Ranked first…

The most mysterious S-class hero — blast!?

Actually came!?

At this moment, hearing Bond’s words, all the S-class heroes couldn’t help but light up their eyes!

The blast is coming!?

For demolition, so many heroes here are of course thunderous.

It’s just that they didn’t have the opportunity to see each other, only knowing that there was indeed such a person, who had been silently guarding mankind before the establishment of the Hero Association.

All in all, these S-class heroes, even if they don’t worship the blasting like the tornado, are also extremely respectful?

So now hearing that the blast is coming, almost everyone comes to the spirit.

“Is that one coming? Where is it!? ”

“I really want to meet him!?”

“How strong is his strength?”

At the same time, the tornado that was still full of anger just now suddenly dissipated at this time.

Immediately afterwards, without seeing how she moved, Bond, who was suspended in midair, immediately fell down smoothly and sat on the chair smoothly.

Immediately, Tornado eagerly asked, “Where is he, why didn’t you invite him over for a meeting?”

Saying this, her small face turned slightly red because of pleasure.

Hearing this, the other S-class heroes naturally stared at Bond, waiting for his answer, even his secretary.

Only then Bond added with a wry smile: “Lord Demolition, he’s here.”

What the!?

Hearing this, Dragon Scroll and the others were stunned.

Come, what does it mean!?

At this time, Bond did not dare to sell anything, and quickly explained: “Actually, we have not been able to contact Lord Demolition, and he probably does not want to participate in the S-class meeting.”

“But it’s really possible that Demolition-sama has been here just now!”

Bond said something in one breath.

And hearing this, Tornado and others understood a little.

So, the Heroes Guild can’t contact Blast, but Demolition has come once?

When!? Why didn’t they find out??

After the S-class heroes understood it, they were strange.

The tornado immediately lowered his face and asked, “Since you can’t be contacted, how do you know that he has been here?”

Bond did not hesitate, and immediately said: “It’s the one just now, called Xia Ning!”

“Most likely, he’s Demolition!!”

Hearing this, Dragon Scroll’s pupils suddenly shrank, and the whole person froze.

The other S-class heroes also changed their faces and were stunned.

Xia Ning?

At this moment, in their minds, they subconsciously sketched the figure of the man with black hair and black eyes and a beautiful face.

Xia Ning!?

Is he a blast!?

How can it be!?

Just kidding!?

“That person is Blast!?”

“How is that possible!?”

“President Bond, are you mistaken!?”

Some people secretly wondered, and some people couldn’t help but lose their voice.

As for the tornado who cared most about this matter, he also looked at Bond with a sharp look in his eyes: “Have you recognized the wrong person!?”

“That Xia Ning, how can it be a blast!?”

“If he was a blaster, why didn’t you say it just now!?”

And hearing the words of the tornado, S-class Ying, who was in shock, quickly nodded.

Yes, that’s not reasonable!

If Bond knew that Sha Ning was a blast, why did something like that happen? Why did they help deal with Xia Ning!?

Bond continued to smile bitterly: “Because at that time, I didn’t recognize the adult.”

“We don’t know much about the appearance of Lord Demolition, and other detailed information, only that he is a young man, and when fighting, there are often explosive effects.”

“We haven’t seen Demolition Master strike before, but at that time, he always wore a black mask, and wore a jumpsuit and cape, and his figure looked relatively strong.”

“Do you think that Lord Xia Ning just now is similar to the legendary Lord Demolition?”

Hearing Bond say this, Tornado suddenly frowned.

In fact, Tornado has never seen the blast, and when she was rescued before, she was in a state of insanity, and later woke up and learned that she was saved by the explosion.

However, for the characteristics that Bond said, she had also heard it a long time ago, and compared to the Xia Ning she saw just now, it didn’t seem to be very consistent.

Not to mention anything else, the battle situation alone is a bit different, because although Xia Ning made a move just now, it seems that it really didn’t cause any blasting scenes!

The other S-class heroes also subconsciously recalled and immediately had an idea with the tornado.

Be… Not really.

But why does Bond now say that Shainin is a blast?

At this time, Bond obviously knew what everyone was wondering, and immediately explained again.

He was talking about the strange situation he encountered when he invited Genos just now, and the situation that his subordinates reported to him later.

In fact, before the meeting just now, Bond was in a daze because he thought about it.

The secretary crossed out the name of the absent blast, but in Bond’s mind, if Shaning was a blaster, then he should not be considered absent, right?

And at that time, Bond also remembered that Xia Ning made him feel familiar several times, so there was a reason for all this, it was because Xia Ning was blasting.

And at this moment, hearing Bond’s explanation, Dragon Scroll and the others were stunned again.

There is such a coincidence!?

The phone rang twice over there and turned off.

I made two phone calls here and couldn’t get through!

If it’s a coincidence, it’s too much of a coincidence, right?

As soon as they thought of this, Dragon Scroll and the others immediately understood why Bond would think that Xia Ning was a blast.

Because… What a coincidence!?

And recall that Xia Ning is the probability of blasting and is also very large!

The reason is simple, because he is too strong!

Incredibly powerful!

Although he did not show signs of explosive battle, his strength was indeed in line with the level of demolition.

So, Xia Ning, it’s really a blast!?

Thinking of this, Dragon Scroll and the others suddenly had different expressions.

The tornado was naturally surprised and delighted, and then a little shy.

I was surprised that I and Xia Ning had known each other for a long time, but the process of acquaintance did not seem to be very pleasant!

Happily, she already knows where Xia Ning lives, and she can go to Xia Ning at any time!

As for shyness, it was her original emotion unique to blasting, and after knowing that blasting was Xia Ning, she naturally rose.

The other S-class heroes, such as the sexy prisoner and super alloy black light who had fought with Xia Ning, were relieved at once.

Especially superalloy black light.

Originally, he was still a little worried, even if he woke up at this time and participated in the S-level meeting, he was a little unwilling.

It was when he heard the information of the explosion that he came to some spirit.

But what he never expected was that the blast turned out to be Xia Ning!

Xia Ning turned out to be a blast!?

In this case, doesn’t it mean that it was the S-class number one blast that defeated him just now!?

Realizing this, the super alloy black light was relieved.

Because it was not the unknown person who defeated him, but the strongest, Blast!

In this way, where will he be unwilling!

He lost to Xia Ning, lost to Blasting, all deserved!

But after today, he will also have to strengthen his exercise.

He wanted to catch up with that man, and even, fight him again!

And just when the super alloy black light was working hard, he suddenly heard a familiar voice again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It’s a loud sound like a heartbeat!


The super alloy black light was stunned, and turned his gaze to King next to him.

The imperial engine actually went off again!?

And this time seems to be louder than any before!

The super alloy black light was slightly stunned, and then nodded secretly.

“It seems that King, like me, knew that Xia Ning was blasted, and then he had a strong fighting intent, right!?”

Super alloy black light subconsciously thought so.

What he didn’t know, however, was that King’s imperial engine sounded again, not because of excitement, but because of fear!

At this moment, King broke out in a cold sweat again.

He was scared to death!

The man who almost made a move with him was actually a blast!?

At this time, King finally realized that he had circled through the ghost door.

Then there was a surge of intense fear.

If it wasn’t for his clever move to admit defeat just now, he would probably have been blasted into slag now!?

No, not an estimate, but absolutely!

It was precisely because of this thought that King’s imperial engine involuntarily sounded again, and it was even louder and more serious than just now.

At this moment, Tornado, Sexy Prisoner, Super Alloy Black Light, King, and Atomic Samurai and others, in short…

All the S-class heroes were moved by Bond’s words!


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