Two days later, a group of people came to Chu Bai’s door, ambushing inside and out outside the house where Chu Bai lived. After everything was ready, someone knocked on the door of Chu Bai’s house.

“Third Master, go and open the door!” Chu Bai said to Mikasa lazily, now Chu Bai is lazily basking in the sun, and he doesn’t want to move at all.

Mikasa had no opinion on this. Of course, even if you have an opinion, it probably doesn’t help. It’s like Mikasa wants Chu Bai to let Eren go, but from beginning to end, Chu Bai locked Eren and didn’t let go.

Mikasa couldn’t do anything about it. In terms of force, it was impossible for her to compare with Chu Bai. Even if it is a chain, such a thick chain, without a key, it obviously cannot be opened. Mikasa only had to go and deliver food to Eren every day, but listened to Eren roaring loudly.

On the other hand, don’t care if Chu Bai’s approach is particularly excessive, but the starting point seems to be really to protect Eren and protect Eren from harm.

Hearing Chu Bai’s call, Mikasa walked over and opened the gate, and several men in military uniforms stood at the door. Because of Chu Bai’s performance in the recruit training camp two days ago, they had to pay attention to Chu Bai. Perhaps they also want to get a way to become stronger from Chu Bai, then strengthen themselves, and finally expel or even hunt giants to reclaim their homeland or something.

After a while, Mikasa led several people to Chu Bai’s face. These people seem to be officers, or people with good strength among the soldiers.

“Hello! You are Mr. Chu Bai! I’m Erwin Smith, commander of the Survey Corps! This is my subordinate, Levi Akaman, who used to be the strongest human before. As for now, hehe…” Erwin, the head of the Survey Corps, who looked a little talented, introduced himself with a smile.

“Oh, hello! And that little dwarf, you too! Chu Bai greeted casually, but he didn’t even stand up, still lying there lazily. However, Chu Bai’s little dwarf sentence made Levi, the soldier commander who was known as the strongest human being, look ugly.

“Hehe, this is Qizai Wellman, the commander of the garrison corps! This is the tallest general of the garrison, General Doto Pisis! Temporarily calming down Levi, who was a little angry because of the nickname Shorty, and then Erwin continued to introduce the other two people with a smile. A total of these four people stood in front of Chu Bai.

“Oh, hello! Is something wrong? If it’s okay, please leave, don’t disturb me in the sun!” Chu Bai nodded casually, not at all uneasy about the identities of these people in front of him.

“Hehe, young people should be vigorous! Basking in the sun, but it belongs to the old man’s patent! Doto Pisis said with a smile at this time.

“Oh, actually, I’m already very old! So if you’re okay, let’s go! Don’t bother me basking in the sun! Chu Bai was lazy, and he didn’t even bother to wave his hand.

Chu Bai’s appearance made several people in front of him frown, because Chu Bai’s attitude was completely different from what they thought before.

They had thought that if Chu Bai saw them, he would be afraid, nervous, happy, excited, or other emotions, but they just didn’t expect that Chu Bai would be in this state. It was as if he didn’t even put them in his eyes. In Chu Bai’s eyes, they were like ants.

Chu Bai’s attitude made them feel uncomfortable, knowing that they were high-level leaders after all, and they were used to being complimented and looked at with awe. Now that a person like Chu Bai suddenly jumped out, how could he not be angry if he regarded these high-level leaders they were doing as ants.

“Boy! You stand up for me, you know, who is the person standing in front of you!!! Chiz Wellman couldn’t help but take a step forward and roared at Chu Bai. Chizz’s move was not stopped by anyone, and it seemed that Erwin regarded Chiz as a bird.

“Oh, sorry, I’m sick! And it’s a very serious terminal illness, cancer that will die if you move, so I’m sorry! In order not to transmit this terminal illness to you, you better hurry up! Third Master, send off guests! In the future, such guests will not have to be entertained! Chu Bai lazily turned back to Mikasa and ordered.

Erwin and the four of them listened to Chu Bai’s words, speechless for a while, the guy in Qizi was full of anger in his heart, you must know that they are here, in front of Chu Bai, Chu Bai did not hide it at all, what did he think of them?

“Bastard! Stand up for me, or else, kill you! Qizi took out the fire gun and pointed at Chu Bai’s head and yelled. It can be said that this guy Chiz is not only timid, but also careful and narrow-minded. I really don’t know how this guy became the commander of the garrison corps. Well, sorry, forgot, the world has a magic word for backdoors.


Kizzi flew, and the whole person flew away with his flint gun, an ancient firearm. The remaining three people’s expressions stiffened. Originally, I heard how powerful Chu Bai’s strength was, and he could spray people with a sneeze or something. After all, they had not seen it with their own eyes, so they did not believe it at all. But now, they believe.

“Sorry! It seems like a cold! The nose is itchy, should it really be terminally ill? Chu Bai said lazily.


Erwin and the three of them looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then quietly retreated.

Chu Bai’s real strength was completely different from what they estimated, and they had to go back and think again about how to deal with Chu Bai.

After leaving, Erwin couldn’t help but sigh: “I never thought that there would be such a powerful person, just sneezing, able to spray people away.” I think that even if it is a giant, if he confronts him head-on, he will probably not be an opponent! Levi, what do you say, what do you think of this Chu Bai? ”

“Unfathomable! Although there is no specific information, it is absolutely unfathomable! Levi said coldly.

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