One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

088 Sonic Is Broken? ! (Seeking Full Order·Customization~)

[Sonic Sonic, who was moving at high speed, frowned, and the arrogant look on his pretty face was completely gone. 】

【"I don't know why, as long as I face you, I don't think I have any chance of winning"】

【"If I don't defeat you and erase this thought, I won't be able to move forward!"】

"Sure enough, it's true love and killing each other... Oh, the love of my life, it's real!"

【"Million Serious Series"】

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!!"

"I got it right!!"

"Hahaha! I can kneel down again to watch Saitama's must kill serious series again!!"

"Huh? Is there water? I'm on fire!!"

All of a sudden, the audience who heard Saitama's "Mirror Serious Series" all stood up.

All rise!!

【"Serious・Round-trip jump!!"】

"What does this mean?!"

"Could it be that... Mr. Saitama intends to"

"I'm blanching!!"

"This is to fight magic with magic!!"

"Damn! My heart beat faster! I wasn't that excited on that dark and stormy night!!"


"Sorry...I'm at a loss for words...I'm drowning!!!"


【In the projection screen,, countless Saitama!! Countless bald heads!!!】

【They stand in a row, some 'Saitama' are blurred, and some Saitama are incomparably solid!】


All viewers: "Huh?!!!"

[Sonic Sonic was shocked out of the emoticon package. 】

At this moment, everyone realized that in the future, the name will be changed..

【Egg Crush Clown Ninja Slow Sonic】

"My mother asked me why I had to kneel and watch"

"Don't talk about it... What is the first speed... In front of Saitama, it's like a turtle crawling..."

"Young man, you don't know anything about speed!!"

Just when everyone was so shocked that their heads went blank, what happened next was a dramatic scene.

【 Saitama was jumping back and forth, Sonic Sonic was frightened, and hit him all of a sudden, the young heart suffered a heavy blow!!!】

【He was lying on the ground, his eyes were lifeless, unconsciously, the corners of his mouth leaked out, his empty eyes...Coupled with that limp lying posture...】

"It's over, it's over...egg-cracking clown ninja · slow Sonic was hit by Saitama's broken!!"

【There was no deafening roar, and there was no strong energy to overturn the surrounding ground, but Fubuki hid in the corner and shivered, and buried his head in his own mountain peak. 】

"It's so fierce... so fierce!!"

The audience stared wide-eyed at the embarrassed Sonic Sonic.

"Hehe... Boss Saitama is getting more and more bt, I feel that the egg-crushing clown ninja is going to be out of play with him..."

"Wait, didn't you notice?"

"Scrambled Egg...Ahem, Sonic"

"Just for this figure and face, even a man gritted his teeth and recognized it!!"


"Sonic, squeak!"

"Sonic...was ruined by Saitama boss...Everyone! Go ahead, old man!"

"Rogue! Treacherous old bastard! Sonic belongs to the old man!"

"Sonic is mine!!"


"Husband Saitama is amazing~!"

Association of Heroes B-level ranked 74th three-section stick Lily:

"As expected of Fubuki-sama and the man I annoying~!"

There are little pink hearts shining in Lily's almond eyes, and the eyes are full of Saitama who protects Lord Fubuki from harm

At this moment, her eyes are the best filters in the world...

"Damn... Saitama guy... so scary!!"

A ghost-level eccentric silently underestimated, and ran quickly in the underground passage.

Quickly, but cheerfully, "Master! I'm back!!!"

However, soon, it saw the body of its master (Ben Lei Hand Tai Luo).


"Who did it?!"

Who killed my master?!"

The ghost level monster Ben Lei Hand Tang Laosan questioned loudly with anger on his face, his face was full of grief, and he silently swore in his heart that he must avenge his master!

It doesn't matter if the opponent is a human or a monster!

"My's level 5 heroes king and Genos...!w々!"


The ghost-level weirdo Ben Leishou Tang Laosan's facial muscles twitched.


It knelt before the body of Taro the Thunderhand.

This is, a little weirdo continued to say in grief:

"My lord is just... hateful! Those two hateful human beings... they actually attacked! They don't talk about martial arts! My lord hasn't released their big moves yet...they just...they St..."

The third brother Tang Laosan knelt in front of Tai Luo's body.

