One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

067 Poros: "Saitama, Stand Up First" (Please Customize~)


[The handicap has been opened, and it is time to bet. 】

[Bet 1: In the face of the powerful king of the underground people, the underground king, Saitama will be blown away with one punch. 】

【Bet 2: The underground king is too terrifying in terms of speed and strength, Saitama will fall into the disadvantage because of this, get seriously injured, and finally hate the battlefield!】

【Bet 3: Although the underground king is strong, Saitama became more and more courageous, and finally ended the battle in one fell swoop. 】

[Bet 4: Saitama and the underground king are evenly divided, and the rest and weirdos come to help. 】

[Bet 5: The Underground King is no match for Saitama at all, and was kept at home by Saitama as a pet in the end. 】

[Bet 6: The battle between the two was too fierce, the earth couldn't support it, and the two fell one after another. 】

[Bet 7: The mediocre alarm clock ended the battle. 】

[Handicap bets are all property of the gambler, money, clothing, life...all are random. 】

【Win the bet, you can get random rewards, get rich overnight, resurrect, change...】[

[Note: Not mandatory. 】


"Will we still be Xiaobai who didn't know anything before?"

"Let me just say that, if it turns out to be the last one, I will be self-sufficient in live streaming handstands!"

"Hey! In fact, there are a few that can be ruled out at a glance."

"Hmm...the seventh rule out, this is tantamount to fantasy."

"The sixth...I feel like it! Big Boss Saitama is an existence that can divide the earth, and that's obviously not the real strength of Big Boss Saitama. From the video to the present... this time, it's Big Boss Saitama." This is the only battle in which I have used all my strength!"

"And... I feel like I'm going beyond the limit and beyond!"

"So ... the sixth one can stay.

"The fifth... This is also very reasonable, but Mr. Saitama obviously won't let this guy who ruined his homeland exist, so I personally think that the fifth one can be ruled out.

"The fourth... This is also very reasonable, but out of respect for the Saitama boss, the fourth is obviously not as convincing as the sixth 10."

"The third one is reasonable!"

"Second... Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

"The first one...its credibility is the same as the seventh one, whoever chooses it will be a bastard!"

After this analysis, many audience members nodded.

"No, why do I feel that it is still a bit difficult to choose, buddy, you have analyzed so much, let me reveal what you want to choose?"

"Cough cough... I... choose me and regret my life, don't choose."


"How dare you talk so much without choosing!"

"Actually, what he said is also reasonable. If it is really the result, then it can only be said... It's cold now, and it will be cold sooner. If Mr. Saitama can't do it, it's just a matter of time .

"Makes sense!"

"Ah... just a pawn of the underground people seems to exist like invincible... It's really hopeless..."

"Brother, there is no need to be so pessimistic!"

"But... after seeing the strength of the boss Saitama, and seeing how strong the future enemy is... I really feel that I am useless at all, and I am always complacent because I am an A-level hero."

"Ham, what's the matter with this, as everyone knows: the sky does not produce useless people, and the earth does not grow nameless ones.

"Well...that's what I said, but every weirdo that Mr. Saitama dealt with, I went there to deliver food..."

"They are the only ones that can make Boss Saitama bleed, I have to think about it."

The barrage chat was in full swing, but Tornado and Fubuki turned to look for Saitama.

"Sister, if these terrifying underground people really appear in the future... let's hurry up and find Saitama!"

"And... sister, you can't do it alone this time, um... the feeling of fighting side by side with Saitama-kun..."

Tornado snorted, "I'm not going to be happy because I can fight with him and fight with all my strength!"

"That kind of existence, I have one hand...I can fly, and I can fly very fast!"

On the other side, in the Monster Association, Sykes' pink meat puppet was approached by several other dragon-level monsters.

"That... We discussed it, let's be safe and secure first... Ahem, the underground people can help us consume the power of the human and the Hero Association, and we will be fine if we don't catch any surprises!"


'I think it is very necessary to test Saitama... To take him down is to take down the whole world!'

Sykes, who was deep underground, took a deep breath and patted his hot cheeks.


"Ganos! How do you feel?!"

The afro Genos looked at the monster defeated by him, clenched his fist, and said back:

"It feels good.....It turns out...I'm not some budget fighter..."



"With the cooperation of the two of us, we can definitely defeat the dragon monster!"

"Hmph! I can kill with just two fingers!"

The doctor watching from the sidelines: "...

But at this time, the ghost-level peak monster who was seriously injured got angry, and he stumbled to his feet.

"You two defiant bastards...!!!"

"Damn! It's fine if you beat me, and I didn't do anything evil, yet you still want to kill me?!"

"Aren't you too disrespectful to me, Thunderbolt Hand Taro?!"


Tai Luo, the Thunder Hand, took a few steps back, shouted angrily, and burst his clothes.



Afro Genos punched it on the nose, and Taro the Thunderhand passed out by himself.

"It really doesn't seem to have done any evil, it just served as a referee in a nearby group arena, um...send him to Dr. Kinnold.

King nodded, and left with Genos the afro.

"Maybe this monster named Tyro the Thunderhand is very strong, but its skill swing is too long, let's change to a stronger opponent, and let them see how powerful the two of us fit together!"

Afro Janos: "I'm sorry king, I said that just smells so good~!"

Soon, another ghost-level peak monster was beaten to the ground by King and Genos.

Use the rope made by Tongdi to tie it up.

"King, that's how it is...that's how my testis is used!"

"Hehe, it's nothing more than a trivial skill, it's not worth mentioning."

"By the way, didn't this weird guy directly solve what he was going to do when he was tied up?"

