"Trample Trample~...."

Genos is still quite fast. If we don't count the Bald Demon King and Uchiha Madara, Genos' speed can be ranked in the top five compared to the heroes in the Hero Association.

And Genos is one of the few who can fly.


Genos flew to Babulu and punched Babulu's ice armor, which only caused a crisp collision sound and did not cause any damage to Babulu, and the ice armor was not shattered.

"Awooo~, this fragile attack, are you tickling me?"

Babulu looked at Genos who was still punching in front of him, and said with disdain.

"It's really hard ice armor."

"Then you can try this trick."

Genos sighed softly at the first half of the sentence, and shouted loudly at the second half.


As Genos finished speaking, flames spurted out from the nozzle behind him, and the reverse thrust of the flames also supported Genos' body in mid-air.

"Machine gun shooting punches!!"

Genos in the air punched very quickly, and from time to time you could see gas explosions. It was obvious that the speed of his punches had exceeded the speed of sound. Countless fists rushed towards Babulu with amazing momentum.

"Boom boom boom……"

Genos's fist quickly collided with Babulu's ice armor, making a series of roars, as if someone was constantly dropping small bombs here.

"Is this the extent of your attack?"

The smoke dissipated and the pits on the ground within a few meters around Babulu were removed, but Babulu was still unscathed and the ice armor was still firmly on Babulu.


"Damn, the defense of this ice armor is really strong enough"

"Maybe my speed is not enough, so I will increase it again."

Genos first sighed at the hardness of the ice armor, and then increased the power of the flying nozzle behind him.

In Genos's opinion, the reason why he could not break the ice armor was because his speed was not enough and his strength was not enough. As long as his speed and strength reached a certain level, he would be able to destroy the ice armor on the monster. Genos firmly believed that speed is power.

So after failing to hit the monster, Genos immediately prepared to increase his speed again, hoping to rely on the explosive power brought by speed to break the ice armor on the monster.

"Now try again!"

"Trample Trample~...."

At this time, Genos's movement speed was close to the speed of sound. In a breath, he came behind Babulu from five meters away.

"The speed is quite fast, but speed alone is useless. If you can't even break my ice armor, don't even think about defeating me!"

Although Babulu's speed is not fast, it doesn't mean that Babulu's reaction is slow. When Genos just came behind him, Babulu had already turned around and was ready for battle.

"Mechanical Explosion Punch!!"

Genos punched out with his right fist and at the same time the nozzle on the right side behind him also increased its frequency to increase the speed and attack power.

"Sirius Fighting Skill: Giant Wind Claw!"

When Genos threw a punch, Babulu also threw out his right claw.



As soon as the two moves came into contact, a sonic boom was created.


After a short exchange of blows, Genos was knocked out, while Babulu only took a step back. It was obvious that there was a huge difference in strength between the two sides.

"Bang~. (Genos is knocked away)"

"Sizzle~.......(Genos is full of electricity)"

"What a great strength! I can't fight him head-on anymore, I just have to rely on speed."

Babulu's punch not only sent Genos flying more than ten meters, but also caused sparks to fly from Genos's mechanical right arm. It was obvious that Babulu's punch had put a lot of strain on Genos's body.

"Since you don't attack, I won't be polite.~"

"Try my move, Sirius Fighting Skill: Gale Slash!"

"Ssss, ssss, ssss, ssss~...(Wind Blade)"

Seeing that Genos did not attack again, Babulu obviously did not want to wait any longer, so he used his claws to swing out several wind blades.

"Trample Trample~...."

Seeing the several wind blades coming at him, Genos quickly dodged.

"Click~, click~~.....(Sound of wind blade cutting)

The wind blade was very sharp, cutting through the tree and scratching the ground, creating several cracks seven or eight meters long and dozens of centimeters deep.

"Not only is the power great, the attack is also strong."

Looking at the smooth cut trees and the cracks on the ground, Genos commented very pertinently

"Aohahaha~, what do you think, do you still want to fight with me?"

"Your tickling-like attack can't break my ice armor at all. You can't defeat me!"


Looking at Genos standing still in the distance, Babulu thought that he was scared, so he mocked Genos loudly, and finally howled excitedly.

"Really? Then you can have a taste of my incineration cannon!"

Genos stretched out his left hand and aimed at Babulu in the distance. Instantly, a huge column of scorching flames shot out from the device in Genos' left hand and rushed towards Babulu in the distance.

