One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

055 Saitama Doesn't Deserve To Be A Hero? Ugly Vest, Crowdfunding Killer! (Seek First Order~)

[Three days later. 】

[Although City Z was hit by a huge meteorite meteorite, it survived. 】

[However, the group of meteorites that were destroyed and torn apart still left huge scars in the city after the raging. 】

【At that time...if the Hero Association would not ask me...but the teacher for help..."】

【"If the teacher cooperates with the metal knight, the loss caused by the meteorite fall can be reduced to the minimum in the true sense."】

【 Saitama car lay down, "But didn't you say that the S-class hero named Metal Knight [is a random guy?"]

【"Hey ~"】

【Sitting up, Saitama persuaded again: "Don't worry about it."】

【"I think it has been reduced to the minimum, because...after all, no one died!"】

【Janos lowered his head and remained silent. 】

That's not a pretentious look, which made the audience feel a little nervous.

Only now did they realize that the S-class hero Genos they had been ridiculing all the time, and the unknown B-class hero Saitama, were the real heroes worthy of their pursuit and admiration.

"I feel sorry for my eldest husband and second husband."


【Jenos's heartfelt voice comes out. 】

['Indeed... Teacher's punch greatly suppressed the momentum, thanks to it, the shock wave also weakened and disappeared. 】

【‘Originally, I either hid in the refuge or fled to the countryside, but with the shock wave of the meteorite, I'm matter what it is, it will be blown out of sight. 1

【‘All of this can only be called a miracle. 】

【‘Even if the teacher is sought after by everyone and becomes a warrior who will always be praised by others, he will not take it too seriously. 】

【'But! Teacher, he still doesn't will now be regarded by some people as the culprit who caused the half-destroyed City Z!】

"No! Absolutely impossible!"

"If I knew about it at the time, I don't think it would have happened!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Saitama...I really can't swallow this!"

"Look? What are you looking at? Copy guys, brothers!"

"Gah! Let's go!"

【At this time, Saitama suddenly remembered something, "Almost forgot, speaking of it, our ranking should have risen, right?"】

【"Eh? That's right, it has indeed risen."】

【"I rose from 17th in level 5 to 16th."】

【"Metal Knight rose to No. 6."】

【"Ms. Saitama rose from the 342nd place in the c-level to the fifth place in one go."】

[Hearing this, Saitama's style of painting changes suddenly, and an emoji appears. 】

【"Fifth place?!!"】


"I shouldn't be laughing now, but seeing Saitama-sensei's expression...haha~"

"However, it's really outrageous!"

"Really, I seriously doubt that someone from the Hero Association has targeted Mr. Saitama, damn it!"

"I don't think it's surprising that Saitama-sensei is promoted to a level 5 hero right away?"

"Hmm... suddenly I feel that the Hero Association is a bit disgusting..."

【"From 342 to 5th? Isn't this too strange?!"】

【"No! It's better to say that even if you get to A-level or S-level in one go, there's nothing strange about it because the disaster level is in danger at the dragon level!" Genos only explained:]

【"If even the fragments of meteorites are dealt with... Maybe, the teacher will be directly promoted to the fifth place at level 5."】

【"However, just by destroying the meteorite, it is enough to reach the level of A-level... But, I am afraid that this time the Heroes Association will arbitrarily determine that in this incident, the Metal Knight and I have contributed more."】

Regarding this, the audience was speechless, but the Heroes' Association was extremely busy right now.

"What the hell are you eating?!"

"Who the hell handled this?!"

"Hurry up and die for labor and management!!"

"Don't talk? Do you dare to do it or not?!"

"Trash! Wreck!"

"Director...seems like you were..."

Supervisor: N

【"Dragon class, what do you mean?"】

[ Saitama expressed doubts about this. 】

[Janos was speechless for a while...]

["God level: the crisis of human extinction; dragon level: the crisis of destroying several cities...Wolf level: the emergence of creatures or groups that will become dangerous factors."]

【"Usually heroes use it as a reference to judge whether they are dispatched."】

【"Well...but, these seem to have nothing to do with the teacher..."】


The audience couldn't help but nodded in agreement with Genos' statement.

【"No, of course, right?"】

【"If all the heroes run away, who else will fight?"】


The audience's minds were buzzing.

This sentence is so touching!

【Jenos was also stunned for a moment, then immediately took out his small notebook and pen, and wrote in the small notebook. 】

【"I want to write down what I just said!!"】

Audience: "Me too!!"

【"Well... Having said that, such a small idea has raised such a high ranking, hehe, let me go around the neighborhood for a while."】

"I can tell, Saitama-sensei...he seems to be very concerned about rankings....

"Ahem, actually, he has worked hard for three years... Well, I admit, I watched it with a smile..."

"No, have you all forgotten what time it is?"

"Mr. Saitama, don't go out!"

