"Cough cough…"

The cabin, which was originally filled with the sound of a pin drop, returned to normal due to a cough.

It turned out to be Silver Fang Bang, who had woken up unknowingly. The cough was also made by the newly awakened Silver Fang.

"Lord Silver Fang, are you okay?"

"Lord Silver Fang, are you okay?"

"Lord Silver Fang, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling well?"

"........(Different inquiries)" x7

Hearing Silver Fang's cough, the rescuers around him immediately stepped forward to ask.

At the same time, the rescuers around him silently praised Silver Fang in their hearts. These rescuers have long been unable to bear this dull environment. If it weren't for the terrifying existence next to them, I'm afraid these rescuers would have gone crazy long ago. How could they sit in their seats like this and not dare to say a word?

""Ahem~, I'm fine."

Bang, who was lying on the ground with serious injuries, answered weakly after hearing the inquiries from the rescue workers around him.

However, he was too weak to see Uchiha Madara sitting on the rack, otherwise he might have fallen into a coma again due to excessive emotion.

"Lord Silver Fang, have a drink of water.~"

"Lord Silver Fang, are you feeling okay now? Are you not feeling any discomfort?"

"Lord Silver Fang, please be careful, we are still on the plane. Lord Silver Fang, don't worry, we will definitely heal you."

Looking at the weak Silver Fang, the rescuers around him also handed him a cup of hot water very considerately.

In general, isn't it the first thing that the injured person does when they wake up? Ask for water!? Well, the truth was revealed accidentally.

"No, I'm not thirsty yet. Ahem~, I need to contact the Hero Association right now."

Looking at the hot water handed over, Bangu did not take it immediately but said something to the rescue workers around him in a weak voice, then reached into his pocket to take out his cell phone to contact the Hero Association.

Now Bangu just wanted to take out his cell phone to contact the Hero Association immediately and let the Hero Association quickly prepare to deal with the powerful enemy, otherwise it might be too late when that terrifying guy starts to hurt humans. Bangu couldn't help but feel creepy when he thought of the strength of that terrifying existence.

In addition to powerful, super powerful, super invincible powerful, these words all contain"powerful", Bangu can't find other words to describe the powerful strength of that terrifying existence.

Bangu now just wants to contact the Hero Association immediately and let the Hero Association be prepared, either to prepare to evacuate the people or to notify all S-class heroes to fight a decisive battle with that terrifying existence! Bangu knew that not a minute could be wasted now, otherwise the consequences would be extremely painful, so as soon as he woke up, Bangu didn't even have time to drink water and immediately struggled to take out his cell phone to contact the Hero Association.

"Lord Silver Fang, please don't move now, otherwise the wound may get worse!"

"Lord Silver Fang, you can't move now. Hurry up and lie down Lord Silver Fang, otherwise you will suffer secondary trauma."

"Lord Silver Fang, what are you doing? Lord Silver Fang, you should lie down on the ground and rest."

".........(Different persuading voices)" x7 looked at Silver Fang who was struggling to take out his phone instead of resting properly, and the rescuers around him hurriedly stopped him.

If he was not stopped, Silver Fang might have to lie down for a few weeks or even longer because of this ordinary little action. The rescuers around him were all here to rescue Silver Fang.

If Silver Fang suffered a secondary trauma here again, then when these rescuers returned to the Hero Association, they would not only not get the corresponding mission rewards, but would also be severely punished. In order to prevent this from happening, the rescuers around him naturally began to persuade him hard.

"Are you kidding me? I'm going to contact the Hero Association headquarters right now and tell them not to send heroes to support us. That man is too scary. We can't deal with him! Ahem.~..."

Bang couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end when he thought about the contemptuous expression and unfathomable strength of that terrifying existence.

Now Bang just wanted to immediately notify the Hero Association to tell them not to send any more heroes over, or to be prepared to notify the people to evacuate, or to notify all S-level heroes to be prepared to gather together. Coming one by one is nothing more than sending heads.

Bang knew very well that there should be no one in the Hero Association who could stop that terrifying existence at present. Asking heroes to rescue would only increase casualties and would be completely useless!

In order to prevent such a terrible thing from happening, Bang was naturally extremely anxious!!

"Gulu~ (Sound of swallowing saliva)"

"Lord Silver Fang and Lord Madara are not enemies. Please don't say such things again. This is just a misunderstanding."

"Lord Silver Fang, Lord Madara is not an enemy. And, moreover, Lord Madara is now...Also on the helicopter"

"Lord Madara is not an enemy, and Lord Madara is with us now. Don't worry, it's okay, all that happened before was just a misunderstanding."

Although Bang didn't know Uchiha Madara's name, the rescuers around him had heard it many times. Although they didn't know Uchiha Madara's full name, they often heard the trembling Tornado calling this terrifying man"bastard Madara".

After hearing what Bang said, the rescuers around him couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and at the same time prayed in their hearts that they would not ruin the big thing because of this sentence, otherwise they would have nowhere to run in the air.

