“You won’t be worried about being robbed of the throne of A-class number one by me!” Saitama smiled.

“But don’t worry, I’ll be promoted to Grade A, I won’t stay in Grade B!” But blowing snow, why don’t you want to be promoted to grade A? No matter how many subordinates there are, they are only B-grade after all! Wouldn’t it be boring? Saitama asked puzzled.

“You don’t need to know that! Answer me quickly! Blowing Snow said coldly.

“Of course it’s a refusal! How can a hero be constrained by his superiors and subordinates? Saitama shook his head.

“Is that so? Mountain Ape! Lash! ”

“Subordinates are here!”

“Beat him up hard! Fight until he can no longer engage in any heroic activities! Fuyuki raised his right hand and pointed to Saitama at the door.

“The kid is upset with you earlier! Prepare to receive just punishment! ”

At this moment, the mountain ape waved his fist, and his eyelashes pulled out two eyelash pincers, rushing towards Saitama.

In the next second, Saitama swung out several fists, directly knocking the two of them away, and fell violently in the debris pile in the distance.

“How so?” Blowing Snow couldn’t help but take two steps back, his face changed and his brows furrowed.

“You can’t get mixed up like you! Blow snow! ”

“So, you’re not going to join me? In that case…”

In an instant, flying sand and stones, surrounding gravel and even dust converged towards the blowing snow on the corridor in an invisible force.

Looking at the floating stone, Saitama raised his head: “Is it a superpower again?” Are you planning to control these little stones to fight me? Stop it! ”

“You guy dares to fool me, I’ll make you regret it!” Blowing snow levitated under the invisible force: “I will beat you to half death!” ”

With a finger of his right hand, countless dust and gravel quickly swirled into a hurricane: “Hell wind!” ”

“Boom!” The torrent of terror instantly flooded Saitama in front of him.

“This is a move that can tear people to pieces in an instant! Don’t blame me for being ruthless, who made you think about surpassing me? I’m number one! The guy who might become the enemy is going to…”

“Hey! Hell blows snow, this is not the amount of equipment that the first place should have! Suddenly, Saitama’s voice came from behind Fuyuki.

“You… How could it be avoided? ”

“You can’t survive! Because you don’t understand what a hero is! There are many strong monsters in this world, and it is the heroes who stand up against them! Even if you’re alone! ”

“Gather your subordinates who are weaker than yourself, and think that it is impossible for you to grow if you become stronger! If you go on like this, one day you will suffer, and when a weirdo who is stronger than yourself appears, even his subordinates can’t help you! Saitama looked at the blowing snow on the opposite side and said with a serious face.

“Faction? Hunting newcomers? Maintain your ranking? Is it okay to have a relationship at all? Don’t underestimate the heroes! Hell blows snow! ”

“You look for death!” Blowing snow is furious! The stone next to the control slammed directly into Saitama on the opposite side, and Saitama also swung his fist.


The smoke and dust spread, and a figure appeared in the middle of the two, not Ling Feng and anyone: “Stop me!” ”

“Saitama, and Koyuki! This is not the place to fight! ”

“Are you guys here to help this bald man? In that case, then I…”

“Xiaoxue, do you really not know each other?” Ling Feng turned around and asked, his eyes full of expectation.

“Why should I know you this trash fish? Get out of my way! ”

Blowing Snow vowed to kill these two guys.

The invisible force lifted her up, and at this time, Saitama and Ling Feng looked at each other: “Hey, Ling Feng, she doesn’t seem to know you!” Did you recognize the wrong person! ”

Ling Feng frowned, it seemed that the girl in front of him who looked exactly like Xiao Xue didn’t seem to be the Xiao Xue he knew, but why was it so similar?

However, Ling Feng knew in his heart that this was another world, and even if there were people with similar appearances, it could not be the same person, and he couldn’t help but sigh.

On the street, Blowing Snow’s hands suddenly pressed on the pavement, and a powerful nian power burst out, directly lifting the entire pavement and smashing towards Ling Feng and Saitama.

In the spread of smoke and dust, Blowing Snow rushed towards Ling Feng, a dagger appeared in his hand, and stabbed at Ling Feng who was shrouded in rubble: “Kill you guy first!” ”

However, in the next second, a hand easily grabbed her arm, and at this time, the dagger was less than ten centimeters away from Ling Feng in front of her.

Ling Feng looked at the girl in front of him, his eyes flickered, and for a while he didn’t know what to say, the hell blowing snow in front of him was really similar to the one in her memory.

Hit by his own mental power, the other party was unscathed, and even easily parried his own stab, who is this guy? Blowing Snow was shocked, there was indeed no such a mysterious guy in her memory.

At this moment, two black shadows next to him suddenly appeared, it was Genos and Sonic, who were fighting wildly.


“Sonic Burst Sword!”

“Not good!” Chuixue’s face changed, and the attack of the two actually came towards this side.

A huge fireball soared into the air, instantly covering everything within a radius of tens of meters.

“Ling Feng!”

Saitama on the side was shocked, and watched as the two were swept into the flames.

“Ugh!” In the midst of the scream, Blowing Snow couldn’t help but close his eyes.

And at this moment, Blowing Snow felt like she was being pulled into a warm embrace.


The flames spread, and the shock wave shattered the glass of the surrounding buildings, and even the street lamps of the large trees next to them were shattered by the explosion.

“What the hell happened?” Blowing snow thought in fear.

After three seconds, the smoke cleared.

Only then did Chuixue slowly open his eyes and look up, Ling Feng was looking at the explosion in the distance with a cold face.

“He saved me? How can it be? Blowing Snow was stunned, but the devastation from the explosions around her told her that if it weren’t for Ling Feng just now, she might have died.

“Who are you?” Chuixue looked at Ling Feng blankly.

“Hey! Ling Feng, are you all right? Not far away, Saitama waved the cigarette dust and greeted Ling Feng.

At this time, Genos also stopped: “Mr. Ling Feng, are you okay?” ”

“I’m okay!” Ling Feng stood up and helped Blowing Snow up by the way.

“I’m sorry! Mr. Ling Feng, I didn’t see you here! Genos’ electronic eye scanned for a moment, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, it was obvious that Ling Feng had blocked this blow just now.

“That’s S-class Genos? How could it be here? Chuixue stared blankly at these people in front of him.

“So, are you all right?” Ling Feng lowered his head and looked at the blowing snow next to him.

“Huh? I’m fine! Thank you for saving me! ”

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