"Handsome guy, please keep your card.~"

After swiping the card, the female waitress handed the bank card back to Uchiha Madara and then walked to the kitchen. It seemed that she was going to urge the food to be served or to help.

Uchiha Madara put away the bank card and patiently sat in his seat waiting for the delicious food to arrive.

Maybe there were not many people eating that day or maybe it was because the cooking speed of this ramen restaurant was very fast. Uchiha Madara only waited for a few minutes before the dishes were served.

"Handsome guy, the noodles you ordered are here. Please enjoy them slowly.~"

"Gulu~ (Sound of swallowing saliva)"

Looking at the delicious ramen and a small plate of leg steak, Uchiha Madara swallowed his saliva and picked up the chopsticks.

Of course, before eating, Uchiha Madara would not put his hands together, nor would he shout out"I'm eating" or other such childish words.

"~~~~~~(Uchiha Madara enjoying delicious ramen)"

Uchiha Madara first took a bite of ramen, which was indeed a bit spicy, but just like spicy noodles, the more you eat, the better it tastes, and the spicier it is, the more addictive it is. After trying a mouthful of delicious super spicy oil ramen, Uchiha Madara ate a leg steak, but the leg steak was not as good as the ramen. The taste and texture were just ordinary leg steaks.

Although food cannot be transformed into data energy to upgrade Uchiha Madara, it can only satisfy his appetite. But as a foodie or half a foodie, Uchiha Madara will still eat three meals a day unless conditions do not allow it.

"~~~~~~~(Uchiha Madara is eating noodles)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Uchiha Madara gulps down his soup)"

Overall, Uchiha Madara enjoyed this meal very much.

"Trample tread tread~....(Walking)"

After having a good meal and a good drink, Uchiha Madara walked out of the ramen restaurant and prepared to walk around to look for traces of the monster. I don't know if it was bad luck or good luck, but I didn't meet a monster but met a bad guy on the street first.~

"You rubbish, all of you, get down and put your heads down!"

""Tut tut~ (gunshot)" a middle-aged man pointed a gun at the people on the street and shouted, and fired two shots into the air, indicating to the people on the street that this was a real gun.


"Help! There are bad guys."

"Ahhhh~, that's a real gun, it's going to kill people, run away quickly"

"Run! The murderer is out there!"

"There are bad guys, I don't want to die yet"

"Help! There's a murderer!"

"The murderer is holding a gun and is going to kill people."

"Come and save us, there are armed criminals here. Heroes, police officers, please come and save us.~~"

".........(different screams)" x12

"...........(Different screams)" x17

After the gunshots, the pedestrians on the street became chaotic. There were screams, wailing, and sounds of fear. The pedestrians were also frightened by the gunshots and ran everywhere.

"Don’t you guys understand what I’m saying? If anyone dares to touch me again, I’ll shoot him to death!"


Seeing pedestrians on the street constantly walking and screaming, the armed robber also threatened fiercely and fired several shots at the fleeing crowd with his gun.


"Gurgle~, Gurgle~....(Sound of swallowing saliva)"

"Don't shoot, I don't want to die yet"


"Ahhhhhhh~, murder!"

"Woo woo woo~...It's so scary."

As the armed robber opened fire, the noisy pedestrians stopped and squatted down with their heads in their hands as the robber requested.

"You bastards, remember this, I am the famous B-level bounty hunter, Musketeer Tunka, hahahahaha~"

Seeing pedestrians squatting on the street one by one according to his request, the armed robber laughed arrogantly with great complacency.

""Tut, tut, tut~ (gunshot)"

As he spoke, the B-level wanted criminal named Musketeer Tunka raised his gun and fired into the sky again.

"Gulu~, Musketeer Tunka~~~, the legendary villain who kills without blinking an eye. It is said that the gun in his hand has shot and killed more than 100 people!"

"Gulu~Yeah, I've also heard about the Musketeer Tunka in the reports. He's a real villain!"

"It's over, it's over. This is a Class B bounty criminal. It looks like we're all going to die here this time. Damn it!"

"Woo woo woo~...I don’t want to die yet."

Hearing the armed robber loudly announce that he was the Class B bounty criminal, the musketeer Tunka, the pedestrians once again became noisy, but no one dared to stand up or run away.

"This is the expression and tone that trash should have~. Keep crying, keep being afraid, hahahahahahahahaha~...."

Listening to the constant wailing and terrified voices of the pedestrians squatting on the ground, the musketeer Tunka had a satisfied expression and laughed even more unscrupulously.

"Beep~beep~~~Beep Beep~~~~(Police car)"

Following the sound of police cars, the police from nearby areas also rushed over. A few minutes later, seven or eight police cars stopped near the street and blocked the entrance and exit. The thirty police officers on duty outside the street also began different tasks, some evacuated the crowd, some negotiated with loud speakers, some were on guard with guns, and some were defending with shields.

