a ball.

After walking a few steps, it was exhausted.

But now——

After Su Heng's devilish special training, Little Golden Crow suddenly became energetic.

The hair on his body was smooth and the curves were flowing, and he looked much more impressive than before.

"Hiss..." Although it was indeed hard to work here, it seemed good to have such a reward?

Little Golden Crow scratched his head.

He felt a little embarrassed about the "misunderstanding" of Su Heng just now.

Sir Su Heng was generous and naturally would not care about Little Golden Crow. He patted Little Golden Crow's head, and then came to the silver-white lake in front of him that was transformed from living metal.

As Su Heng opened his mouth and sucked.

The metal manipulation talent was activated, and these liquid metals were swallowed by Su Heng like a dragon sucking water.

From the skin on the outside to the bones, fascia, and internal organs inside, they were all covered first, and then further integrated with the flesh and blood, strengthening Su Heng's defense in all directions.

Su Heng's muscles were originally sharp and angular, but now they looked more like they were made of metal, shining with light, giving people a sacred feeling of a god descending from the sky.


Su Heng's five fingers opened and clenched.

The metal manipulation of the third level of breaking the limit has made his control over living metal reach a subtle level.

As Su Heng's mind moved slightly, these metals penetrated into his skin, and the metal light on his body suddenly disappeared completely, and Su Heng returned to his normal state.

"It's time to set off!"

Feeling the amazing defensive power on his body at this time.

Su Heng took a deep breath and calmed down slowly.

A crack appeared in front of his eyes and he left. The little golden crow behind him also dropped the mirror in his hand and followed Su Heng step by step.

He handed the little golden crow to Qin Shunying to take care of, and told her not to feed the golden crow too much. Su Heng contacted King Qingyang, and after receiving a reply, Wang Xinlong put a black cloak on Su Heng's shoulders.


The door in front of him slowly opened, and bright sunlight shone in from outside.

Su Heng walked like a dragon and a tiger, and the hem of the cloak embroidered with gold also rose and fell. As a circle of dust was swept away, Su Heng's broad body tore through the void, turned into a black light, and sank into the clouds and disappeared.

At the end of the month, I ask for monthly tickets QWQ, bang bang bang!

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