“Well, how can there be a familiar breath!?”

On the other side, hell blows snow and flies away from no man’s land.

However, before flying away, she vaguely felt that there seemed to be a familiar aura in the no-man’s land.

Did anyone show up?

It’s just that despite the doubts, Hell Blowing Snow can’t turn around again, so I can only see if I can speed up and solve those weirdos and go back.

For this, Hell Blowing Snow is still very confident.

Now she is not a star and a half stronger than before she met Xia Ning!

Even if she deals with ghost-level weirdos, she is confident that she can easily defeat them!


Thinking like this, the green light around Hell Blowing Snow’s body flashed, and the whole person suddenly turned into a blurry green shadow and flew towards the destination area!

At this time, she was already moving at full speed.

And as the speed increases, Hell Blowing Snow can’t help but feel a sense of pleasure!

This speed is at least half as fast as before!

This alone speaks volumes!

“Xia Ning…”

Sensing the speed of the present, the beautiful face of Hell Blowing Snow suddenly flashed with a hint of sweetness.

She was able to have such a speed, and naturally she could not leave the credit of daily cultivation methods.

But in addition, there is actually Xia Ning’s guidance.

When watching TV one time, I suddenly talked about the problem of motivation.

Xia Ning didn’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and suddenly expressed some opinions.

It probably means that Nian Power is an incomparably powerful force, and when it is not strong enough, there is no need to use it to control other things or forces.

At that time, Hell Blowing Snow remembered Xia Ning’s words, and then secretly pondered it.

As a result, she really gained a lot!

Simply put, it is not necessary to think about power to hook other forces, but simply use mind power.

It’s like hell blowing snow flying now.

In the past, when she flew, she used the power of her thoughts, hooked the wind, and then flew with the wind.

But when she tried to restore the use of Nian Power before, and insisted on using it for a period of time, she found that simply using Nian Power actually had more benefits.

As far as flying is concerned, she simply uses the power of thought, and does not need to consume power to cause strong winds, which is equivalent to one less process.

And without this process, she saves part of the power of thought, and uses this part of the power to fly, and she can fly faster!

After discovering this, the blowing snow in hell is like a hanging pot empowerment!

Because using the power of thought to lead the wind has become her habit.

Her Hell Arashi, and Nian Liu Spinning Storm, were also created based on this habit.

And with the example of flying, is it that the Nian Power consumed by her using Hell Lan and Nian Liu’s rotating storm will be more powerful if it is simply used to launch attacks?

Of course, this is not absolute, after all, to cast Hell Lan and Nian Liu Rotating Storm, it seems that there must be a strong wind, and if it is not with the help of wind power, even if it is the same stronger Nian power, it may not be able to perform these two moves.

But all in all, because of Xia Ning’s words, Hell Blowing Snow benefited a lot.

That’s it.

Thinking back to what he gained during this time, Hell Blowing Snow soon came to the place of the incident.

At this moment, her gaze froze, and the invisible power of thought immediately condensed in front of her eyes.

In the blink of an eye, a translucent, half-human wind blade suddenly took shape.

No, it should not be said that it is a wind blade, because the blade in front of you is completely constructed by the mental power of hell blowing snow.

So to be precise, it should be called the Blade of Nian Li!

And immediately afterwards, as the thought of hell blowing snow moved, the half-human blade of mental power suddenly slashed out.

A brush.

At this moment, the momentum formed by the Blade of Mind Power breaking through the air was not inferior to the Wind Blade released before the Blowing Snow of Hell, and it had even improved significantly.

And with a strong sound of breaking the air, a figure raging on the street in front of him immediately separated.


A somewhat strange-looking head rolled down with a grunt.

The appearance of this skull is very strange, similar to a fish, and it has pointed gills.

Without a doubt, this is the weirdo!

The weirdos of the Deep Sea Clan!

After Hell Blowing Snow came here, as soon as he saw the weirdos of the Deep Sea Clan, he immediately made a move without hesitation.

This shot immediately caused an amazing effect!

A tiger-level weirdo, not her enemy, was killed in an instant!

“Huh!? It’s her!? ”

“Heroes again, damn heroes!”

“Kill her!”

This is the place of the incident, so naturally there is more than one abyssal weirdo, and seeing that other companions are killed, the other abyssal weirdos are naturally eyeing the snow of hell.

Hell Blowing Snow was naturally not afraid, and a smile appeared on his beautiful face, and he immediately planned to kill and verify his current strength at the same time.

Only at this moment, the unexpected appeared!

On the street ahead, suddenly there were the screams of strange people.


Hell blows the snow stunned.

But when I saw the strange people over there, I suddenly became commotion.

Then at a certain moment, several strange people suddenly turned around with a strange cry, and actually fled.

What happened?

Hell Blowing Snow was even more puzzled, and subconsciously mobilized the motivation to go over to investigate.

As a result, she was surprised to find that there was a strange aura above the ghost level, which was slowly disappearing.

In addition, there is a cruel breath, moving rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, as if confirming the idea of hell blowing snow, a black shadow suddenly flickered.

Every time the black shadow flickered, one of those fleeing weirdos died, and in the blink of an eye, the weirdos in the nearby area had been killed!

The originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

Hell Blowing Snow looked in surprise, only to see that the black shadow finally stopped, revealing the appearance of a silver-haired man, with a defiant sneer on his face.

“Isn’t there one who can fight?”

The silver-haired man flicked the flowers on his hand, and then scanned the surroundings of the corpses everywhere.

When Hell Blowing Snow saw this, his pretty face suddenly changed a little.

Although the silver-haired man in front of him had a lot of blood on his body at this time, his appearance and characteristics were still very clear.

So, Hell Blowing Snow quickly recognized…

This is a hungry wolf!

The protagonist of the news she just saw is an eccentric man who calls himself a weirdo!

Actually, met him?

Hell Blowing Snow raised his eyebrows.


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