One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

092 Metal Bat Vs Hungry Wolf! Little Lolita Ends The Fight! (Seek Full Order For Customization~)

Association of Heroes·Level 5 Ranked 4th·Atomic Samurai:

"Sorry everyone, I don't know about this matter...Give me a little time, I will go and find out if there is such a thing myself!"

"Okay! Uncle Atomic Warrior, I'm a fan!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, compared to a certain vest, tsk tsk tsk..."

"This person, once there is a gap in his heart... Hehe, the prejudice in people's hearts is like a mountain!"

"Honest vest, tsk tsk, I feel that those two births should still be kept?"

"I knew from the moment Uncle Atomic Warrior shared his sword manual, this guy is very interesting!"

"@Forty is not old, sister, is there really no possibility?"

Forty is not old: "Go as far as I can go!!"


[bang 1


[The screen changed, and came to the battlefield of metal bats and hungry wolves. 】

[The metal bat was hit hard, and his figure fell backwards. 】

【"What... Are you really scarred?"】

【"I've expended so much energy since just now, I wanted to see your strength, but I didn't expect that you would be finished before this!!"】

【Hungry Wolf maintains the posture of just hitting the metal bat, his face is full of arrogance and disdain. 】


[The metal bat kicked violently, and attacked the hungry wolf again, holding the bat high, "Don't underestimate me!!"]

【Unfortunately, the metal bat is already close to the limit, but Hungry Wolf is getting more and more courageous, hitting his face with two punches!】


【The metal bat that fell backwards after being hit by a punch slammed the bat on the ground, and then, he swung his waist violently, drink!!"】


[The bat swings out in a semicircle on the ground and hits the ground heavily. 】

【Hungry wolf reacted very quickly, and opened the distance as early as the moment the metal bat was about to counterattack. 】

[And the ground where he was originally standing has already been smashed into a huge hole by a metal bat. 】

【"Cutting" the metal bat lowered his head, his chest heaving rapidly. 】

【"Your bleeding is so large...It should be very difficult to maintain consciousness."】

【"And... you have broken bones in several places?!"】

[Hungry wolf's face is full of disbelief. 】

【"They are so weak and still not falling down. Is this the willpower of a hero?"】

"The battle with the metal bat really made the 11 people excited, but this time, the metal bat may suffer."

"It's true...Although this hungry wolf is annoying, he is still very strong. Of course, if you meet him in the heyday of the metal bat, you may not lose!"

"Yeah, it always gives people an unreal feeling. The S-level hero is so strong...why does that hungry wolf look so bad, but his strength is so strong?"

"How should I put it, the metal bat's attack is too simple, and the emphasis is on dropping ten times with one force. In addition, he was seriously injured. It is not difficult for a hungry wolf who has practiced martial arts to predict his movements, so this time he will do everything. That's why it looks so simple... even unilateral suppression!"

【"However, you are almost at the end...】

【The hungry wolf was talking, when the metal bat suddenly swung towards his face. 】

【Unfortunately, the moment the metal bat was released, Hungry Wolf already knew where he was going to swing it, and he dodged the attack by leaning back. 】

【Even the hungry wolf predicted the next move of the metal bat. 】

【After dodging the first swing from the metal bat, he jumped up suddenly and avoided the sweep of the metal bat. 】


【Hungry wolf jumps into the air and kicks. 】

[The metal bat did not dodge, and was kicked heavily in the face. 】

【It's just that the metal bat with strong willpower did abruptly stop the falling tendency and resisted the flying kick of the hungry wolf. 】


[The hungry wolf was slightly shocked, and immediately chose to avoid the edge. 】

【Swish swish——】

【The speed of Hungry Wolf is too fast, and all the sticks swung by the metal bat are gone. 】

【After dodging, the hungry wolf looked back and said in surprise: "The swing has become faster...?!"】


【In the next moment, countless cracks were formed on the surface of Hungry Wolf again!】

【"The power is obviously stronger than before... this guy... I didn't expect it!"】

【Find the right timing, when Hungry Wolf goes up, it's a set of combo punches!】

【Of course! The metal bat resisted his attack, and the attack continued unabated!】


【"No... nothing wrong, every time I attack him...】

【"Every time you let him suffer...he...!!"]

However, in the hot spring hotel, the metal bat cut with a very unpleasant sound.

"Metal bat...It seems that the defeat is only a matter of time."

Regarding this, the metal bat did not refute, and the most impatient, his legs trembled unconsciously, and his hands had nowhere to rest.