The rescuers around him glanced at Uchiha Madara sitting on the rack with awe, and found that the expression of that terrifying existence did not change at all, and then they slowly breathed a sigh of relief. In order to prevent Silver Fang from saying anything that would make people's hearts beat wildly, the rescuers around him immediately described the terrifying existence to Silver Fang in a half-suggestive and half-praising tone.


"Gulu~ (Sound of swallowing saliva)"

"Wh, what, that guy is here?"

"Cough cough cough~...."

With Bang's wisdom and the hints from the rescuers around him, Bang could naturally guess what happened. Although Bang didn't know Uchiha Madara's name, he could get some information from the fearful expressions of the rescuers around him. When

Bang thought that the terrifying existence might be right beside him, he immediately struggled to get up. Unfortunately, Bang was seriously injured and had no ability to stand up. The mere struggle made Bang cough in pain.

"Lord Silver Fang, you can't get up now."

"Sir Silver Fang, please lie down quickly. Your body cannot move so violently now."

"Madara-sama is not an enemy, Silver Fang-sama, you just need to rest now."

".......(Different persuading voices)" x7 looked at the Silver Fang who was trying to get up and the rescuers around him hurried forward to stop him.

In order to prevent the Silver Fang from struggling to get up again, the rescuers around him immediately told him that Uchiha Madara was not an enemy now. Are you kidding? If that terrifying existence was an enemy, would they be alive until now?

And if the Silver Fang moved again, it was unknown how long he would have to rest. But no matter how long he rested, the rescuers would still be in trouble in the end.

"Buzz~...Buzz~....Buzz buzz buzz~.....(Airplane roar)"

"Tap tap tap~..."

"~~~~~(From Uchiha Madara's glance)"

Looking at the anxious movements of the rescuers and the figure of Silver Fang struggling to get up, Uchiha Madara also stood up from the rack and walked into the cabin. After walking into the cabin, Uchiha Madara glanced at Bang who was still lying on the rescue stretcher.

"You're awake, a pretty good guy."

Uchiha Madara crossed his arms and looked down at Bang lying on the stretcher, and said in a somewhat lazy tone.

"Hehe~ cough cough cough~, yes, your strength is really terrifying!"

Banggu, who was lying on the stretcher, listened to the voice of this terrifying existence in front of him and replied with a sigh.

".....(From Uchiha Madara's silent overlook)"

"Tap tap tap~..."

Seeing the injured Bang still able to force a smile and respond to him, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but sigh, this guy is indeed one of the true heroes in the One Punch Man world.

Although he sighed, Uchiha Madara didn't say anything else. Uchiha Madara glanced at Bang again, then turned around and walked to the seat of the helicopter and sat down directly. After sitting down, Uchiha Madara also closed his eyes and began to rest.

"Lord Silver Fang, please stop moving."

"Lord Silver Fang, you must make sure to get more rest."

".......(Different persuading voices)" x9

The rescuers around were worried that Bang was messing around, so they could only patiently persuade Bang, hoping that this restless master in front of them could lie down and rest well, so that they could complete the rescue mission and fly back to the Hero Association.

"Hahaha~, it's okay, I know my body best. This kind of injury will recover in a week at most!"

Noticing the resentful looks of the rescuers around him, Bang Gu said in a tone that he was in great health, indicating that the rescuers around him didn't need to worry about him.

"But Lord Silver Fang is seriously injured, so he can't move. He needs to rest!"

A female rescuer reminded the injured Bangu that he should rest more.


Looking at the little girl with a determined look on her face, Bang no longer insisted on getting up.

In fact, Bang wanted to get up to express his respect for Uchiha Madara. As a martial arts master, Bang naturally attaches great importance to etiquette, and believes that lying down and communicating with Uchiha Madara is a kind of disrespect to the strong.

Bang believes that although he is seriously injured now, it is not a big problem for him to stand up and say a few words, so Bang really wants to stand up and communicate with the terrifying existence in front of him. But looking at the rescuers who have been persuading him, Bang can't insist any longer, and Bang has no choice but to lie back on the rescue stretcher again.

"My name is Bang, may I know your name?

Bang, lying on the rescue stretcher, looked at Uchiha Madara with a calm gaze for a moment before asking in a respectful tone:

"Uchiha Madara."

After hearing Bang's question, Uchiha Madara did not open his eyes, but he also said his name.

Uchiha Madara still had some good feelings for Bang, so his tone was not as condescending or disdainful as it would be to a stranger.

"May I ask, Master Madara, how much strength did you use when fighting me before?

Bang looked at Uchiha Madara with an inquiring look, wanting to hear how much strength this terrifying being used when fighting him.

Bang wanted to know how big the gap was between him and this terrifying being in front of him.

"The one you fought with before was just a clone.

Uchiha Madara did not tell Bang how much power the clone had used, but in fact the clone still had many abilities that had not been used. For example; energy attacks of various attributes, Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, and Susanoo armor form, etc.…

--Clone -

The clone has at most 30-50% of the strength of Uchiha Madara (Uchiha Madara in normal state).

