One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

047 Solve The Tornado Mystery! White? ! (Ask For Flowers And Comments~)


Whether in the projection space or in the projection screen, Tornado looked surprised, and Fubuki directly became the atmosphere group.

【"So arrogant..."】

【Tornado's hair flutters again. 】

[After a while, everything is on the screen, and a proud and slightly inferior beauty Fubuki appears on the projection screen. 】

【"This... This is too exaggerated... Sister, you have gone too far!!"】

【Looking at the horrific scene of destruction, Fubuki couldn't help taking a step back in fright. 】

[The huge rubble is like a meteorite falling, and the sky is stirred up by a powerful and huge Tornado wind. 】


【At this time, a piece of gravel passed by her, and before she could react, there was an uproar behind her! 】

【Fubuki, who broke out in a cold sweat, his legs went limp, and he almost didn't sit down on the spot. 】

[At this time, the screen came to the door of Saitama's house in City Z. 】

[A wretched figure stands at the door of Saitama's house, he is arched, holding his heart with one hand. 】


【"I shouldn't have come to him to play, the elevator has stopped running, it's fine if you can't go back, the key is... Saitama-kun is not at home..."】

【"Why is there always no one to be seen at critical moments... Saitama-kun!"】

【The moment his voice fell, there was a 'boom', and a figure bumped out from the wall beside him. The reflective head was unusually conspicuous, who else could it be if it wasn't Saitama. 】


【Hearing the exclamation, Saitama stood up calmly, "Ah? It's the king."】


【King's eyes bulged out in fright. 】

【Looking at the game box in king's hand, Saitama said: "Are you here to play against me?"】

Of course, king doesn't mean much, as long as Genos lets him control... At least, he can defeat most dragon-level monsters...

【"Sorry, wait for me for a while."】

【"What are you doing?"】

[ Saitama walked to the king calmly, glanced at the game, and then at the big hole in the broken wall. 】

【"Oh, that's not the little guy named Tornado."】

? ? ?

Tornado broke the defense again...

Fubuki: "Sister! I'm the wounded!!"

don't want! Ah~

【"I heard it all!!!"】

【The veins on Tornado's pretty face popping up rapidly. 】

【King heard the voice and was frightened. 】

[The next moment, Tornado stepped hard on the wall with both feet...white? ! 】

Unsolved Mysteries Tornado Fat Times...


Tornado, who broke the defense in the last second, directly turned into a steam girl.

Fubuki: "Well... sister, actually..."

"Shut up!!"

Fubuki: "..."

I just want to say, if you don't like me in the future, add safety pants...

'I advise you not to meddle in your own business! '


【At this moment, Tornado is sweating all over her body, and she is flying fast. 】

【"Oops! Unknowingly, I overplayed it, and I didn't grasp the output limit."】

【"Obviously I want to test this sentence...but I have become so confused."】

However, whether it is the current Tornado or the future Tornado, at this moment, the heart is filled with joy that others cannot understand.

As far as she is concerned, so far, except for life-threatening battles, no opponent can make her fight with all her strength.

The fight with Saitama...she was happy.

Of course, those petite and lovely jade legs...still pink, Saitama...

Well, it really verifies the sentence "As far as the little kid shows his butt, no one sees it."

[At this time, Saitama was running here with his feet spread, and behind him, a tsunami of rubble hit him. 】


[It's a pity that Saitama's speed was a bit slower, and he was directly buried alive by tsunami-like rubble in all directions. 】

【 Tornado's face changes drastically. 】

"Don't!" x2

Tornado's palms were covered with sweat, she exclaimed, and Fubuki was equally worried.'re bleeding all over the place, or...take a basin and catch it...

【However... Saitama is naturally unscathed...】

【Looking at Saitama, who raised his fists high and was not injured at all, Tornado was so startled that the hairs all over his body stood on end. 】

【This very strong! ! 】

【Looking at Tornado who was barely landing, Saitama knew that her strength was almost exhausted. 】

【"Look at you, you can't even stand still, don't force yourself too much, save yourself some strength to speak."】

【 Tornado could tell that the words were not ridicule, but concern, and he panicked all of a sudden. 】

[She hastily covered up. 】

【"It's so noisy! Why should you worry about me?!"】

【 Saitama was wrapped by telekinetic force again, and was lifted up. 】

[But... that's it, it directly made Tornado startle the emoji. 】

【"Oh~ it's floating, it's amazing~"】

Of course, if you insist on the setting... In fact, Poros's men, the octopus will crush Tornado...

['It's... so heavy! ’]

【'Why? ! Even though he used the power to send him flying into space...! ’]


[At this time, there seemed to be a crisp sound on Tornado's forehead. 】

[It seems that a certain nerve has been injured. 】

【"Don't be so anxious, I'm not an enemy." Saitama said calmly. 】

【Tornado is having difficulty supporting herself, her eyelids have become extremely heavy, but she is still arrogant...】

"Sister! Saitama-kun... that's scary!"

"Hmm...huh~ so-so, just a bit powerful."

"Sister... Saitama-kun is really amazing...We have to admit it."

"Hmph~! Doesn't that mean you dare not fight back, for fear that I will use all my strength?"

"elder sister..."


"Yazi, who you are arrogant and refuses to admit, is so cute."

Tornado: "..."

"Ah~ sister~ don't~"

【"Noisy... so noisy...I don't want to get along well with you..."】

【Saitama subconsciously made up the knife, "This is just the power of a person Fubuki knows."】

【 Tornado staggers, his pupils disappear, leaving only the whites of his eyes. 】

[The confused Tornado had hallucinations. In the picture, she looked like she was a child. After escaping from the underground base, she found Fubuki who was playing house. 】

【"Fubuki, it's my sister!"】

【"Let's go together!"】

【After breaking through the window, Tornado discovered the person behind him. 】

"It's a monthly reading organization!!!"

Fubuki exclaimed, and at the same time, looked at Tornado with some concern, she knew that on this day, her sister changed.

However, Tornado did not finish speaking, but the joy that had just risen suddenly disappeared.

[In the screen, Tornado turns around and kills all those people. 】

【Little Fubuki hides in the corner in horror, witnessing all this. 】

"Sister... I've grown up... I'm not the one who can only cry."

Seeing Tornado's shoulders trembling slightly, Fubuki stepped forward and held her in his arms...

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