"Gurgle~, Gurgle~, Gurgle~.....(Sound of swallowing saliva)"

"What do you think about the existence of terror?"

"It's terrible, it's really too strong."

"God! This is the power of God!!!"

"Oh my god, it's so scary. This kind of power! It's hard to believe....."

"..........(different sounds of surprise)" x19

"~~~~~~~~~(The senior members of the Hero Association are all in a state of confusion)"

While Uchiha Madara and the Bald Demon King were competing, a secret meeting was also held at the headquarters of the Hero Association in City A.---

(After the Hero Association watched the video synchronized from City Z)

"I believe everyone has seen the video footage of Madara-sama taking action!"

The leader of the Hero Association, Eleno, looked at the senior executives around him and said affirmatively.

"Gurgle~. (Swallowing sound)" x27

"Gulu~, I've seen it, it's really amazing, it's like a move by God!"

"It’s so terrifying that such a huge canyon was created with just one strike!"

"Gulu~ It seems that we did not make the wrong choice at that time. We must not become enemies with that terrifying existence!"

"What an amazing power, just like a god, no, even more powerful than the legendary gods!!"

"It's really terrifying, this ability to rewrite the map! He is worthy of being that terrifying existence.~!!"

"It's so amazing, I can't believe there is such a power in the world~!"

"................(Different exclamations)"

After watching the video from City Z, there were also continuous exclamations in the conference room.

""Ereno, is it really okay for us to just release that terrifying existence to the public?"

An elderly senior executive in the meeting room asked Eleno, obviously not understanding why Eleno wanted to release Uchiha Madara to the public.

"Yes, Eleno, you know how terrifying that terrifying existence is. Will your actions lead to uncontrollable consequences?"

"I agree, Master Eleno, you were too careless this time. We don't know whether the people will accept that terrifying existence, and we don't know whether the people's words and deeds will affect that terrifying existence. If that terrifying existence is angered by the people, the consequences will be disastrous!!"

"I also support"



".......(Different veto voices)"

Many senior executives in the x14 Hero Association meeting room thought that Eleno's behavior was inappropriate, and only a small number of senior executives supported Eleno's approach.

"I know what everyone is worried about, but there is no way. This is a necessary step. Since Madara-sama is the No. 3 S-class hero, it is very necessary for us to publish relevant information on the official website."

"In order to make the public accept Madara-sama more quickly, I have also increased the publicity efforts. I believe that with those materials and articles, everyone will soon recognize Madara-sama's strength and his identity as the third hero of the Hero Association."

"Of course, I also know that everyone is concerned that the public may have some unfriendly views and ideas, so I have only announced Madara-sama's title in the Hero Association"God-like Man" and his achievements on the official website, but have not announced Madara-sama's photo and name."

"~~~~~~(Aileno with a serious expression)"

Aileno watched the other senior executives explain word by word the reasons and the logic behind their actions. Of course, Aileno knew what the senior executives were thinking, but Aileno could see further.

Aileno's real purpose was to bring that terrifying existence to the surface, or at least to bind that terrifying existence to the Hero Association on the surface.

Perhaps because of a heroic sentiment, Aileno believed that as long as that terrifying existence truly understood the customs and culture of this planet, he would fall in love with it.

This was a risky move, and no one knew what choice that terrifying existence would make.

But Aileno thought he could take a gamble.

If he didn't do this, that terrifying existence would not be able to quickly integrate into the customs of this planet.

If that terrifying existence felt bored before he fell in love with it, that might be a real disaster.

"………(Dead silence with a pin drop sound)"

"......(Dead silence with the sound of a pin drop)"

After listening to Eleno’s well-founded explanation, the senior executives around him fell silent. They were carefully analyzing the pros and cons in their minds.

"Eleno, your original intention was good, but it seems that the risk of doing this is still too high?"

"I support Lord Eleno's approach. Anyway, that terrifying existence will be brought to light sooner or later. Instead of letting the public continue to spread rumors online and make the situation worse, we might as well take the initiative to announce some information!"

"I also support what Eleno did. As an S-class hero, how could he not put some information on the official website?"

"I also support"


".....(Different voices of support)" x17

After hearing Eleanor's explanation, everyone weighed the pros and cons in their minds and gradually more and more senior executives chose to support Eleanor's approach.

"Since everyone supports it, let's continue to promote Madara-sama's achievements and try to get the public to accept it in the shortest possible time."

Seeing that most of the top leaders had accepted his approach, Eleno immediately announced that he would send more people to promote Uchiha Madara's achievements.

"Lord Eleno, do we need to pass this video to other S-class heroes?"

In the meeting room of the Hero Association headquarters, a very young senior executive stood up and asked Eleno.

"What a joke, how could such a video be passed to other S-class heroes?"

"yes~、���Are you kidding? We can only keep this kind of video ourselves, how can we send it to other heroes?"

Before Eleno could speak, other senior executives spoke up to object.

"I know you want to shock those S-class heroes who have constant problems, right?"

Eleno looked at the young executive who stood up and responded with a faint smile, obviously knowing the young executive very well.

"Yes, Master Eleno, most of the S-class heroes in the Hero Association are arrogant and domineering, and almost all of them are problem children, so I think it is necessary to inform the S-class heroes of the strength of this terrifying existence, so that they can restrain themselves and not think that they are really the best in the world.

"The young senior executive who stood up at this time looked very excited, and it seemed that he could not stand the various problems of those S-class heroes.