"Whoosh~ Whoosh whoosh~………(flame)"


Faced with this powerful attack, Babulu no longer dared to be arrogant and directly used ice to wrap himself up. Originally, Babulu was only wearing ice armor, but now Babulu was covered in ice like a huge ice sculpture.


Suddenly, the fierce flame column hit the crystal clear ice sculpture, and there was a huge roar. At the same time, the physical reaction of fire and ice also produced a huge amount of smoke.

"Click~....(Cracking sound)"

Along with the sound of several ice sculptures cracking, the originally huge ice sculpture was burned by Genos’s incinerator and most of it melted.

"Whoosh...~ (flame)"

After a moment, the flames ejected by Genos were significantly weakened. It was obvious that the incineration cannon could not last too long.


At this time, Babulu in the ice sculpture saw the flames were obviously weakening and broke through the ice directly. After coming out, he directly covered his sharp claws with the power of ice.


Babulu simply waved his claws, and the cold wind from his claws split the remaining flame in two.

"The flames just now were pretty good, but unfortunately they still didn't cause any damage to me. Awooo~"

Babulu said and rushed towards Genos, intending to fight him in close combat.


Looking at the attacking Babulu, Genos once again increased the power of the flame nozzle behind him to increase his speed a little more.

"Bang Bang Bang~……"

Genos, whose speed was close to the speed of sound, moved quickly around Babulu and continued to attack.

""Damn bastard!"

Babulu roared. Although Genos's attack did not cause any harm to him, he could not even touch the hair of that strange human. This made Babulu very unhappy.

"Boom, boom, boom!~"

The angry Babulu kept attacking Genos, but unfortunately Genos didn't intend to fight Babulu head-on. He basically changed his position immediately after attacking once, which made Babulu, who was not very agile, unable to keep up with Genos. Babulu's attacks caused some damage to the surrounding ground and trees, and didn't even touch the corner of Genos' clothes.

"The attack is effective, keep it up."

Genos, who was moving at high speed, looked at Babulu who kept hitting the air and analyzed the current situation very calmly.

"You bastard, come fight me face to face if you dare."

Babulu, whose attacks had been in vain, was so angry that his veins bulged, and he shouted at Genos who was still fighting a guerrilla war around him.



Genos was not stupid enough to fight Babulu head-on, so he kicked Babulu hard on the back.

""Ouch~, damn bug, I won't let you go."

Although this kick did not cause any damage to Babulu, nor did it break the ice armor, it made Babulu very angry.

""Swift Kick!"

Seeing Babulu once again exposed to the open space, Genos adjusted his position and quickly flew into the air, then increased the power of the flame nozzle behind him again, and kicked down, fiercely slashing at Babulu's unprotected left shoulder.

"Crack~… (sound of ice armor cracking)"

"Boom. (Ice armor shattered)"

The leg power attack was already very powerful, not to mention the speed bonus of the flame nozzle behind him. Coupled with Babulu who was caught off guard, this kick directly shattered Babulu's ice armor.


Babulu, whose ice armor was shattered, roared angrily and stared at Genos with angry eyes.

"Now let's see how you defend yourself"

"Machine gun shooting fist!!"

Looking at Babulu who has lost the protection of the ice armor,���North accelerated and rushed to Babulu, punching Babulu continuously.

"Boom boom boom boom……"

Fists that were faster than the speed of sound kept hitting Babulu. The constant sonic booms and the potholes in the surrounding land all proved the power of this move.

"Not bad, damned natives."

When the smoke cleared, Babulu was still standing in the pit unscathed, his bloodshot eyes staring at Genos angrily.

"How could it be?"

Seeing Babulu still unharmed, Genos couldn't help but sigh.

"Ouch~ What? Do you think you can't hurt me because of the ice armor's defense?"

"You're hilarious, Aboriginal, let me tell you."

"Born on an extremely icy planet, I am naturally endowed with unparalleled physical fitness and super strength. The ice armor is just a way for me to preserve my strength. Next, I will let you see the natural level difference!"

"Sirius Combat Skill: Extreme Ice Hell!!!"

"Click, click, click~………(Frozen)"


Babulu slapped the ground with his claws, and immediately frost began to form on the ground. In just a few breaths, the area within a radius of several thousand meters was frozen. The ground, trees, and building ruins were all frozen into ice sculptures.

"What's the use of this?"

Genos, flying in the air, looked at the ice on the ground and asked with some confusion.

"You will know it soon."

Babulu did not say that this was of any use, but a dangerous arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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