The soldiers who saw the previous scene were all dumbfounded, and looking at Chu Bai’s eyes was as if they were looking at God. Originally, it almost turned into a scene as bad as five years ago, but it was stopped by Chu Bai in the blink of an eye.

The matter was solved, Chu Bai patted his ass and left. The day after Chu Bai returned home. Khlista, Sasha and a few other girls from the original boot camp came to the door.

“Meat and meat…” Sasha came to Chu Bai’s house, didn’t care about anything else, inhaled hard with her nose, and then without anyone’s guidance, she ran to the kitchen of Chu Bai’s house in a fart, it should be said that she really deserved to be a foodie girl.

The three of Khlista, Yumir, and Ani were guided by Mikasa to bring Chu Bai in front of him.

Chu Bai was lazily basking in the sun. Speaking of which, although there are giants in this world, but because giants have always been blocked from the wall, Chu Bai’s daily life is very calm, and he will not be disturbed by giants at all, so the days are really good. But the only regret is that there are no computers in this world.

“Mr. Chu Bai…” Herlista came to Chu Bai and shouted beautifully.

“Yo! It’s Hlista! Chu Bai greeted casually, and at the same time swept in front of the third daughter Xiong, and then shook his head with regret, Chu Bai once again felt the malice of this world, what is wrong with this world. Why do you love poor ru so much? Whether it is Khlista or Aniyumir, although it cannot be said to be an airport, it is simply impossible to do anything to make a difference.

“Bastard! Change tai, color mo! Yumir glared angrily at Chu Bai and pulled Hrista behind him. In fact, Yumir has long known that Chu Bai has just passed the eye addiction, and then casually talks about it, but there will be no real action. But whenever he saw Chu Bai like this, Yumir couldn’t help but want to block Chu Bai’s gaze.

“Cut!” Chu Bai pouted!


“Mr. Chu Bai, yesterday, I really want to thank you! If it weren’t for you, the giants would have successfully invaded the Taurus District. Hlista said with a grateful look.

“I just don’t let that bear kid die like that! So take care of it! It’s nothing. Chu Bai said indifferently.

“Did you just deal with it casually? Is your strength really so strong? Can you guide me, I also want to become stronger. Ani looked sideways at Chu Bai.

“Well, in other words, Ani, your strength is already good! Except for Mikasa, among the few little girls present, your strength should be the strongest! Enough already! Chu Bai said lazily.

“No, compared to you, I’m still too much worse…”


Chu Bai looked at Ani speechlessly, and actually pointed the object of comparison to himself, Chu Bai could only sigh that Ani, this girl, did not know the height of the sky.

“Mr. Chu Bai, since you are so strong, why don’t you go out and kill the giant? And the Wall of Mary, if you were, you would have been able to block it, why didn’t you shoot at that time? Hellista’s face flashed with a holy light.

“Well, at this time, do I want to say, it’s so dazzling! My twenty-four titanium dog eyes are going to be blinded!!! Chu Bai pretended to shout.

“Poof!” Chu Bai’s actions caused several girls to laugh and laugh.


“Actually, I don’t feel much about what the world is like. Even if the human race in this world will be destroyed, of course I will strike at that time. But when I came, the wall of Mary had already been pierced. Then those who can escape have also escaped, and the people I want to protect are also intact. So too lazy to deal with those things. Just like now, as long as there is still room for humans to live, Allen this kid will not die casually, which is enough for me. So the savior or something. I’m totally uninterested! Chu Bai shrugged and spoke his thoughts.

Hearing Chu Bai’s words, Hellista’s face changed slightly.

Helista took a deep breath: “Mr. Chu Bai! With your strength, can you recover the Wall of Mary? ”

“Well, it’s easy.” Chu Bai nodded.

“Relaxed? Why don’t you say that you have the strength to destroy all the giants! Yumir looked at Chu Bai like this, a little angry, and couldn’t help but roar.

“This can be done too! In fact, I can ask if I want to destroy all the giants before. However, the client at the time said that it was enough to protect Allen. So I’m too lazy to do the extra stuff. ”

“What do you call superfluous? Giants, giants are related to the safety of our human beings, you, you, how can you…” Helista’s eyes looked angrily at Chu Bai, even Hellista, listening to Chu Bai’s words, was angry. However, in addition to the three girls of Helista, Mikasa, Yumir, and Ani, the three of them did not care about Chu Bai’s attitude.

“The owner of the House of Everything! Then I ask you to destroy all the giants, even if you can’t destroy all the giants, but take back the wall of Mary! As for the commission fee… How much do you say! Hellista stood tall in front of Chu Bai.

In fact, Hellista they were sent by their superiors, because the strength shown by Chu Bai can completely recapture the Wall of Maria, so send these girls who have a good relationship with Chu Bai to take the initiative to find Chu Bai, and Hlista said that the meaning of how much it takes to entrust Jin Chubai is already obvious, she now represents the military high-level behind her.

“Sorry, it’s useless if it’s the money of this world! I don’t accept that kind of stuff because there’s no value! Chu Bai shrugged.

“However, you have accepted the commission to protect Alan. So what is the commission fee? ”

“People, people! Someone used himself as a commission to let me protect Alan. Chu Bai shrugged and spread his hands.


“Well, that’s right, it’s people!”

“Then I can too! I use myself as a commissioner. Change you to reclaim the Wall of Mary! “Hellista, a seemingly weak girl, is unexpectedly strong at this time.

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