


“Toddler! Hahaha! ”

“I suddenly found that the little girl named Seiliu has really accurate eyes!”

“Just by looking at this one, I think I can suck the other party into the night attack!” Hahaha! ”

A group of immeasurable guys laughed, emitting good-natured ridicule and teasing, but Ma Yin’s face became more and more red at this time, and finally couldn’t help but burst out: “Aaaaa You bastards, you’re all bastards! Give me death! ”


The chirping of the romantic fort, mixed with the screams of the night raiders, everything seemed so joyful.

“Then, next, Chu Bai, your task is to contact Seiliu, find out her Wen Ran, and then guide the other party, the other party to become a member of the night attack!” This task is up to you! Najeta, as the boss, spoke last.

“Huh? No way? Leave it to me? Let me do this kind of thing? It’s too much trouble! Chu Bai couldn’t help but shout strangely. Such a troublesome thing is not what Chu Bai likes to do.

“Compared to Ma Yin, you are the most suitable candidate! So you can’t say no! “There is simply no room for Chu Bai to refuse, this matter has already been so happily decided.

Walking on the streets of the imperial capital with a helpless face, his face was helpless and exhausted. If you want to talk about fighting or something, Chu Bai can barely cope with things, as long as he wins, but he has to pull people into the group, but he is still standing on the enemy side, for Chu Bai, it is simply too difficult!

Just Chu Bai walked aimlessly on the street, after all, he didn’t know where Seiliu lived, whether he was on duty on the street or something. But at this moment, Chu Bai suddenly heard a whimper.

Looking back, Chu Bai’s expression twitched a little, and he didn’t know that a dog that ran was actually on his calf stomach.

“Eh, this dog is not…” Chu Bai felt that this cute-looking dog was very familiar, obviously not big, it should be a cute stupid thing, but he made a murderous appearance.

“Xiaobi! Where are you? Why did you suddenly start running around! Small ratio! A voice full of vitality came from behind him, and Chu Bai now knew why he felt that the damn dog in front of him was so familiar, this was clearly the biotype emperor Xiaobi who was plugged into the stream. But why would this damn dog come and bite himself!

“Ah! Xiaobi, how can you eat indiscriminately! What should I do if I get diarrhea after eating something unclean? Seiliu lectured Xiaobi loudly, and then picked up the rope that was tied to Xiaobi from the ground.

“Well, when I got up this morning, I had already washed Zao! So it was clean! Chu Bai complained helplessly. I was bitten by a dog. And now it is still bitten, as the owner of the dog, shouldn’t you let the dog loosen itself at this time, instead of saying that the dog bites something unclean.

“Ah, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Alas? It’s you, Mr. Scum! Seiliu only noticed at this time that the person who was bitten by Xiaobi was Chu Bai, and he couldn’t help but greet Chu Bai in surprise.

“…… Didn’t I already explain? The one before was really a misunderstanding, I’m not a scumbag! Also, can this dog let me go? Chu Bai looked helpless, and finally raised his foot, signaling that his leg was still bitten by a dog.

“Ah! I’m sorry! Xiaobi, quick, let go! Seiliu only remembered at this time, and couldn’t help but panic a little, and then quickly pulled Xiaobi’s rope. But Xiaobi, this annoying cute stupid dog, whines and doesn’t let go.

Chu Bai was speechless, he felt that this dog might be attracted by his physique that easily attracted trouble, as for why this dog was not like today yesterday. Chu Bai said that this dog knew at a glance that it was a very stupid cute dog, and the reaction arc or something would definitely be much longer than ordinary dogs. So when we first met yesterday, the dog didn’t react at all, so it didn’t bite. Then after a day, the stupid dog reacted and started biting.

No matter how you get it, this dead dog just bites Chu Bai’s leg and doesn’t let go, and the plug is sweating rapidly, but there is still no way.

Of course, Chu Bai’s words are still related to ways to let this dog leave his legs, such as directly killing this dog or something. But Chu Bai felt that this might be a way for him and Seliu to get closer, so he let the dog bite his leg.

“That, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry! Little than him, seems to like the way you look! Seiliu apologized sincerely and bowed to Chu Bai continuously. It’s just that Seiliu’s words made Chu Bai speechless, this dog likes himself? Do you like it enough to bite hard? That is, Chu Bai, Chu Bai can detect that if it is an ordinary person, Xiaobi, this damn fool, can definitely bite off people’s legs. But this kind of strength or something, for Chu Bai, no mosquito bite feels big, so he let this stupid dog do this.

Because it is impossible to separate the dog from the person, there is no way, Seiliu can only accompany Chu Bai’s side.

Because there was no place to go, Chu Bai and Seiliu were just walking on the street casually. However, the appearance of Chu Bai and these two people and one dog is very attractive. A dog bites a person’s leg and is dragged along. Then another girl held the dog’s leash in her hand.

“This thing is delicious! And cheap. When I am idle on weekdays, I will come here to buy something to eat, do you want to try it? Just apologize! Seiliu apologized with an apologetic face, and then put a copy of oden in front of Chu Bai.

“Well, okay! I also felt a little hungry. I was kicked out before I could eat in the morning! Chu Bai said, thinking of the situation this morning. Originally planned to eat, who knows that today Chipu doesn’t know what’s going on, the amount of food is particularly large, actually ate ninety percent of the food, and then breakfast is not enough to eat, Leonai took advantage of Chu Bai’s lack of attention, and ate Chu Bai’s breakfast. The reason is that Chu Bai is going out today, and he can buy something to eat on the street casually.

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