Heroes Guild Headquarters.

Bond and others have also been paying attention to the development of Z City.

During this period, their mood was like riding a roller coaster.

First, the metal knight unexpectedly appeared, unleashing powerful firepower, which lifted their spirits and felt hopeful.

But soon, as the metal knight left the battlefield without warning, hopes were dashed.

And next, the successive shots of Genos, Bungu and others also rekindled their hope.

Only in the end, I was still disappointed.

Even if Genos Bungu and others joined forces, they could not stop the meteorite falling.

Even if they were not at the scene and did not feel the amazing gravity, Bond and the others also sensed that the situation was not good.

If this continues, there is no doubt that Z City will be destroyed!

The most important thing is that Genos and the others present will also be unable to escape death and end up at a sacrifice, which is a huge loss for the entire human race!

But at this moment, to the surprise of Bond and others, the turning point appeared again!

A man wearing a yellow jumpsuit, a white cape, red gloves, and the iconic bald head suddenly descended and flew towards the huge meteorite without saying a word!


“That person is!?”

“It seems to be the person who participated in the hero assessment with Genos, but the final result is only the last place in the C grade!”

At this time, Bond and the others also recognized Saitama.

Originally, for a C-class hero, Bond and others naturally did not care too much.

But Saitama, a C-class hero, is different, he was assessed together with the S-class hero Genos, and according to the staff at the time, someone had heard Genos call Saitama a senior brother.

Also, Saitama and Xia Ning, who was a S-class hero such as the Heroes Association and the Big Fortune Super Alloy Black Light, seem to have a good relationship.

It is precisely because of this that Bond and the others are no strangers to Saitama, and even investigated his information, knew his assessment results, etc., so they recognized him as soon as he appeared.

After recognizing him, Bond and the others finally lifted their spirits again.

Although Saitama is a C-class hero, he has outstanding results in martial arts in the assessment, and he has a good relationship with Genos and Xia Ning.

Such a person said that he only has the strength of a C-level hero, and Bond and others naturally do not believe it.

So, now that he suddenly appears, he may be able to turn the tide!?

Thinking like this, Bond and the others secretly clenched their fists and looked forward to it.

And then, as if confirming their thoughts, Saitama really brought hope!

With one punch, he pierced and blasted that dragon-level meteorite!

At that moment, seeing the meteorite that burst on the screen, Bond and the others couldn’t help but cheer.

“Ah, the meteorite exploded!”

“Was it blasted by that person!?”

“Fantastic, too strong!!!”

“Yay, Z City is saved!”

The entire monitoring center resounded with cheers.

Even Bond blushed with excitement.

That’s great!

City Z did not follow in the footsteps of City A before it.

Most importantly, S-class heroes such as Genos can also survive, which is a huge boon for mankind!

However, just as Bond was thinking like this, when the surrounding staff were cheering, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

“No, it’s not over yet!”

“Mr. Bond, look!”

It was said by a female staff member who had a relatively delicate personality, so she suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Bond suddenly looked away.

At the same time, the other staff members were also attracted to attention, stopped cheering, and looked over.

The female staff member pointed to all the aerial surveillance footage in Z City.

What is reflected in the picture is the fragments of meteorite in the sky of Z City.

Seeing this, Bond and the others were stunned at first, and then their faces suddenly changed.

At this time, they all came to their senses.

It is naturally a good thing that the dragon-level meteorite was burst through.

But this does not seem to mean that the disaster is completely over!

Because, those meteorite fragments, with gravity and flames, fell in all directions towards Z City!

Realizing this, the cheers of Bond and other people came to an abrupt end.

Although the meteorite was exploded, those meteorite fragments seem to be extremely troublesome, one is not good, and may even cause greater damage and destruction than the original complete meteorite!

Realizing this, the original excitement of Bond and the others suddenly disappeared, replaced by full worry.

Although there are many S-class heroes on the scene, and there is even Saitama who bursts meteorites, but there are so many scattered and bursting meteorite fragments, can they handle it?

And the next situation also shows that Bond and others’ concerns are right.

City Z site.

After Saitama burst the meteorite, he was not aware of the secondary hazard of meteorite fragments at all.

Instead, Genos, Bungu and others reacted quickly, but under that strange gravity pressure, they couldn’t play much at all, at most, they barely shot down the nearby meteorite to offset it.

The meteorite falling and destroying the city seems to be unstoppable!

Realizing this, Bungu and the others turned pale.

After the meteorite was blasted by Saitama, their danger was reduced a lot.

But at the same time, those low-level heroes, as well as the citizens who did not have time to completely evacuate, were in trouble.

Perhaps, the broken meteorite fragments caused more casualties than the complete meteorite!

And in the face of such a situation, there is nothing they can do!

Even Saitama, who exploded meteorites, was obviously the same.

Therefore, even if a meteorite can be blasted, can it not prevent the disaster from happening?

Even if it is such a powerful force, will it be beyond its reach!?


Just when Bungu and the others were thinking like this, something incredible happened!

Somewhere on the ground, countless white shadows suddenly flew out.

Those white shadows, the speed is like electricity, in a trance, you can only see what seems to be palm shadows, and then you can’t see clearly.

But at this time, Bangu and the others shrank their pupils and showed extreme shock.

“What’s that!?”

I saw those white shadows, all rushed into the air and hit those meteorite fragments.

Bang bang bang!!!

In the sound of continuous explosions.

At this moment, not only Bungu and others, but even Bond and others from the headquarters of the Hero Association were shocked to find that those unknown number of meteorite fragments were all exploded one by one!

Under the agitation of those white shadows, none of the meteorite fragments that fell in all directions of Z City could fall to the ground!

The meteorite fragments that covered the entire city were actually blocked!

At the same time, seeing this scene, Saitama Genos, Hell Blowing Snow and Mosquito Girl couldn’t help but light up their eyes in shock.

There is also a tornado hidden at a very high place, and the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up.

He finally struck!


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