One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

236 Solve The Case! The Gods Were Not Awakened By Saitama's Kick! Did Blast Encounter The So-Ca

[Two days ago. 】

【"Then, I urgently summoned all of you here today for no other reason."】

【Xiqi said in a deep voice: "It's because I received several reports of incredible phenomena from you during the crusade against the Weird Association some time ago."】

【"There is a high possibility that it is related to the big prophecy that 'the earth is going to end'."】

【"Today, I will repeatedly scrutinize the information until it is announced as an official conclusion. Can you please strictly prohibit the information of the conversation here from spreading outside?"]

【Jenos: "Understood."】

【"It doesn't matter. The zombie man sucked on the flue.】

【"It's such a time, why keep it as a secret? It's really incomprehensible."】

【Flash Flash also said: "Have I already reported it?"】

["The current situation is that whoever and when becomes a weirdo is two or three" is not surprising, even for heroes. "]

【"It should be noticed."】

【Xiqi also replied in a deep voice: "That's right, because of this, we should first figure out the information and countermeasures and then announce it to the public."】

【"Even if it is announced now, it will only make the heroes and citizens suspicious."】

[Zerzinger adds: "People can get into a state of panic because of the fear and insecurity that someone around them suddenly turns into a weirdo."]

【"Wait for me!"】

[At this time, the sweetheart mask said. 】

【"I don't know what I'm talking about at all, can you put the horses in order and explain clearly?"】

【"It's not surprising that anyone becomes a weirdo...?!"]

【"Honey Mask, haven't you read the report?" Flash Flash frowned. 】

【"Unfortunately, photography is very busy."】

【"Although I came to the discussion based on my position, my schedule is full afterwards. 1

【"Please explain concisely."】

【Flash Flash, smoking zombie man: "..."】

[Janos also took out a thick book. 】

【"Then let me start to explain, just about Saitama-sensei's active performance, I hope you can give me an hour. 1

【"Did you get the theme right?" The zombie man had question marks all over his face. 】

"Hehe, these guys don't know who saved them, alas..."

"It doesn't matter, it's bearish and bearish."

"That's right, it's all said that the king's point of view is Saitama boss."


【‘Mr. Genos, let’s arrange it till the end...Xi Qi thought to himself, and then said:】

【"Zombie Man."】

【"During the battle with the "Wandering Emperor", the cadre of the Monster Association, you learned about the special way to turn into a monster, right?"】

【"Ahh... that guy said that when he was still a human being, he had some kind of 'supernatural power' from claiming to be a 'god'."]

【"God?!" Several people were shocked. 】

【"During the battle, I took the opportunity to catch that guy, and I was still thinking about getting some information from him."】

【"Suddenly, that guy turned into dust like salt or ashes."】


【"He only left this sentence."】

【"From the point of view of timing, it looks like it was silenced."】

[At this time, Flash Flash plugged in. 】

【"At that time, did you ever get called to by something like telepathy?"】


【"When I was operating in the underground base with the bald man and the big-eyed man, we encountered 'something'. "]

【"Big eyes?" Xiqi was dumbfounded. 】

【"do not worry about it…………."】

【"Proposing something can give us strength, if it is not worthy of being given, I will confiscate it."】

【"That word was conveyed directly to our minds."】

【The zombie man also seemed to think of something at this time, and said: "Ah... so to speak..."】

【"That guy seemed to hear something that we couldn't hear when he was dying."】

【"It looks like that..."】

【Flash Flash said: "If the death of the wandering emperor was due to 'confiscation', then we should have met the same 'god'. "]


【"Isn't it all the work of the boss of the Weird Association?" Sweetheart Mask also became serious. 】

【"Isn't Da Jiongyan's true identity just a superpower?"】

【Flash Flash: "If that's the case, it's too abnormal to give power to only one cadre......】

【"It can't keep up with the level that the blaster deliberately hides his whereabouts to track."】


【"The blast?!" Sweetheart Masquerade frowned. 】

["Cickey, do you know anything about the bombing operation?" Flash Flash asked. 】

【Zeckinger was also surprised, and quickly looked at Xiyi. 】

【"Bang Bao said it before, let me say hello to you for him."】

【"What did you say?!"】

[Finally, Xiqi spoke, " far, I have been hiding the news..."

【"For the past 20 years, blasting has been constantly fighting against the gods you mentioned."】

"I've said it all, if I tell Big Boss Saitama, there probably won't be any so-called gods now.

"Hmm... But, you can't rely on Saitama for everything, right?"

"Yeah, that's too bad..."

"Also, Boss Saitama is very busy right now."

"Well... I guess we want people, but it's not that simple..."

Mizuki: "You're right~"

【"He took his partner and several assistants to search for the mysterious cube that can turn people into weirdos."】

【"The box?" Flash Flash said in a deep voice. 】

【"Legend, it is a communicator that can communicate with the 'gods', that is, the so-called anachronistic relic."】

【"He collected these 3.4 things, and tried to analyze them with his assistants."】

【"However, finally two years ago..."】

[The screen turned, and a blaster with scars all over his body appeared. The body under his feet was the body of Elder Centipede...]


"Boss Demolition fights Elder"

"Well, it seems...the strongest seems to be the boss of Tornado...hahaha 013007016 Feilu 000060340]

"Who knows..."

【"During the battle with Elder Centipede, Blast received a direct contact from the 'God'."】


"Then...the so-called god...shouldn't have been awakened by Saitama's kick, right?"

"That's right, two years ago!"

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