"Listen, B-level wanted criminal, musketeer Tunka, and immediately release the hostages and surrender, or we will shoot you soon!"

The police hiding behind the police car shouted through a loud speaker.

"A few policemen dared to stop me?"

Looking at the policemen around him, the musketeer Tunka was not panicked and even had a look of disdain on his face. He turned the gun that was originally pointed at the sky towards the police.


The policemen who were pointed at by guns also pulled out their pistols and pointed them at the musketeer Tunka. For a moment, the whole scene became a standoff.

"Hahahaha~ (laughing wildly)"

"Do you know why I am called Tunka the Musketeer?"

"Click~...(Loading and unloading sound)"

Seeing the policemen all pulling out their pistols and pointing them at him, the musketeer Tunka not only did not panic but laughed wildly. After laughing, the musketeer Tunka asked the policemen a question in an arrogant tone.

Before the policemen could react, the musketeer Tunka took out an unknown black object from his pocket and put it on the barrel of the gun. After putting it on, the musketeer Tunka fired directly.

"Whoosh~...Whoosh whoosh whoosh~.....(Flame)"

But this time, what was shot out was not a bullet, but a 5-6 meter long burning flame!

The burning flame not only burned the pedestrians and buildings squatting around, but also directly set two police cars on fire and caused a lot of damage to the police.


After being attacked, the police captain immediately signaled to shoot back.


Unfortunately, the police's pistol attack did not cause any damage to the musketeer Tunka, as it was all blocked by the black armor he was wearing. And from the expression of the musketeer Tunka, it seemed that he was not even affected by the impact, and he could easily withstand the impact and attack of the pistol.

""Hahahaha~, I am the most powerful, you little policemen should just let me burn you to death!"

Looking at the policemen who were fleeing in panic and listening to the screams and wails of the pedestrians around them, the musketeer Tunka had a happy expression on his face. It was as if he was not looking at the police but the beauties, and was not listening to the screams but the music.~

"~~~~~~~(From Uchiha Madara's contempt)"

Uchiha Madara on the street quietly watched this battle between police and criminals, but in his heart he thought of the phrase"chicken pecking each other"

"Why don't you leave? Leave here quickly, it's very dangerous here, you should evacuate here and find a safe place to take shelter, quickly."

After seeing Uchiha Madara's figure, a policeman hurriedly ran to Uchiha Madara and persuaded him. After that, he immediately turned around and ran back to the previous position, shooting at the musketeer Tunka who was still setting fire not far ahead.

"Trample Trample~..."

Uchiha Madara did not leave, but did not go to help. Instead, he found a seat and sat down leisurely. He looked at the show, watching the chickens fighting each other. It was obvious that Uchiha Madara had no intention of taking action.

"Whoosh~...Whoosh whoosh~.....(flame)"

"thump~...thump thump~.....(Gunshot)"

"Be careful, this flame is dangerous, pay more attention"

"Damn it, why can't I break the armor?"

"Damn it, I can't win at all. If this continues..."

"Hahahaha~, you little policemen dare to go against me, you are simply courting death!" (Musketeer swallows card)

"Whoosh~...Whoosh whoosh whoosh~.....(flame)"

"Get out of the way!"

"Boom~...Boom boom boom~.....(Explosion)"


2 minutes later...

The two sides just fought���In just a few minutes, the police were completely at a disadvantage and had suffered heavy casualties.

The police's pistols could not penetrate the armor worn by the musketeer Tunka, so they could do little damage, while the musketeer Tunka's fire could cause a lot of damage to the police.

"Hahahaha, you little policemen dare to go against me? If you want to run away, I will burn you to death!"

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh whoosh~......(flame)"


Seeing the police fleeing in panic, the musketeer Tunka's already distorted face became even more ferocious.

With a ferocious expression, Tunka kept shooting and burning the police, and even the hostages nearby were affected by him and several were burned.

"Damn, totally unbeatable."

"Captain, we can't defeat a Class B bounty hunter. Let's ask the Hero Association for support."

"Damn it!

The police, who suffered heavy casualties, could only hide behind the bunker in a panic.

Looking at the remaining teammates around him, even though the police captain was reluctant to ask for support from the Hero Association, he had to call the Hero Association for help.

This was for the safety of the team members and the lives of many people around. While calling the Hero Association, the police captain secretly comforted himself in his heart.

"Whoosh~...Whoosh whoosh………(Flame)"

The musketeer Tunka was still using his flaming lance to burn everything around him, burning east and west while laughing wildly.

"~~~~~~~(A figure riding a bicycle)"

At this time, a real hero has already rushed here at full speed after noticing the billowing smoke, and is now on his way.

This hero is our righteous bicycle hero C-level hero Unlicensed Knight. Unlicensed Knight was originally helping to catch thieves in another area of City A, but when he noticed the thick smoke slowly rising on this street, he accelerated and rushed over~.

