One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

032 Can You Kill Zombie Men For Seven Days Continuously? (Ask For Flowers And Comments~)

"Find out the place where this mosquito girl died, and I will resurrect her and die again!"

In another branch of the Monster Association, Wang Dashe was furious.

At the same time, all over the world, whether they are human beings or weirdos, there are all the voices of being tricked by femme fatales and mosquitoes.

However, when everyone was discussing how to make Mosquito Girl pay the price, the mechanical voice sounded again.

【Ding! 】

[Coming soon, the strongest on the surface · Saitamavs Evolution House · Disaster Dragon Class · Asura Unicorn Fairy! 】

[Special rewards have been issued...]

And double is the disaster dragon level?

"My God!"

"Boss Saitama is just a B-level hero, I don't accept it!"

"Upstairs, add one!"

"I also feel sorry for Boss Saitama, he silently protects us, not only does he not get the respect and treatment he deserves, but he also fumbles around in the b-level ranking... Heroes Association, you are so disappointing! "

"A hero who gave silently, walked alone in the dark, defeated powerful monsters time and time again to protect us, Hero Association, we really want to know, what are you doing for food?!"

Just when the barrage was so noisy, the appearance of a barrage directly made most of the audience choose to shut up.

Association of Heroes ranks second in the s class. Trembling Tornado: "Shut up! Don't affect my viewing experience!"


"It's really my sister's style."

"Saitama-kun, is sister by your side?"

After Tornado finished posting the barrage, no one under her dared to make another statement for a while.

Except Fubuki.

Genos said vigilantly: "Teacher! It's the woman who often comes to harass you. You have to be careful. If the location is exposed, we will leave early and lose this rare rest time."

Hearing this, Saitama immediately canceled the barrage he was going to send.

This is a public trip, and he doesn't want to just miss it.

At this time, the projection screen also appeared.

[The dark basement. 】


[A huge fist smashed a man with glasses. 】

[The giant hand is like an insect's antennae, covered with a thick layer of armor. 】

[The screen flashes. 】


【Huge back, weird shape, similar to a mosquito an insect and a humanoid. 】

[A strange man covered in 'armor', which matches its name, Asura Unicorn Immortal. 】

[From its back, it can be seen that the one-horned fairy has a unique figure. 】

"Oh my god... What a horrible smell... Look at the large group of corpses on the ground... Wait! Why do I feel that these corpses seem to belong to the same person?"

"Upstairs, when the picture flashed by just now, I seem to recognize that person... seems to be a very powerful scientist!"

"Could this be the legendary... clone?!"

"That's right, only this explanation can work, after all...there won't be twenty or thirty twins in this world?!"


Genos frowned, looked at Saitama and said, "Teacher, it happened on the first day I met you."

"Oh...I think..."

"Teacher, there was a big sale in the supermarket."

"Oh! I remembered!"

Tornado on the side rolled his eyes, a little speechless: "You are a hero anyway, right?"

"Although it's just a mere B-level hero, it shouldn't be that miserable, right?"

"How to raise Chuck in the future... Um... I remember that after killing the monster, you can go to receive the bonus, right?"

? ? ?

Saitama turned his head abruptly, staring at Tornado with disbelief on his face.

from this angle

Tornado turned his head away, but did not avoid it, his pretty face flushed slightly.



The next moment, Saitama's tendon muscles suddenly exploded.

"Damn it! Doesn't that mean... I missed the chance to get rich overnight!!"

" luck is a little bit bad, why is there no reward for getting rich overnight if I win the bet...Why do you give me those useless underwater breathing and space breathing abilities?"

? ? ?

Saitama's voice fell, and everyone in the hot spring hotel looked at him in disbelief.

You call it... useless? ? ?

While Saitama's eyes light up, the projection continues.

[After the disaster dragon-level Ashura Unicorn Immortal, a figure walked out of the dark corner. 】

[A gentleman with slanted bangs and four eyes slowly walked out. 】


【"Asura armor, are you okay?"】


【Asura Unicorn Immortal stares back coldly. 】

【However, the man in the suit didn't care about it, and said to himself:】

【"You have killed a lot of my clones, are you satisfied?"】

[The man in the suit walks up to the chained Asura Unicorn Immortal, with a forced look on his face. 】


【"You idiot!"】

【Finally, Asura One-horned Immortal broke the chains on his body casually. 】

【"Of course it's impossible to be satisfied."】

【Looking at the shattered chains, the man in the suit was covered in cold sweat. 】

【"You actually imprisoned me in the depths of the ground, and the most powerful me in the House of Evolution..."】

[The veins on Asura One-horned Immortal's forehead are bulging, and his eyes are bloodshot. 】


"It's really it, it's actually locked on the lowest floor."

"Oh? Zombie man, do you know the weird guy in the projection?"

The venerable vest asked curiously.

The zombie man nodded, and then explained to the curious crowd.

It turns out that this disaster-dragon-level monster, Asura Unicorn, is a monster created by Dr. Genod of Evolution House in order to break through the biological limit.

And, because the creator himself can't control it, so he has been closed at the bottom of the house of evolution.

In addition, everyone also knows that even as an undead S-level top ten hero, the strength of Ashura Unicorn Immortal has been greatly recognized!

Even among the disaster dragon monsters that the zombie man faced, he was one of the best.

Whether it is speed, power or perception ability, they all belong to the first-class existence among dragon-level monsters.

Below, a barrage responded to him.

Evolution House Dr. Kinnode: "Hehe, it seems that after you left these years, you have been doing pretty well."


Dr. Kinnode, the House of Evolution, posted another barrage and added: "Yes, the Asura Unicorn is indeed very strong, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, it does not know any martial arts."

"Of course, having a very strong perception ability can make up for a lot of shortcomings.

This may have something to do with his own insect attributes. "

"But I met Saitama-kun..."

Dr. Kinnold said that he did not go any further.

He didn't know, in fact... Asura Unicorn Immortal is also a very special existence.

After all, it is the only one who can perceive Saitama's powerful power before seeing Saitama's strength!

This point, even those top disaster dragon level monsters don't have the ability.

The zombie man was silent, he was suddenly worried about Saitama.

Looking at the crowd, he said in a deep voice:

"For everyone's future bets..."

"That's right, I am the No. 66 undead experimental subject who escaped from the House of Evolution!

My ability is to have a very terrifying regenerative ability, but my combat limited by the limiter used by the doctor. "

"Asura can kill me for seven days in a row! It can even dismember me...So, do you know its strength?"

Everyone: "..."

ps: Genod (Ginos)

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