"Master... Tang Laosan has always remembered your teachings. We are not the weird people who committed crimes and crimes before, but now we have changed our minds... I have told you a long time ago that we must never do it again... see Come on, you were dishonest after being the ring referee..."


"I can't avenge you, what face do I have to be your apprentice?!"

"I'm the third son of the Thunderbolt Hand!!"

Ben Leishou Tang Laosan's face was full of sadness.

The little monsters who watched it burst into tears.

However, at the next moment, Tang Laosan, the Benlei Hand, showed a struggling look on his face.

He raised his hand, tore his clothes to pieces, took a piece of embroidered robe and put it on the body of Tai Luo, the Thunder Hand.

"Humans have a saying..."

"Today, I cut off the robe for you to sever the master-student relationship. From now on, you are no longer my master, and I am no longer your apprentice!"

After saying that, the dumbfounded little monsters left behind and left.

"Master, you are still wrong...Facing the Heroes Association with Saitama boss, we should just be honest and weird..."

"I will create a world where weirdos and humans can live in peace...Even if I pay my life for it...I have to carry forward!!"

After all, Tang Laosan, Ben Lei Hand, looked back at Tai Luo's body, as if he saw its master showing a very gratifying smile to it.

This scene made the little monsters explode.

"My lord! Today, I will cut off my robe..."

Underworld · Thunder Hand Taro: "???"

"Birth! Birth!!!"

【"You... what did you do..."】

[Falling to the ground, Sonic Sonic in tattered tights looks like he's been ruined. 】

【Saitama stopped jumping back and forth, and said very calmly: "I'm just passing by while jumping back and forth."】



【"The shock wave alone has such power..."】

【"Countless avatars... faster than me..."】

【"Next time I will!!!"】

[Egg Breaker Clown Ninja Slow Sonic tilted his neck and passed out...]



"Quick! It's urgent~!"

[Jenos on the side said in a deep voice: "Is he dead..."]

【Saitama: "No, I didn't kill him!"】

[As a result, the two of them turned around just after they finished speaking. 】


【"That guy... disappeared?!"】

[Fubuki, who was so frightened that she buried her little head in her own mountain, also raised her head slowly, her pretty face was full of seriousness. 】

【"Too powerful and absolutely extraordinary!"】

"You go fight for Sonic, we still fall in love with Goddess Fubuki

"Tch, Sonic has been in our company for a long time, you want Brother Sonic? Can you afford the money?!"

Egg Smashing Ninja Sonic Sonic:

【"I can't be the first..."】

【That is... the woman called Hell... her entangled half life. 】

[Possess brain, physical strength, and good understanding. 】

【And, the innate superpower...】

【"I should have been the strongest existence..."】

【"As long as there is no her..."】

【"My biological sister, the strongest superpower.. Tornado! (28 years old)"】

【"Thanks to that sister, I have never been number one in any aspect of my life so far..."】

【"So, when I became the number one b-level hero, that's what I thought..."】

【"I want to stand in this position, control the heroes below B level, and try to surpass my sister who is an individual activist."】

【Fubuki sits in front of Saitama and Genos, lowering his eyes, looking like he has done something wrong and is very pitiful】

【"That stinky little... Is the trembling Tornado an S-rank?"】

【"Then why don't you aim for the first place in A-level?"】

【"Even if you can't reach the level of Tornado, you are still a powerful superpower, and you are fully capable of competing for the A-level position!"】

【Jenos said righteously. 】

"Damn... the old man said it all, men fight the world with blood, women fight the world with sweat, Fubuki little girl, why don't you understand?"

Ranked 74th in Heroes Association B-level three-section stick Lily:

Master! I understand! I understand!"

"Don't worry, I'm already preparing the medicine, just wait until I find Master Fubuki and Saitama-kun!!"


"What are you doing?!"

"Where is the law of heaven? What about human nature? What about morality? What about products? What about ethics? Where is it?!"


【Fubuki smiled resentfully, and said: "A-level? A-level is impossible in this life..."】

【"It's not difficult to squeeze into the top few of A-level...but it can't be the first...absolutely!"】

["Zantou Samurai ranked fourth in A-level, Oka Wu Taidao ranked third in A-level, and Iaigang who ranked second in A-level. These three musketeers are disciples of S-level hero Atomic Warrior, but they cannot become super-heroes. reason】

【"It's the number one man in the A-level.. The handsome guy with the mask, the sweet mask, no one can surpass him."】

"Hmmm... Goddess Fubuki is right. Sweetheart Masquerade is really not inferior to the average S-class hero, but he has always been the number one A-class hero."