However, the distance between the two areas is not very close. Although the Unlicensed Knight has tried his best to pedal the bicycle, it still takes a few minutes. During this time, the Unlicensed Knight prayed countless times in his heart, please don't let anything happen, don't let anything happen, and don't let anything happen to the people.

"Faster, faster, I can go faster!!!"

"~~~~~~~~(The unlicensed rider is riding his bicycle and moving forward)"

As he spoke, the unlicensed rider stood up and pedaled the bicycle desperately. It may be a matter of willpower, the speed of the bicycle seems to be getting faster and faster


"Stop it, you arsonist." As soon as the unlicensed knight arrived at this street, he saw the musketeer Tunka still setting fire, and in a hurry he shouted

"Whoosh~....Whoosh whoosh~......(flame)"


The musketeer Tunka, who was setting fire, stopped the arson after hearing the loud shouts of the unlicensed knight. After stopping the arson, the musketeer Tunka also turned his attention to the unlicensed knight who was rushing towards the street.

"Tap tap tap~...."

After seeing the musketeer Tunka stop the arson, the unlicensed knight breathed a sigh of relief. After riding to the nearby area, the unlicensed knight first parked his bicycle in front of a street shop and then ran over.

"Who are you? How dare you come and meddle in my business? Believe it or not, I will burn you to death!"

Looking at the unlicensed knight in front of him wearing a forgiveness hat, goggles, and strange armor, the musketeer Tunka also pointed his musket at the knight.

"I am the righteous bicycle man who travels between major cities, the C-class hero Unlicensed Knight! Damn arsonist, you surrender immediately, or I will attack you."

The Unlicensed Knight who was pointed at by a gun was actually still very scared in his heart. After all, as a C-class hero, he is not much stronger than an ordinary person. The reason why the Unlicensed Knight could still stand here and face this vicious arsonist without weakness is because the justice in his heart does not allow him to escape, even though he may be injured or even die!

"Ugh~, a mere C-class hero actually dares to face me alone, you really don’t know how to live or die. Hahahaha~, I am the B-class bounty criminal Musketeer Tunka!"

When Musketeer Tunka heard the unlicensed knight telling him to stop, he could already foresee that the other party should be a hero, but what Musketeer Tunka didn’t expect was that the other party was just a C-class hero. So when Musketeer Tunka heard the unlicensed knight report that he was a C-class hero, he couldn't help spitting.

After spitting, Musketeer Tunka looked at the unlicensed knight opposite and sneered with disdain.

"I am indeed only a C-class hero, but I am the one who protects the city, and I will never allow you to hurt anyone here again!"

The unlicensed knight clenched his fists and took an attacking posture, staring at the musketeer Tunka, and spoke his motto of justice in a loud voice.

""Hmm? You are not here to make fun of me. You are so shameless for a mere C-level hero to say such a stupid thing as"I will protect the city"!"

The musketeer Tunka stared at the unlicensed knight, and his eyes were full of bloodshot because of anger. The musketeer Tunka sarcastically mocked the unlicensed knight with a gnashing voice. Obviously, the righteous speech of the unlicensed knight just now completely angered the B-level bounty criminal, the musketeer Tunka.

"What do you mean you don't allow me to hurt anyone here? You rubbish really think you're so great, hahahaha~, I want to see how you can stop me from hurting people here!" The musketeer, with bloodshot eyes, exposed veins and a ferocious face, turned his musket, which was originally aimed at the unlicensed knight, to the group of poor pedestrians squatting nearby.

"Bastard, stop it!!"

Seeing that the musketeer Tunka moved his gun and no longer aimed it at him, the unlicensed knight was not happy but even more angry, because this time the gun was aimed at the pedestrians squatting on the ground begging for mercy.

"Don't kill me, I have money, I have a lot of money, I can give you a lot of money, as long as you promise not to kill me"

"I have a wife and children to take care of. Brother, please let me go and don't shoot."

"Woo woo woo~...I don't want to die"

"Don't shoot, I will try my best to give you whatever you want, how about we discuss it first?"

The pedestrians who were pointed at by the musketeer Tunka cried out again, some begging for mercy, some crying, and even a few wet their pants.

"Come at me if you dare, you arsonist, come and hit me! Hit this way if you dare! Come!"

Looking at the pedestrians crying and begging for mercy on the ground, and then looking at the musketeer Tunka with a twisted smile on his face, the unlicensed knight patted his chest and roared at the musketeer Tunka, hoping that the other party would not attack the pedestrians squatting on the ground, even if it meant attacking him.

"Hahahaha~ I just like to see the disgusting expressions of you ordinary people crying and begging for mercy, as well as the angry expression of you, a rubbish hero."


"Whoosh~....Whoosh whoosh~………(Flame)"

As the unlicensed knight roared, the musketeer Tunka also opened fire, and the five or six-meter-long flames directly engulfed the pedestrians who were squatting and crying for mercy.

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