"Damn it! Bastard! I can already guess what will happen next!"

Sure enough, after Saitama went out, looking at the destroyed city, he also frowned slightly.

Ahem...the last big promotional coupon is scrapped

[At this time, a burly figure appeared on the ruins. 】


【 Saitama felt that it was calling him, but the tone of the other party was obviously impolite. 】

【"What are you doing here?!"】

【"You insidious villain!"】


Everyone was dumbfounded by this sentence.


【"Uh... who are you?"】

【 Saitama doesn't remember him at all. 】

【"Tiger in vest!"】

【"I was forgotten so quickly! You are obviously a newcomer!"】

【Speaking, the tiger in the vest pointed at Saitama, very disdainful and with a hint of jealousy:】

【You, who are at the bottom of the C-level ranking, teamed up with the superior hero to destroy the huge meteorite, right?"】

【"Besides, during the process, you are still active as the center?"】

【"You didn't lie, did you?!"】

[The face of the tiger in the vest is full of excessive jealousy and looks ugly. 】

"I boil!"

"I'm going to fuck you! When I see this bitch in the future, I will definitely beat him to death!"

"Wait a moment!"

"Where is the Venerable Vest? Come out! What does this dog have to do with you?!"

Level 5 ten thousand year old youngest · Venerable vest: "..."

"Is it possible...Damn it! Give me three years, and labor and management will beat you to death when they see you!"

【"Why are you lying? I don't understand...well, it's not a big deal this time."】

[ Saitama was really dumbfounded, but the other party made Saitama's performance serious, with bruises on his forehead, jealousy made people ugly. 】


【"That guy is here!!"】

0 Seeking flowers……………

【"My eldest brother is not only in a high-ranking b-level position, but also a top-notch man in a vest!"】

【"Uh... What is the man in the vest?"】

【"I and you are not on the same level at all, pay attention to your tone of voice!"】

【"Yo~! Brother! Did you call me?!"】

[A black figure suddenly appeared in the sky, and after landing, Xinhuo said excitedly: "Brother!"]

【"Hero—the black hole in the vest is coming!"】

【 Saitama was speechless, he was wearing a black vest...】

【"That's your sinister villain who shrank behind the S-level hero to improve his ranking?"】

["Don't you feel ashamed?! Ah?!" The black hole in the vest came up with a high-spirited look, and it was a verbal attack on Saitama. 】

"I can't take it anymore, brothers, is there a way to contact the killer organization."

"Isn't there a celebrity here?"

"@蛋破ninja · Sonic Sonic"

Egg Smashing Ninja·Sonic Sonic: "Go away!"

"I'll add money!"

Egg Smashing Ninja·Sonic Sonic: "Brother~!"

【"Ah? What do you mean?!"】

【 Saitama frowned, obviously affected by this sentence. 】

【"Uh hehe, need I say that? Of course I plan to beat you to the bum for the rest of my life, so I won't even think about doing any more activities in the future!】

【"Wait! Brother!"】

【"This kind of thing is the type that can't learn lessons with those methods."】

【"Just make him suffer a little bit!"】

【"Use the cruelest method."】

[The black hole in the vest smiles sinisterly. 】

【 Saitama frowned tightly, with unkind eyes. 】

【However, the black hole in the vest looked at him coldly, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly: "Is that you?!"】

【"The culprit who destroyed this city!!!"】


【The tiger in the vest on the side was also shocked, what a loud voice... By the way, there are also people in this city who are targeting this guy"】

【"Using it can destroy its mind!"】

【And the black hole in the vest is still roaring loudly: "You guy is too much!"】

【"It's unbelievable, you are also a hero, looking at the scene in front of you, are you still unmoved?!"】

【"Do you think you saved the residents living here?!"】

【"That's why you swaggered outside?!"】

【"Obviously so many people have lost their homes and jobs because of your failure, and fell into underestimation!"】

【"It can't be done well, so don't come out in the first place!"】

【"Let the other heroes figure out a way and deal with it properly?!"】

[The sound of the black hole in the vest is very sharp and can be heard far away. 】

【That face is full of disgusting expressions!】

【"After such a tragedy, do you still have the nerve to continue being a hero?!!"】

【"Look at this city! It has become like this, but it's all your fault!"】

When the picture freezes on the distraught appearance of the citizens, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

"It's over... woo woo woo~! Damn thing! Labor and management must make you guys pay the price!"

"Stupid brain? Don't you just want to spread your incompetent anger and resentment on others?"

"But... why did you do this to my Saitama husband... ah!!!"

"Where is Egg Smashing Ninja Sonic Sonic?!"

"We...add money!!!"

Egg Smashing Ninja Sonic: "Okay, I'll take it.

ps: If there is no update within three hours, then the little author is sleeping on the keyboard...... Useless things

Woooooo~ I beg readers to order all of them.

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