The Venerable in the vest showed a dignified expression, "It seems that this fellow named Hungry Wolf really has the capital to shout.

【"What is the principle?"】

【"You bastard...isn't it about to die?!"】

[If you have any questions, just ask directly. 】

[The metal bat looks precarious, but it still stands firm. 】

【"There is a fart principle!"】

【"It's momentum! Momentum!!"】

【Hungry wolf is puzzled, "What the hell is that?"】


【"Why are you not moving? Hero hunter! Come and fight!"】

【"The huge centipede behind you is still waiting for me! I don't have time to grind around here!"】

"Cry to death... the metal bat is a real man!"

"I'm still thinking about Elder Centipede, the metal bat is really strong!"

"But... this situation feels very precarious..."

"Come on~ Oni-chan!!"

【Hungry wolf is also taken aback, this guy is still thinking about having a big fight with bee and bee?!"】

【"How long can you maintain your momentum, you?!"】

【"Then play with you!"】

【Speaking, the hungry wolf landed on the ground, and the huge force caused the ground to sink, and at the same time, the sewer manhole cover was shaken. 】


【Hungry wolf took advantage of the opportunity and threw the manhole cover over [The metal bat naturally hit a home run. 】

【"Not this?!"】

【"It's this way, idiot!!"】

【Sneak attack!】

[Bang bang bang J

【"If you want to play, bring a flying hockey stick!"】


[The hungry wolf who was fighting was restrained by the sudden horizontal hug of the metal bat before he could react. 】


[The metal bat sprints all the way, and when it gets close to the wall, it slams out the hungry wolf. 】

【"Hey... first score!"】


【"Heh, don't underestimate me, brat!"】

【Next, it's the hungry wolf's turn to fight back...】

"I can't bear to watch it... I feel like the metal bat is bleeding dry!"

"Alas...really, a dragon-level monster appeared, and was brutally restrained by humans...he made it!!"

"Yeah, it's really disgusting, and you still call yourself a weirdo, just for this matter...huh! Don't say any reason afterwards, and then clean up for nothing.

【"Savage Tornado Storm!!!"】


【Finally, the metal baseball, which has been on the beaten side, got angry and turned it up!】


【"Isn't it just going around?!"】

【"Don't be funny! Is this considered a skill?!"】

【"Look at me easily blocking all your moves!"】

[Afterwards, the hungry wolf did not retreat but advanced, and swung forward a few palms to intercept the metal bat swinging. Taking advantage of the moment when the strength froze, both palms suddenly stretched out and hit the metal bat. on the chest!]

[bang 1


【The metal bat flew upside down, spitting out a mouthful of blood!】

"I'm going to boil! I can't bear it, this kid is too arrogant!!"


"Everyone pays, let Saitama boss take care of this kid!"

"That's right, what the heck, looking at it makes me feel old, thinking that I can be very good if I know a little kung fu, right? Isn't it supporting weirdos? What are you doing with human martial arts?!"


【"Finally fell down?!"】

【"The big layman still wastes so much energy on me."】

【"Whether it's the venerable vest or the metal bat, they're just one-sided fools. For humans...they can't deal with martial arts at all. It seems that it's easy for me to bring down the Heroes' Association alone!! "]


"Break down the Heroes' Association, why are you going to get rid of the heroes who are fighting first?!"

"You're out of your mind, right?!"

"That's right! Disgusting guy, you should go directly to the Heroes Association to make trouble!"

"It's better to kill those ugly guys... It's fine to be a hero, but now you still despise humans? Didn't you learn martial arts from humans?!"

"Brothers, don't rush to spray, I feel that this hungry wolf is a little different..."


"My intuition tells me that this guy will have a lot of scenes..."


【The hungry wolf clapped his hands, and glanced at the fallen metal bat with disdain. 】


【At this time, Hungry Wolf realized that his hands were shaking uncontrollably. 】

【"Hey, hey! Isn't it? I've already relied on the old man's tricks to block a few tricks, but it can actually hurt me to the bone? I didn't expect that the ball bat can also exert such power, haha!"】

【Hungry wolf turned into a war god with a crooked mouth, "If I take all the blows, I might not be able to take it anymore, but anyway, I can't hit me!"】

"Tsk tsk tsk... Mr. Banggu... I saw this in advance. If I don't stop it... I'm afraid I will lose it at the end of the festival."

"What about the dojo, I'm afraid someone will look for trouble soon."

"You can't blame Mr. Banggu for knowing people but not knowing. Besides, Mr. Banggu should take action now."

