One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

018 Tornado Is Angry, The Sky Explodes! (Ask For Flowers And Comments~)


"Fubuki, a little flea of ​​this strength, how could he threaten me?"

"You don't know anything about your sister's strength!"

Tornado is still arrogant...

Sure enough, when the voice fell, the picture on the projection changed.


[Only hearing an explosion, everyone looked back and saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood gushing out from the ground! 】

[The body of the monster and a large amount of foul-smelling blood flew across! 】


【Then, a bald man wearing casual clothes flew out, with a blank expression on his face, as if none of this had anything to do with him. 】

[? ? ? 】




Fubuki's eyes widened, and those beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

"Sister, it's Saitama!"

"He's so strong... he can definitely save us..."

Fubuki thought that if he said that, his sister would teach him a lesson.

'What are you kidding? ! That kind of bald head can kill me with a single palm, and he needs to save it? '

"Well... Saitama does have some strength... He should help me..."

Tornado's voice was a bit strange, Fubuki said subconsciously:

"Sister, Saitama is really powerful, he will definitely not see death...uh...sister, what's wrong with you?"

Fubuki froze for a moment, looking at his sister's unnatural expression, full of question marks.

Um? ? ?

"Sister...why are you blushing?"

"No...huh~! Look! I'm going to get angry with your sister!"

Tornado's aura changed, and he returned to the arrogant look he had just been on.

Coincidentally, at this moment, the screen in the projection changed.

【"found it!"】

[Tornado's voice sounded, which made the men of the monthly reading organization stunned. 】

【He turned his head abruptly, and saw Tornado, who was twisted into a strange posture with a small body, suddenly returned to its original state, as if regressing. 】


[The joints of the body returned to their original state, and there were crisp sounds like raindrops. 】

【"You bastard!!"】

[The man from the Yuedu organization was also shocked, secretly hating the bald head that flew out suddenly, wasn't he just thrown into the bottom monster shelter? How could he come out suddenly, distracting him and letting Tornado break free. 】

[But is this really the case? 】

"Obviously, his thought power is like dust in front of me, and it disperses with a single slap."

In the projected world, Tornado crossed his arms, his little face extremely proud.

Fubuki smiled brightly, and she was also very happy to see her sister was fine.

If something really happened...

【At this time, the man from the Tsukiyomi organization also hurriedly raised his hand, pointing at Fubuki who was restrained in the air and unable to move, "You bastard...!"】

【However, this time, Tornado did not give in anymore, but said with a gloomy face: "Fubuki!"】

【"It may hurt a little, but you just treat it as a punishment for ignoring my advice!"】


[Tornado has a dazzling green light, and his telekinetic power is crazily conveyed. 】

【" is this possible?!"】

【"The capsule didn't respond?!"】

[The face of the man from the monthly reading organization changed drastically. 】

【But Fubuki couldn't stop trembling at this moment. 】

【pain! It hurts so much! ! 】

[At this time, a thin black needle gathered in Fubuki's body. 】

Seeing this, Fubuki was shocked and said:

"Sister, you are really... amazing!"

"It turned out that the capsule and its contents were twisted into a needle thinner than a hair!"

"Sister, how did you do it?"

Tornado glanced at her and said softly:

"Go on, you just need to be clear, don't play your hero game, just hide behind me obediently."

Although the words are very cold, how can Fubuki, who knows his sister, not feel the concern?

【"Don't use your pig brain to imagine me, I imitated the wavelength of your telekinetic signal and found a substance that reacts in Fubuki's body."】

【"Of course, thank you for your stupid mouth. If you didn't speak out about this matter arrogantly, maybe I need to investigate one by one."】

[The voice falls, whoosh——]

【Only hearing a piercing sound, Fubuki closed his eyes in pain, and opened his mouth silently. 】

【call out--】

【The poisonous needle twisted into a hair thinner than a hair shot towards the man from the Yueyue organization. 】


[The speed was so fast that he couldn't even release his thoughts, but his body reacted instinctively, and immediately reached out to block it. 】

[Unfortunately, he overestimated the strength of his two palms. 】

[The thin black poisonous needle pierced his two palms directly, and pierced his right eye accurately! 】


[After a strange sound, the man from the Yueyue organization completely lost his right eye at this time! 】


"Nice job, that's blind!"

"As expected of me, hum~!"

Tornado raised his snow-white neck, and there was a hint of pleasure on his delicate face.

How dare you hurt my sister in front of me, you, damn it!

Fubuki was stunned. At this moment, she realized very clearly how big the gap between her and her sister was.

Of course...the lsps also nodded.

【"Huh? It's not dead yet?"】

【"It seems that you have something similar to an antibody in your body, otherwise you should die immediately...Or, you have been lying to me all this time?!"]

[Tornado slowly floated behind the man from the Tsukuyomi organization whose body was covered with black lines and bulging veins. Her eyes were full of murderous intent, and she paused every word:]

【"Since you didn't die... I will definitely let you tell me everything about the monthly study organization later!"】

[At this moment, in the eyes of the men from the monthly reading organization, Tornado is even more terrifying than the legendary disaster-level god-level weirdo! 】


【 Tornado will not be soft-hearted and sloppy when doing things. With a wave of his hand, countless gravels hit the Yuedu man. 】


[You can refer to Earth Explosion Star...]

[After a while, a round soil ball appeared around the standing man from the Yueyue organization. 】

【The wind and waves caused Tornado's clothes to fly back, exposing a pair of legs as white as jade to the air. 】

[Increase by one point, too long. Minus one point, too short, everything seems just right. 】

"elder sister..."

Fubuki murmured, she had never seen this terrifying side of Tornado...

Because, Tornado would never show such a scary side in front of her sister.

【again and again--】

【 Tornado landed slowly, and the traitor from the Fubuki group was about to run away with a strange scream. He released his telekinetic power with all his strength, trying to get back to the ground as quickly as possible. 】

【Unfortunately, Tornado just glanced at him coldly, and his body flew out uncontrollably. 】

[Like a cannonball shot out, it passed through the thick wall and fell into the monster shelter...]

[Afterwards, Fubuki and the long-haired woman bound to the chair also landed slowly. 】

【 Tornado raises his hand and looks at the people in Fubuki group, with a trace of anger in his eyes, it is these people who caused his sister...】

"Sister! Don't!!"

In the projection world, Fubuki quickly looked at Tornado.

Tornado looked at himself in the picture blankly.

"It's unforgivable, I'm very upset, you all disappear for me..."

ps: Thank you big brother for the reward~ Add more updates for Kangshen

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