Afro Genos nodded and said: "Dr. Kinnode sent me a message just now. When the underground people invade the earth in the future, he hopes to play a role. Of course, he may be very sensitive to the kind of creature that can hurt Saitama teacher." Be interested."

While the two were talking, the weirdo at the peak of ghost level suddenly burst into laughter.


"Want to kill my iron legs floating on the water?!"

"How can it be that simple!!!"

Time passed by one minute and one second, and finally, the handicap was closed.

"Ho Ho Ho! Buy it and let it go! Life and death depend on fate!!"

"Come on, Saitama husband~!"

"Kill that nasty underground man!"

In anticipation, the projection screen lit up.

【"My underground king is here to fight you!!"】

【"It's exactly what I want!!"】

Just when everyone was holding their breath and staring at the projection screen.

【jingling jingle jingle!!】


"What is this sound? Also, am I hallucinating? Why does the picture seem to become blurred?"

"Brother, you are not alone."

【jingling bell---】


[The scene changed, Saitama was lying on the mattress, his eyes widened, and he punched the alarm bell off. 】

【He sat up blankly, his eyes returned to the familiar dead fish eyes. 】


Deathly silence.

Just then.

【"Ahahaha~ The ground belongs to us underground people!!"】

【"Everyone on the ground, go to hell!!"】

【"I am the King of the Underground!"】


【Have you ever heard of the forty-eight feet that fell from the sky?】

【"On the ground! Let me guard it!"】

【"Come! Let the horse come!!"】

Audiences around the world:

Looking at the 'sorry' written on the white flag, I was numb.

Before they could complain, Saitama's heartfelt words reached everyone's ears.

【"I became too strong..."】

【"The evil in the world has not stopped spreading. This is no different from me becoming a hero out of interest."】

【"That is to say, I basically have no influence on society."】

【"I don't feel sad because of it, I just take being a hero as a hobby."】

【"That is to say, as long as I can satisfy myself, fighting crime in the name of justice has brought excitement and pleasure to me who has no motivation to live..."】

【"But now... I am in great trouble... My inner feelings are getting weaker and weaker."】

【"No fear, no joy, no tension, not even anger..."】

【"Is it the price for my power?"】

【"Have you lost something important as a human being?"】

【"When I was fighting in the past, I had various emotions intertwined in my heart...fear, anxiety, anger..."】

【"But now... I can solve the battle with one blow, and I go home safely every day to wash my gloves. When I fight monsters and monsters, there is no soul collision at all.

Hearing this, the hearts of the audience also calmed down.

After all... this is not the first time I have been tricked by the presence of this projection behind the scenes.

This smelly old...

"It turns out that Saitama boss has been living so hard..."

"Is there any way to help Saitama boss?"

"Need to say?"

"Hmm...I think Boss Saitama might be too empty. Let him come to our city. People here are very enthusiastic. Boss Saitama must have been away from the crowd for too long, so...."

"So you fart! I can hear your abacus clearly in City Z!"

"Citizens of City Z? Climb for me!!"

"Hehe... Aren't you still a citizen of City H? Climb for me!!"

At this time, some high-quality barrage appeared.

"Actually, Boss Saitama will have this dream...I can only say what I think. With the power of Boss Saitama, in the dream, he must be restricted, otherwise...every punch of him It should make the earth tremble!"

"So... For this, I can only say this about Mr. Saitama!!"

"The power is higher because of Qi 940 jade! Looking at the real world and the underworld, I can't find a second person who can match Saitama! Never defeated, with many disaster dragons and even infinitely close to the legendary disaster god I have won all the battles! As high as the martial arts, Saitama is as high as the boss!"

"Your Excellency, is it possible that the god level is comparable to Teacher Saitama?"

"No! It's not how high the martial arts are, and how high the Saitama boss is, but how high the Saitama boss is, as high as the martial arts!"

"Don't doubt it, everyone... In Saitama's husband's dream, each of these underground people has strengths beyond ordinary dragon-level monsters!"

"Boss Saitama is this point, all I can say is, 'Fuck!!!'"

The audience was talking freely, and the shock in their hearts was still hard to dissipate.

But Tornado and Fubuki, who had just started, stopped in place.

Including the afro Janos and king duo.

"Sister...seems like something happened..."

However, when she looked back, she found that Tornado had burst into tears at some point.

" are you?"

Tornado wiped away his tears, and said softly: "It turns out...the big bald head is the same as me...I'm not alone..."

Later, Fubuki also realized that it was a relevant memory fragment in the projection space at that time.

"Then sister... shall we still go?"


Tornado replied without hesitation, with a faint smile on his little face.

But at the next moment, he didn't know what he thought of, so he spat, his pretty face flushed slightly, and said:

"Let's go Fubuki, let's go for a surprise inspection~"

Fubuki: 11


On the other side, King held the controller and looked at the strange man who fell to the ground in front of Genos, the explosive head, "Suddenly shocked.

"Not good! Genos! Hurry up! It's going to crook its mouth!! Tear its mouth apart!"


Everyone is still reminiscing, and the Wanjie exposure system has started a new round of exposure.


【Coming soon: The Strongest Battle: The Strongest Saitama on the Surface vs. Poros, the Overlord of the Universe!】

[Note: The real funding fighter is about to appear! 】

【The strongest Saitama on the surface personally praised the opponent's strong existence!】

"Hmph! I won't lose again this time. Poros' id is in front of the underworld. If I still lose, I..."

"Dude, that's enough, you've already owed three handstands to be self-sufficient!"

At this time, one of the parties who will be broadcasting sent a barrage.

Netherworld Overlord of the Universe Poros: "Hehe!"

"Saitama, stand up first..."

"Stand back! I'm going to start pretending!"


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