One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

069 The Dragon-Level Three Giants: Disgusting And Powerful Five-Headed Monster! (Please Customize~)

【"This is..."】


[Ji Hegang, the second-ranked A-level hero, raised his head and looked at the huge monster in the sky, breaking out in a cold sweat. 】

【"What the hell?! Floating in the big!】

【"Is this thing that caused such a tragedy...Damn it! Bastard thing!"】

[And the moment his voice fell, a huge figure appeared behind him, a huge monster with five heads stretched out two big hands. 】


【Ju Hegang felt an incomparably strong terrifying aura, he shouted loudly, and was about to resist. 】




"What kind of monster is this?"

"Did it explode like this as soon as it came out?"

"Damn it! Isn't that the second-ranked Juhe Steel in Grade A?"

"Just...just gone?!"

"Asshole stuff!"

Just when everyone was shocked by the strength of the five-headed monster that suddenly appeared and felt sad for Juhegang, who ranked second in the A-level, the mutation happened again.

【"Such a strong murderous intent, do you think I won't notice it?"】

[The screen turned, it turned out that... the one who was smashed by the five-headed monster just now was the helmet worn by Ju Hegang. 】

"Damn it! It scares me... Huh~ It's so dangerous!"

"Yeah...I almost had a heart attack, the speed was too fast, I couldn't see clearly."


【After Ju Hegang finished speaking, he drew his sword and slashed at the five-headed monster. 】


[Slash it with a knife, and saw that five 'big watermelons' were almost chopped off by the five-headed monster. 】


"Iai...As expected of you!"

"This knife technique is fine!"

"It's pretty cool~"

[At this time, the headquarters of the Heroes Association. 】


【"Could it be that now is the time for the prophecy to come true?!"】

【In a flash, the city... the city seems to be completely destroyed!"】

【Silver Fang said in a deep voice: "Hey! Why is there nothing wrong with this building?"】

【"This headquarters was commissioned by Metal Knights, and it is stronger than other shelters!"】

"Remember what he said, this is the point!"


"It's you again, is it 'can't talk' again when I ask later?"

【Metal Knight stood up, holding his most familiar weapon, a baseball bat, "It's strange that 043 doesn't even have a window, so this is a fortress dedicated to dealing with monsters!"】

【Tongdi chewed his gum and said: "Anyway, if you don't go outside first and confirm the enemy's words, you won't be able to judge whether they are those guys who can destroy the earth in the prophecy." 1

【Janos's first reaction was to turn his head and go down to Saitama, "Teacher! Let's go outside..."】

【However, his voice fell...】

【Looking up, I saw a big hole on the top of my head!】

[This big hole can't be seen at a glance! It is enough to show how strong the defense inside the Heroes Association is...]

This is the foreshadowing of the future battle between Saitama and Tornado...

[The screen turns, and a figure in a white cloak stands at the top of the Heroes Association headquarters. He looks at the huge spaceship in front of him, which is comparable to the entire city, and... the ruins under the spaceship]

"This... is too scary?!"

"This is just a face-to-face...the city is gone?!"

"Just now I said that the headquarters of the Heroes Association is the strongest... I didn't expect... You are indeed the boss Saitama!"

"Damn it, boss Saitama blows it up!!"

"I'm boiling!! This is too big, isn't it?!"

"No... you are serious... woo woo woo~ the overlord of the universe..."

At the same time, the weird barrage area.

"Boros Boss Bullfrog!!"

"This appearance, absolutely!"

"This is definitely the most shocking appearance I have ever seen!"

Vaccine Man: "Aren't you pretending to be a master without talking?"

Poros remained silent, but his nose was almost up to the sky.

This one, it's not that simple.

It's the protagonist in another work by Mr. One!

He is the One Punch Man in the universe, and even Orochi dare not say that he can easily take down the Big Three under him.

But, in the eyes of Poros, it is just a slightly more powerful miscellaneous fish...

It's just...he encountered a bug that couldn't even be compared to the bug.....

1500 meters underground.

Sykes, who had just finished taking a bath, stood up abruptly.

Warm drops of water dripped from the clean and jade-like chin.

"If our entire Weird Society meets... ss~!"

Sykes took a breath, his beautiful eyes were full of fear.

Elder Centipede faced this gigantic spaceship, no matter how huge his body was, he was just a bug...

【Seeing this, Saitama took a sudden step and jumped up. 】

【"so big!"】

【"Is it an alien?"】

【"Huh? What is that shiny thing?"】

【 Saitama glanced at a 'ball of light' under the huge spaceship, and was wondering that the 'ball of light' was already very close. 】


【 Saitama twisted his body in the air, avoiding the huge incoming shells. 】


[In the blink of an eye, the huge cannonball disappeared from Saitama's field of vision. 】


The audience opened their mouths wide, looking at the huge shell going away, speechless in shock.

【"Is it this exaggeratedly large shell that smashed City A into pieces in an instant?"】

【"Compared to laser light or something, it's much better."】

[ Saitama just finished speaking, when he turned his head and saw several huge shells attacking him]

【"Well, at least this thing won't make me worry about my clothes getting burned."】


"As expected of Mr. Saitama, the focus is so...different!"

"That's right... So it was this thing that destroyed City A... It's horrible!"

"That's for sure, look at its head... it really makes people feel scalp numb!"

"If there are a few more...then it's not just City A...Damn it! This is just the beginning! It has already reached the level of the Disaster Dragon...The spaceship is so powerful, so the aliens on the spaceship Star...."

Octopus Psychic Monster: " humans are so funny, disaster dragon level?"

