One pound of meat equals one attribute point

$ Chapter 405 The Ancient Demon God, Hephaestus


With the arrival of Su Heng.

A huge shock wave destroyed the city and swept across the entire battlefield.

But after a brief silence, cold murderous intent surged like a tide, and a fierce counterattack came in an instant.

Giant spears were thrown by the demon warlords, piercing the void and screaming, leaving white smoke marks on the battlefield. What followed was an endless stream of innate magical powers, like raindrops, gathering together in mid-air, turning into waterfalls, and pouring down.

There are also many weapons made of volcanic bombs and blood-poisoned iron, all kinds of strange and strange.


Able to withstand Su Heng's majestic courage that enveloped the battlefield.

Being so far apart, he projected his attacks over to counterattack.

Each of these monsters is not weak, they have advanced cultivation, and they do not lack the courage to fight to the death.

It's a pity that everything they tried their best to do was in vain in the face of the absolute gap in strength.

Su Heng didn't hide or even take a step back.

He just raised his head and spread his arms, attracting countless needles like a huge magnet, allowing all the attacks to fall on him.

This monster is too arrogant!

When some demons saw such a scene, they couldn't help but have similar thoughts in their hearts.

Without exception, their eyes widened, and some even held their breath subconsciously, eager to see the cruel sight of scales flying and flesh torn apart in the next moment.

Although when the mythical battlefield came, these demons had the idea of ​​​​releasing their murderous nature.

But when the real war comes.

There is no doubt that these natives of the Blood Realm have become the invaded party.

The Dragon Guard and those practitioners of the demonic path penetrated Su Heng's will and slaughtered them with ruthlessness, precision and efficiency.

Demons are also intelligent and can think... maybe they also have something they are willing to fight for.

But now these things have been completely destroyed.

Their relatives were massacred, and their living space was squeezed inch by inch. Every day when they woke up, it was like returning to a nightmare. They were dominated by fear and fled in panic on the land that should have been their home.

And Su Heng is the source of all these disasters.

If, if this monster can die here, then all disasters will be over.


Amidst the attention of countless demons, a voice came.

But that's not wonderful. The magic weapon forged by the best blacksmith with the most precious metal can only end up being shattered on the spot after touching Su Heng's body. Those strong men in the realm of demon gods couldn't even touch Su Heng's body with the secret techniques released by burning life, and they were offset by the power of leaping like fire.

Su Heng's majestic roar mixed with the bloody clouds, constantly washing back and forth on the battlefield, setting off a frenzy.

And this is proof of the efforts of those demons.


Seeing this scene, countless monsters' eyes were almost splitting.

But fear was more turbulent than anger. Even such an attack could not cause any harm to him. What else could they do next?

"You just need to stand here and let me kill, tear into pieces, and eat you all." Looking at the dull eyes of the demons on the battlefield, Su Heng read their inner thoughts and sneered at this time.

He stepped forward step by step, the shadows spread under the backlight of thunder, and the earth trembled like a heart.

Only on the battlefield can you face the majesty of a mountain.

Only then can we understand what is complete despair!

Su Heng began to slaughter and also began to enjoy his feast.


He spread his fingers and grabbed forward.

A powerful demon like a giant earth dragon had no time to dodge, and was lifted up by Su Heng like a puppy with one hand.

His head was crushed to pieces, blood surged wildly, but the rest of his body was growing crazily at an incredible speed. The bone spurs first bulged, then pierced the skin, and then interlocked and linked together.

In just two or three breaths, the demon god, which was more than twenty meters long from beginning to end, turned into a bloody chain blade in Su Heng's hands.

"Kill them all, hahaha!"

Amidst the wild laughter, Su Heng jumped up high, and then fell from the sky with a huge force.

The huge impact distorted the earth's crust, and all demons within a radius of several hundred meters were knocked into the air. Their mouths were open, their pupils were white, and they had not yet recovered from the violent shock wave just now. Then they saw the blood-colored chain blades swept across with the force of tearing the sky, splitting their bodies into more than a dozen sections in just an instant.

Various organs, bones, heads, and scarlet-hot blood, like splashes of ink when painting, gathered around Su Heng to form a purgatory-like scene.

Then Su Heng opened his mouth and sucked in fiercely.

All the blood and meat were swallowed into his stomach, and the refining was accelerated amidst the huge roar in his stomach.

There were also large areas of blood-colored smoke rising upwards from his body, and his entire body vaguely expanded outward.

The muscles that were already extremely ferocious became even more crazy and violent.