The clone cannot use the most powerful abilities of the original body, and can only use weakened versions of the abilities.

For example; the clone in the state of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan cannot use the complete form of Susanoo, and can only use the armored form of Susanoo at most.

The clone can never use the strongest state of the original body, and at the same time, the clone cannot use any data stream moves. The moves of the data stream can only be used by Uchiha Madara as the original body

【The strength comparison table only shows the normal Uchiha Madara. The destructive power of Uchiha Madara using the data stream move is truly infinite. Only his physical fitness is the data on the comparison table.】



"Ha~, is it really just a clone? I have learned a lot today. Lord Madara’s strength is really unprecedentedly strong!"

Bang, who was lying on the rescue stretcher, did not hear Uchiha Madara say how much power the clone had used, but Bang himself knew that the clone seemed to have retained a lot of strength. From the consistent confident attitude during the previous battle, the contemptuous expression, and the super strong strength that easily resolved his attacks, Bang could basically know that this terrifying clone was not serious!

Bang's scalp tingled when he thought of this. Even a clone is so powerful, then the original body...

As for the result that the one fighting against him was a clone, Bang was not surprised at all. Because Bang did not think that his ability was stronger than Tornado, it was easy to understand that the one fighting against him was a clone.

But what Bang didn't know was that the one fighting against Tornado was also a clone....

"Where are the other heroes? Oh, and what about Tornado? Is she okay?"

Bang looked at Uchiha Madara, who was sitting in the helicopter unharmed. Thinking that Tornado might be facing such a terrifying clone, Bang couldn't help but worry about Tornado, who was also an S-class hero. Worried that more than a dozen of his colleagues (more than a dozen A-class heroes + S-class Tornado) had been killed, Bang didn't care whether the terrifying existence was present or not, and directly asked the rescue workers beside him in a worried tone.

"The A-level heroes have been arranged, don't worry. Now those A-level heroes should be receiving treatment in the hospital."

"Yes, Lord Silver Fang, you don't have to worry about these problems at all. Everyone is doing well. Both the A-class heroes and Miss Tornado are safe."

"Miss Tornado is fine. She saved us all. Mr. Silver Fang, you don't have to worry about Miss Tornado's safety."

"The heroes are safe, don't worry."

".......(Different explanations)" x7

Hearing Silver Fang's somewhat urgent question, the rescuers around him first looked carefully at Uchiha Madara who was sitting in his seat.

After the rescuers around him found that Uchiha Madara's face did not change at all, they slowly told Bang that the unconscious A-class heroes had been arranged and that Tornado was not in any trouble.

"Hahaha~, that's good, that's good."

After hearing this satisfying answer, Bang completely relaxed. After getting a reassuring answer, Bang also closed his eyes and began to rest and recuperate like Uchiha Madara.

"Whoosh whoosh~...(Exhaling sound)"

The rescuers around him breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Silver Fang closing his eyes to rest.

After all, they were afraid that Silver Fang's unconcealed questions would inadvertently provoke that terrifying existence. If he really provoked that terrifying existence in this place, the consequences would be extremely disastrous. Not to mention how much of a threat that terrifying existence would pose to the world or the people, none of them would be able to escape in the air, and they would definitely die here!

So when Silver Fang began to close his eyes to rest and calm down, the rescuers around him also breathed a sigh of relief.

"......(In the silence of the pin drop sound)"

"..........(In the silence of the pin drop sound)"

"......(In the silence of the pin drop sound)"

"Buzz~...Buzz~....Buzz buzz buzz~......(Roar of helicopter)"

But as Silver Fang closed his eyes to rest, the entire helicopter fell into deathly silence again. No one spoke except for the roar of the entire helicopter.

However, what was slightly different this time was that Uchiha Madara and Silver Fang were both too lazy to speak, and the other rescuers did not dare to speak as before.

"Buzz~...Buzz~...Buzz buzz buzz~.....(Helicopter roar)"

"Buzz~...Buzz~....(Helicopter roar)"

"Buzz~...Buzz~...Buzz buzz buzz~.....(Roar of helicopter)"

As the helicopter flew quickly, it quickly flew back to City A from City S. As soon as it arrived in City A, a black building full of technology appeared in the excited eyes of the rescuers.

"~~~~~(From Uchiha Madara's gaze)"

Feeling the emotional changes of the rescuers around him, Uchiha Madara also opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, Uchiha Madara saw the headquarters of the Hero Association in City A.

".........(Thousands of words to describe the magnificence of the Hero Association Headquarters)"

It was a building that was out of tune with the surrounding buildings.

A building made entirely of black unknown material, the overall area was also very large, which made the Hero Association Headquarters full of a sense of cross-era technology against the backdrop of the surrounding ordinary buildings.

And from the luster of the black unknown material, Uchiha Madara could basically determine that its hardness was definitely not inferior to ordinary steel.

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