"If it wasn't for that nasty bald head, I think... you would have rated the disaster as a god level, but when you judge your so-called level, Lord Poros will lead us to destroy this world!"

"Underground people?"

"Although it's just the dream of that hateful bald head, but if they can do it, we can do it too!"

At this time, Poros came out to speak.

"Okay, in my eyes, except for Saitama, you are all a group of trash fish, you are just a slightly stronger trash fish, there is no need to laugh at fifty steps.

Octopus Psychic: "Yes! Lord Poros!"


A school of miscellaneous fish?

Good guy, all humans and weirdos in the world except Saitama are classified as miscellaneous fish at once...

Who can stand it?!!

Audience: I... Narrator, I advise you not to meddle in your own business!


[ Saitama bends her legs and arches her body. 】

【"Go back to your hometown!!"】



[A piercing roar explodes. 】

【The gigantic cannonball was scrapped just like that, and was flattened by Saitama's easy kick in the air. 】

[With a sound of '嗖', the huge shell flew backwards at an extremely fast speed, I don't know how many times faster than the speed it hit! 】


*(baeh) I knock! This power... Fuck! Boros Boss, if you resurrect and sell me one, the next time I see vest dogs get together, I will throw ten medicines!"

Venerable Vest: "..."

[The explosion sounded, the scope of the explosion was huge, and the sound waves seemed to be able to tear apart the space, not to mention the shock wave spreading from the center of the inner explosion. 】

[Everything on the screen, clang——]

【Swish swish——】

[The long knife was out of its sheath, and Iai swung a few more knives again, cutting the five-headed monster in front of him into several pieces! 】


"What kind of creature is this... so... vomit! It's so disgusting!"

"Zhuo, when you say that, it makes me vomit~!"

"No, is that the point?"

"Look at its neck...wasn't it cut off by Juhegang just now?"

"How did this come back again?!"

【"It's really a warlike creature, and its vigilance is also very strong~"】

【"Kill it."】

【"good idea."】

【"Hurry up and kill it!!!"】

"I...these five heads are all conscious?"

"Why do I think of Yamata no Orochi"

"It's disgusting, I can't kill it..."

"Fortunately, its strength has not reached the level of difficulty. Juhegang, who is ranked second in the A-level, can already break its defense. Go deal with it!"

Zombie Man: "...SIX!!"

【"After receiving several sure-killing Iai Zhan moves, nothing happened at all... This is the first time I have encountered such a thing!"】

【"Is this guy immortal?!"】

【Ji He frowned, he held the hilt of the sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other, ready to strike at any time. 】

【At this time, the five-headed monster opposite moved. It raised a hammer-shaped hand and slammed it at Juhegang, without any skill at all. 】

[But the terrifying aura on it is enough to show that it will drop ten times with one force! 】

[Ji Hegang's eyes widened, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, this blow made him feel the breath of death, if he didn't avoid it...]


[The arm of the hammer with the sonic boom fell into the air, and at the very moment, Juhe Gang took a step back, and at the same time, swung his waist violently, narrowly avoiding this fatal blow! 】


【However, behind him, a big hole was blown out by the air wave raised by the hammer arm!】

[On the ruins, there appeared a passage that seemed to go through everything. 】

【"Drink?! What an exaggerated lethality!!!"】

【Ji Hegang's eyes were about to pop out, he clenched his teeth, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. 】

【The next moment, a pain so intense that it blocked more than half of the nerves hit him, and he realized that he lost an arm!!】


..I can't defeat it?!"]

【Looking at the five extremely strange heads, Ju Hegang couldn't help but take a step back. 】

"This...this strength...the five-headed monster definitely has the strength above the ghost level, disaster...dragon level?!"

"This is just the first weirdo to appear on the scene... Poros, the overlord of the universe... It has already appeared before it appeared... Big guys... It's so terrifying!

"I wait for mortals, I can only look up

"However, if you shrink back in the face of this kind of monster... well, I'm afraid too, my legs are shaking...but I will definitely not treat those who stand in front of this kind of monster

Hero cynicism!"

"That's right!"

"Although it is embarrassing, facing this level of existence, we can only become the atmosphere group.

"No, we still have a mission now, which is to get rid of all those assassins!!"

"Yes, this matter is within our capabilities, and we can no longer chill the hearts of those heroes who are risking their lives!"


【"What a weak race!"】

【"Is that the only way?"】

【"It's easy to kill."】

【"well said!"】

【"Although we are can't do it!"】

[Five heads, you talk to each other, it's disgusting. 】

[However, the next moment, those five weird heads suddenly opened their mouths wide, and at the same time as their eyes became hollow, the huge body twisted for a while. 】

[With a few breaths of effort, the five heads with different shapes grew out of their necks. 】

[At this moment, the huge body is like a wriggling sarcoma, which is extremely disgusting. 】

【Zi la——】

[With the sound of tearing, a strange scene appeared. 】

【Ji Hegang is clutching his broken arm, his eyelids are extremely heavy, at this moment, he opened his eyes wide. 】

【"Split...Damn it! It's in this kind of place..."】

[Then, after a while of wriggling, the huge sarcoma split into five strange figures. 】


"I can't take it anymore, my brain is being stimulated too much..."

"It can't be that the spaceship is full of disgusting creatures with such terrifying power... Uh~!"

Underworld·Disaster Dragon Class·Five-Headed Monster: "Are you polite? Are you polite?!!"

ps: Poros: If even I shrink back, who will guard the universe behind me!

Miscellaneous fish: the overlord of the universe vs the bald devil!

Bigger miscellaneous fish·vaccine man: The number one krypton gold technology boss in the whole server still can't beat it...!.

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