Saitama’s expressionless face broke the demon claws one by one.



Click ~~

The tooth-biting shattering sound, the demon claw that was enough to claim to be indestructible, was in Saitama’s hands… Slowly twist and deform, then break.

Devil’s Claw… It turned into a bare iron palm, and the five fingers completely shattered on the ground.

Saitama jumped down, shook her clothes, and walked slowly towards Morgana.

Morgana has been petrified in place.

With the highest technology of the angelic civilization and the demon claws created by the rare resources of countless planets, plus its own tens of thousands of years of cultivation, even the existence that will not be damaged by a frontal battle with Kesha’s angel wings.

Right now…… Turned into rags?

What a painful realization!

The heart ached so much that it was impossible to breathe, and more of it was shock, unparalleled shock.

“So I hit you?”

Standing in front of Morgana, Saitama raised her fist.

Saitama is usually harmless, but if provoked many times … Then sorry, he will also feel unhappy, when he is unhappy, it means that there is a lot of trouble!

At the moment Saitama raised her fist, Morgana’s sweaty hair stood upside down, and a huge life and death crisis locked her, making that smoky face instantly pale as paper.

Morgana’s heart shook furiously, and her eyes trembled violently.

After living for tens of thousands of years, this terrifying sense of crisis was never even given to her by Kesha.

Looking at the fist in front of him, an invisible fist pressure shrouded down!

She was shocked to find that the air around her seemed to be locked, turning into solidified steel, making her feel unable to move even if she wanted to fight and escape.

What a terrifying momentum!

How can it be!

How could this guy have such momentum!

Goosebumps all over his body with a starting style, life and death crises surging madly like a tide, Morgana crisscrossed countless planets, and encountered this monster for the first time!


One punch down!!!

Simple and straightforward punch.

There are no fancy moves, and even the angle and posture of the punches look flawed.

But it was this flawed punch that made Morgana’s heart surge with a deep sense of powerlessness, and her eyes were filled with despair and horror.

This punch goes down, myself… It’s a real possibility to die!


The queen’s scream suddenly sounded, her pupils contracted to the extreme, and the expanding fist stopped in front of her.

The delicate body trembled, and the body was already covered in cold sweat.

Saitama stopped his fist and looked curiously at a smart watch in front of him, which looked a bit like an iWatch, with a clear holographic map showing Guangdong City, and a route indicating how to get there.

“Along the red line … It’s all the way there. ”

Desperately squeezing a few words out of between her teeth, Morgana struggled.

“Oh? Thanks. ”

Take the smart watch, it’s really advanced!

Saitama was in a good mood, his fist retracted, and the suffocating sense of crisis disappeared in an instant.


Thanking Morgana again, Meizi took the watch in her hand, and in the direction shown above, Saitama ran directly and quickly.

The upper body does not move, but the hands and feet move quickly, the very angry running posture, disappeared into Morgana’s field of vision in the blink of an eye, and the residual wind and waves stirred up by running left a trace on the ground that could not be seen at a glance.

This…… Very Saitama.

Watch as the back of this monster disappears in the direction.

Morgana was finally covered in cold sweat, and her lilac lips trembled slightly.

Unexpectedly, the dignified queen Morgana actually saved her life because of a smart watch with a large road color!

Turning around, after seeing the scene behind him, the beautiful and enchanting pupils suddenly shrunk, his legs went soft, and the whole person sat limply on the ground.

A straight avenue to heaven appeared behind Morgana, and the ground was scraped abruptly by an indescribable mighty force into a ravine about a hundred meters wide and ten meters deep, with no end in sight.


The towering mountains.

One punch through!

That clear blue white cloud.

Presents a twisted cavity trace!


Guangdong City.

With food and tourism civilization city, tourists from all over the country come here, coupled with the recent popularity of the Huaxia show on the tip of the tongue, there are a large number of tourists from all over the country.

It was almost three o’clock in the afternoon when I arrived in Guangdong City, and the sun was shining, and the breeze was smooth.

This is a snack street, a retro old street, the buildings are quaint, and the street is full of pedestrians, which is extremely lively.

Saitama stood on the street, looking at the endless street, a little confused.

Where is the store you are looking for?

By the way, I seem to have copied the phone number and address of that store, make a call?

From the trouser pocket, he took out the fruit mobile phone that Su Xiaotanu gave him, fortunately it was not broken? For mobile phones these things… Saitama is really unfavorable to use, and can barely use the dialing function….

And at the same time.

A certain angry and corrupted beauty was wrapped in golden dazzling light, quickly shuttling high in the air, making a sharp air tearing sound.

The beautiful eyes containing anger were quickly scanning below, and the beautiful cherry lips were talking to themselves.

“It’s called Saitama, isn’t it! Goddess, I’m going to kill you bastard today!” ”

———— new book asks for all ————

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