The aura emanating from him also became powerful, sweeping across the battlefield with a violent attitude. Even the will of the Blood Realm was defeated, shrinking outwards in the falling lightning.

It was a one-sided massacre.

Just for a moment.

The originally crowded battlefield was instantly cleared.

But for Su Heng, this was just an appetizer before a big meal.

Not only could it not satisfy Su Heng's eternal hunger, but it made his body even more hungry, urging him to kill and harvest, more, everything, everything in front of him!

Su Heng strode forward.

He slashed and slashed, and his roar made the earth tremble.

A scarlet path was left along the way, and the eternally thirsty ground of the Blood Realm was soaked in blood and turned into mud.

The fighting spirit of the demon alliance was finally completely defeated, and countless demons were trembling in fear and howling loudly. Dropping the weapon in his hand, he ran around on the battlefield like a headless fly.

Demons and monsters are fighting each other, hoping that death will bring them a moment of peace.

Even the strong men at the level of demon gods have no intention of fighting, and use their hands and feet at this time. He even knocked down his comrades who were fighting together, just hoping to delay Su Heng's advancement a little.


There was a loud noise like the beginning of heaven and earth.

The smell of gunpowder smoke and molten fire filled the battlefield, and then an extremely bright and brilliant beam of light pierced the darkness.

The entire battlefield seemed to be quiet for a moment. All the demons and the Dragon Guard coalition forces surrounding them raised their heads with understanding and looked toward the center of the battlefield, where the Tebola volcano stood.

The giant volcano known as the Doomsday seemed to be exploding at this time, erupting with unprecedented violence.

A pillar of magma and fire several kilometers thick shot straight into the sky.

Thick clouds were rolling in the sky, loud roars could be heard, and dazzling thunders rolled in the dark clouds.

Countless huge lava fireballs fell from the sky, and sulfur like broken gold was suspended in the pitch-black sky. With the Tebola volcano at the center, the ground is constantly cracking like broken glass. The violent shaking and vibration make it difficult for those skilled warriors to maintain their balance.

Many demons were swallowed up by the cracks and disappeared without a trace, unable to even scream.

Heavy breathing, filled with hatred and anger.

First, a big black hand stretched out and firmly grasped the edge of the volcanic crack. Next was a blood-red giant ax with an iron chain tied to the handle. The ancient demon god Hephaestus, who had defeated the Great Sage of Copper Mountain and the Dragon Guard Alliance, climbed out of purgatory like this. That scarlet and scorching posture was like a nightmare. Even in Su Heng's eyes, he was considered a hero.

His burly and muscular body was bathed in flames, and his gray-black armor only covered vital parts such as his heart and joints.

The exposed muscles are like the sharp-edged obsidian on the volcano.

Exuding strength and indestructible luster.

His eyes were red, he had a big brown-red beard on his chin, and his body was thick and strong, just like a dwarf in myths and legends.

But his size is quite huge, forty meters tall.

The visual impact is even heavier than Su Heng's body.

Seeing the Great Demon God finally appear, the monsters on the battlefield seemed to have found their backbone. At this time, everyone cheered, as if as long as the big devil launched an attack, things would definitely get better.

"Why are you forcing me!" Hephaestus' burly, dark body stood on the volcano, with criss-crossing flames at his feet, and behind him was a huge pillar of fire that reached into the sky and the earth.

What the Great Sage Tongshan said is indeed true.

For thousands of years, Hephaestus has lived in this volcano.

Its power has been integrated with the volcano under its feet, and now it is blessed by the will of the blood realm. Even an ordinary roar turned into a storm and swept the entire battlefield.

"I have never had any ambition to dominate the world. I just want to live in a small corner. But you greedy and cruel invaders, are you going to take even this small place of refuge from us?"

Hephaestus was breathing heavily, his chest was shaking, his clenched palms were creaking, and the angry look on his face was hard to describe.

"If you must kill them all, then don't blame us for fighting you to the death!" Hephaestus roared, and the Tambora volcano under his feet also responded to the ancient demon god's anger with a violent eruption.

Among the vertical and horizontal cracks.

First, thick smoke rose into the sky, followed by a loud roar that echoed across the plains.

Bundles of blazing and dazzling firelight spurted out, as if there was an extremely violent earth dragon rampaging inside.

The ground in front of Su Heng cracked and subsided at an unprecedented speed, turning into a golden and red magma lake. Then it boiled violently and exploded with a bang.

A lava demon that was a hundred meters high opened its mouth and bit down on Su Heng with a huge force. Su Heng did not dodge, he let out a strange laugh, and then punched forward.

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