"Ham, what's so hard to guess? Love and talent are eager, this hungry wolf has high talent at first glance... Forget it, I won't give an evaluation."



【The moment Hungry Wolf turned his head, a terrifying murderous intent attacked him!!!】

[But at this moment, a clear and immature voice sounded. 】

【"Oni Sauce!!!"】

【Boom J

【Hungry wolf clams live, "Still alive?!!"】

[The bat that fell from the metal bat stopped in front of him, with such a powerful force that it was actually a wave of air that blasted away all the surrounding dust!!


【With the two of them as the center, a terrifying circular wind erupted!!】

【Hungry wolf stares at the undropped bat and is stunned. 】

【And the veins on the forehead of the metal bat are bulging, and his consciousness has been blurred. It is completely murderous and imposing that is trending towards him!】

"This blow... is enough to show that the metal bat was kept in the hand before!!"

"That's for sure! Do weird things with a human face, and you won't die with a metal bat!"

"However... Although this hungry wolf is disgusting, he also defeated the Venerable Vest before... However, he didn't make up the knife..."

【"Bat brother"】

【Behind the metal bat, a little loli called out. 】

[The metal bat "cuts" in displeasure. 】

[But his bat didn't score another run. 】

【"What are you doing?!"】

【"who's that person?!"】

[The little loli, who somewhat resembles a metal bat, asked. 】

【The metal bat shouted quickly: "Qianzi! Don't come here!!"】

【"This guy is..."】


【Having not waited for him to finish speaking, the hungry wolf launched a sneak attack again!!】

【"elder brother!!"】

【"I don't know why you want to stop, anyway, you missed a great opportunity!"】

【"If... I received that blow just now, the outcome would be indistinguishable, but now, you have absolutely no chance of defeating me!"】


"I'm sorry, I really can't take it anymore, brothers, I want to curse!"

"Damn it! The metal bat is so gentle... But, this disgusting 780 guy is pushing an inch!!"

"Sister Qianzi, run! That guy is a big villain!!"

"Oni sauce..."

【"Next! I'll take you down..."】

【However, when Hungry Wolf was about to give the metal bat a fatal blow, and the metal bat also raised the bat to fight back, Qianzi suddenly stood in front of the metal bat. 】


【"My brother promised me that I would not use violence in front of me!!"】

【"So it's over!!"】

【it's over!!】

【"Huh? Why do I have to follow the rules in your family?"】

【"This is dangerous! The fight is over!"】

【"Forget it, I don't have time to waste time on you idiot!"】

【Metal Bat stood up, sneered and said, "You idiot came here to challenge yourself?!"】

【"Oni Sauce!!"】


"I boil!"

"Well, it's a good thing that Hungry Wolf didn't continue to attack, otherwise labor and management will definitely go to kneel in front of Saitama's house immediately, begging Saitama to beat this disgusting guy with a punch!!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Fortunately, there was no accident..."

"Hmm~ What a cute and brave little sister~!"

"What should I do if I meet a bad guy?"

"Give him a sister."


"It's really yours, what about revenge?"

"Give him ten or eight monkeys~!"


"What about being bullied?"

"Confess to him (her)!"


【"For you to pick up a life, metal bat!"】

【"Ah? What are you talking about?!"】

【"Oni Sauce!!"】

【Little Lori is holding the metal bat in her hand, not allowing him to continue fighting. 】

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief and was about to tease, they suddenly remembered that Elder Centipede was still doing evil!

But soon they froze...

Meanwhile, the other side.


A glass of legitimate fighting satiates Saitama's bed.

Fubuki can still work hard to maintain the image of Gao Leng Yujie... No wonder!!

"Draw it!"

"Hee hee~"

On the other hand, Saitama, at this time, is covered with strange patterns all over his face...

"Hmm~ I double recorded and sent again~"

"Hmph, who said Saitama-kun is invincible? I'm the first to disagree"

Saitama had black lines all over his face, but he could only grit his teeth in anger.

"That... Saitama-kun... let's change the bet..."


Fubuki's pretty face was flushed, as if she wanted to say something difficult, but couldn't.

Saitama stared at the screen with dissatisfaction on his face.


"Hmm... are you guys still playing?"

Just when Fubuki was about to say it, Tornado, who didn't know when he changed into pajamas, rubbed his eyes, walked out with his dizzy little head, and stood behind Saitama.

"elder sister?!"

ps: Guiqiu full order ~ Guiqiu customized.

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