One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

013 Fubuki's Determination, Proud Older Sister? (Ask For Flowers And Comments~)

In the end, the zombie man still did not escape the fate of this hot spring trip.

Although the process was different, it was not killed by the drunken Tornado after his pride was hurt, but by the destructive breath emitted by the Myriad Realms Exposure System.

Fortunately, he is a guy who can be resurrected infinitely, and the punishment seems to go through a process, otherwise, the zombie man will die because he made a wrong bet.

It's also because of their bad luck. Like Bangu and Tongdi, one lost a hair, and the other lost all the balance on the card.

The king is different, although the current king is still very sincere, but his strength is no longer the weakling of the past!

At least...he already has the strength of a b-level hero!

Of course, the main reason is that his strength is too weak, otherwise, how could it be so bad if it is multiplied by a hundred times the increase reward?

However, in comparison, Poros and the Vaccine Man were the worst lucky...

At this time, the TV projection turned on.

【Ding! 】

[The betting time is over, and the follow-up content will start playing. 】


Humans and weirdos all over the world couldn't help swallowing, and many people and weirdos showed eyes like gamblers.


【"Kill the person on the shoulder!!"】

[As soon as the screen appeared, the doctor's brother appeared crazy. 】

[When the screen is pulled, the screen freezes on the face of the giant for three seconds. 】

[This scene is a bit disturbing to watch, but I feel that the giant seems to be thinking, but it seems more like he is in a daze. 】


【boom--! ! 】

[The next moment, the giant moved! 】

[The right hand suddenly raised and patted towards his shoulder. 】

[In this way, the screen freezes for another three seconds. 】

【Then, the giant's huge head trembled suddenly, and slowly moved his left hand away from his right shoulder. 】

【He stared blankly at the palm of his left hand. 】

[The originally dull face seemed to be frozen at this moment. 】

[1,, 2, 3...]

The same is true for the humans and monsters all over the world, and they all froze like the faces of giants.

But soon, they were all taken aback.

[I saw the giant opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth suddenly. 】


The sharp and ear-piercing roar made the audience's ears ring.

No, this is the sound transmitted by brain waves, so instead of having earaches, they are directly facing the pain transmitted to the nerves.


? ? ?

Looking at the blood on the giant's palm, and the doctor's brother's white cloak...

A huge question mark rose in the minds of all the audience.

"It's outrageous! Open the door for Outrageous, Outrageous is home!"

"I'm really...hehe, do you want to cut my ass? Open my eyes?"

Everyone's eyes widened.

As a qualified person (weird), at shouldn't be like this!

After all, that's your real brother, and it's also the key to your becoming stronger...

Could it be that if you want to be successful, you have to be... ah bah!

Battles are ever-changing, especially at this level of terrifying strength, one dare not take it lightly for a moment.

Therefore, even as audiences, they are extremely nervous.

Of course, the substituted character is naturally Saitama as the protagonist.

It's just... Now, not to mention the low-level weirdos and heroes, even the many S-level heroes in the hot spring hotel all dropped their jaws in shock.

What kind of show operation is this? !

Saitama and Tornado, who were fighting, were entangled with each other at this time, and when they saw this scene, they stopped their movements at the same time.

Tornado pinched Saitama's face, and Saitama lifted the collar behind her.

The two looked at each other, seeing the confusion in each other's eyes.

Especially Saitama, after he met Genos, he regained the emotions that humans should have.

"I...I seem to remember..."

Saitama was speechless, obviously it was playing the monsters he had defeated, but he couldn't remember anything except the crab monsters...

"This guy... is not simple!"

Saitama thought to himself, no longer playing with Tornado, and put her aside, ignoring her crawling over again... He pinched his chin and thought.

"I always feel like I've forgotten someone. He seems to be quite amazing. I've met him a few times, um..."

Somewhere in the mountains.


"Damn it!!!!"

"This hateful bald man waits for me!"

"One day! One day I'll have my revenge... Well—"

Every time he sees Saitama's face, he can't help but think of the first time they fought...

Inexplicably, the legs were clamped together.

On the other side, Fubuki, who had blown his hair, watched the outrageous scene on the projection, and was also dazed for a while.

"This giant... is kind of funny."

"I'm looking forward to your performance, Saitama!"

After the words fell, the voices of members of the Fubuki group came from outside the door.

"Sister, we are ready!"

"Well, have you found out where they are?"

"Found it, team leader, that Saitama is now in the hot spring hotel in xx city."

"Onsen hotel... my sister seems to be there too..."



There are many high-rise buildings on the road with TV projections, and they naturally cannot fail to see this battle.

Fubuki's interest in Saitama grows stronger.

But at the same time, I felt a little uncomfortable.

It's as if the treasure discovered by myself alone was announced by others, which is very uncomfortable.

But there is no way... So, she has to speed up the progress.

"If it really doesn't work...huh! Although you are very attractive and powerful, especially when you have hair..."

"No, no, no! What am I thinking?!"

"He is very important, but if my sister is on the sidelines... no, why would I have such unrealistic thoughts?"

"Hehe, my sister's haughty personality will definitely not let Saitama show off in front of her. Now my sister should be mad. Although Saitama's performance so far has never let me down, he really has the ability to surpass the average S-rank. The power of a hero."

"But in front of my sister... guess, only that uncle can convince my sister..."

Fubuki embarked on a journey to find Saitama with deep worries and jaw-dropping super wild beasts.

She didn't know that the proud elder sister in her mouth was like a playful child at this moment, constantly harassing Saitama.

Good thing she's a legit loli...

【"Why is this happening?!"】

【"I just want power...!"】

The giant's trembling and tearful appearance made the audience full of black lines who knew what he did in the last second.

【"This just became the strongest man...!"】

[The picture freezes on the bald Saitama who is standing on the shoulders of a giant with a silly smile on his face...]

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