"Although Boros's remarks were a bit fierce when he was in the world before, everyone has seen his original intention."

"Yeah...I said it all

, Don’t take it out of context, Sweetheart Mask is very good, and, compared to most heroes, of course, before the projection appeared, I liked and felt that only he and

The Undocumented Rider can be called a true hero. "

"Don't say that, many heroes are like this, but only a small number... For example, some disgusting, divisive and insidious vest organizations.

"`There is also a sixth child who has to be mentioned!"

【"In this world, there are too many monsters beyond common sense."】

【 Fubuki was dejected, his cherry lips parted slightly, he raised his little hand, and pointed at Zhou Yu who was idly reading manga in the corner. 】

【"Although you are also a complete monster...But, you can't compare with Sweetheart Mask and my sister."】

【"Others are known as the strongest king of mankind, or Blast who wants to stand at the top of the hero world, such monsters exist among monsters!"】


"Hahaha~ I suddenly found out that Fubuki Goddess Ako is very downcast~"

"Stop, stop, talk, let's talk, if there is no exposure of the projection screen... we probably will have the same idea as the Fubuki goddess.


"You said, Mr. Demolition, who ranks first in the Heroes' Association level 5..."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

"Boss Boros is a financial fighter in front of Boss Saitama. The strength of Boros is obvious to all. No matter how strong Mr. Blast is, he can't be dozens of times stronger than Boros, right?"

"Well... Even if it is dozens of times stronger than Boros Boros... Do you think... Saitama Boss's must-kill-serious series... Can a living body stop it?"

【"It's very difficult to go up with our own strength!"】

【"Why not form a gang?!"】

【Fubuki tries to pua Genos and Saitama. 】

【However, Saitama said disapprovingly: "There is nothing wrong with it."】

【"However, I don't intend to become Fubuki's subordinate."】

【Fubuki stood up, glanced at Saitama resentfully, "~"】

【"It's just a little bit can't go up!"】

"Boss Saitama seemed to say when he was in city h that he wanted to return to c-level..."

"It's all my fault, oh, who told me to mess around...I admit it! It's me! One of Saitama's shoes was stolen!"

"Good guy! You are really vicious!"

"Then what... make a price, bro~!"


【"I... said, Mr. Saitama, could it be that you took my game away (Li Qian's)】

【Just when Fubuki inherited his elder sister Tornado's little tsundere, the door was suddenly opened, and King's paralyzed face came in. 】


【Fubuki froze for a moment, then his face changed drastically, and he leaned back subconsciously. 】


【However, the king went straight to Saitama. At this moment, Saitama was no longer the very powerful and true hero in his eyes.

【"Holding...Sorry, I took it..."】

【King stretched out his hand, "As expected! Give it back to me quickly!"】

【"That... I'm really sorry..."】

【"It doesn't matter, as long as you return it to me."】

【Cold sweat broke out on Saitama's forehead, "That... I lost the data..."】

【King's face changed greatly, "Huh?! What did you say?!"】

On the other side, Fubuki blushed, and staged a familiar scene, turning around and squatting down with his chest folded, screaming.


The space was too small, and the moment he turned around, the crisp voice sounded.

Hmm... the old driver can hear the sound, this is 100% peach tun!

Tornado feigned surprise: "Fubuki...?!!"

"What are you doing in a place like this?!"

"Sister...I...this is Fubuki's special... No, it's my sister, why are you here?!"

Saitama suddenly realized, "Oh, it's Fubuki, why are you hiding here?"

However, the next moment, Saitama was stunned, "My clothes!!!"

"Well...the price is calculated separately."

Fubuki: "...celery"


Fubuki who turned into a steam girl was pulled out by Tornado.

"Hmph, I knew it. You must have an affair with this big bald man. How dare you lie to me?"

Saitama, Fubuki: "???"

‘Why does my sister always say such tiger and wolf words?!”

Saitama: "It's a mistake, she and I are just acquaintances."


As if Fubuki was struck by lightning, he doubled up....

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