"Indeed, most high-level heroes in the Hero Association have some problems to some extent. If they knew that there was a god who was good at comparing with others in the S-level, they would definitely be more restrained."

"I think I can try it."

"I also think it's worth a try."

The young executive who stood up smiled more and more proudly as the senior executives around him seemed to gradually agree with his idea. However, before he could make another statement, the voice of opposition came.

"I don't think so. As for the power of that terrifying existence, I think we should only know it ourselves and not tell more people in order to reduce more uncontrollable factors."

"I also think it's not possible. This matter is of great importance and should not be known to too many heroes."

"Yes, doing so might scare other S-class heroes, but it might also have the opposite effect, so I don't agree with telling other S-class heroes about the power of that terrifying existence."

"I support the idea of passing it on to other S-level heroes."

"I also think that this matter should not be too publicized"




".........(Different veto voices)" x16 quickly opposed spreading the message to other S-class heroes, and the voices in favor of shocking other S-class heroes were completely drowned out.

"Lord Eleno, what do you think?"

"Eleanor, what do you think?"

"Yes, Eleno, what do you think about this matter?"

Not hearing Eleno's voice, many senior executives also turned their attention to Eleno, wanting to hear what the leader of the Hero Association headquarters said.

"I think what we should be concerned about is not this matter. Although most of the S-class heroes in the Hero Association are problem children, there will be no major problems at present. I think what we should really care about now is how strong Madara-sama is. We'd better have a data report."

Eleno believes that although those S-class heroes have some strange problems, they are harmless at present.

Eleno believes that the current priority should be to correctly recognize the strength of that terrifying existence as the first priority, so that even if there are some difficult-to-adjust contradictions in the future, they can be used as a reference. How to correctly recognize the true strength of that terrifying existence is the most critical and important point at present.

"I also think that Lord Eleno's idea is correct. The current priority should be to clarify the specific strength or partial strength of that terrifying existence."




"But Lord Eleno, we currently have no real knowledge of the strength of that terrifying existence because we have never really used our full strength, so we are still guessing about the strength of that terrifying existence. So how can we know the strength of that terrifying existence?"

"Yes, we have no idea how strong that terrifying being is. We also don't know how much power that terrifying being used this time.~~"

"Since Lord Eleno has mentioned this suggestion, I believe Lord Eleno should also have relevant countermeasures and methods."

Other senior executives in the meeting room of the Hero Association headquarters also speculated on the meaning of Eleno's words.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, although we do not know the true strength of Madara-sama, Miss Tornado should know some of his strength. We can invite those heroes who already know the inside story of Madara-sama to participate in the discussion."

Eleno knew that only Tornado and Silver Fang, the two heroes who really fought against that terrifying existence,���The S-class heroes who have fought against that terrifying being are the most knowledgeable, because they have actually fought against that terrifying being. Although that terrifying being did not take it seriously or even just entertained them, they still have the most say in the fight.

"Lord Eleno, do you need to notify the A-level hero Sweetheart Mask who has consented to the discussion?"

Before Eleno could reply, other high-ranking officials around him could not help but speak first.

"Tell that guy what to do? That guy is just an A-level hero."

"He is just an A-class hero. Although he has some say among the people, he is still just an A-class hero. Even if his strength reaches S-class, his strength is only at the lower level among S-class heroes. There are many people who are stronger than him. There is no need to invite that troublemaker."

"I support it~, I also think that Sweetheart Mask is not qualified to discuss it together."

Many senior executives in the conference room still have many opinions about Sweetheart Mask, an alternative A-level hero, because Sweetheart Mask's sense of justice is also somewhat distorted.

In the eyes of the senior executives, Sweetheart Mask's difficulty is no worse than those problem child S-level heroes, and may even be worse.

However, based on the opponent's public effect, many senior executives of the Hero Association have always loved and hated the hero Sweetheart Mask.

What they love is that this hero has a very strong appeal among the people.

Several S-level heroes combined may not have as strong appeal as Sweetheart Mask, an A-level hero.

What they hate is that this hero is too self-centered and often interferes with the heroes.

���Decisions or meetings of the association's top leaders

"We cannot treat Sweetheart Mask as an ordinary A-level hero. Sweetheart Mask is not only far more powerful than A-level heroes of the same level, but also has been at the top of the list for many years. At the same time, Sweetheart Mask's status in the hearts of the people is beyond imagination."

"Yes, I also think that Sweetheart Mask is fully qualified to come and discuss this. Just based on the status of Sweetheart Mask in the hearts of the people, he is qualified enough. What's more, Sweetheart Mask is also one of the few heroes who truly knows the strength of that terrifying existence."

"Yes, I also think it is inappropriate. If we only invite the two heroes, Tornado and Silver Fang, but do not invite Sweetheart Mask, who also knows the strength of that terrifying existence, this may lead to some unnecessary consequences. So I think we should also invite Sweetheart Mask to come and participate in the discussion."

"........(different quarreling sounds)" x8

"...........(Different quarreling sounds)"16

"Lord Eleno, what do you think?"

"Yes, I also want to hear what you think, Lord Eleno?"

"~~~~~~~~~~(A large group of senior executives are watching)"

For a while, there were constant disputes in the meeting room.

Some senior executives thought that Sweetheart Mask should not come to discuss together, while some senior executives thought that Sweetheart Mask was capable and qualified to come to discuss.

Finally, the senior executives all looked at the leader of the Hero Association headquarters, Eleno.

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