"Clip~. (The bald devil grabbed a piece of beef)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Madara takes action)"

"Bang~. (The beef in the bald devil's hand was knocked down)"

"Don't grab it, you bastard!"

"~~~~~~~~~~(The roar from the bald devil)"

As soon as Saitama picked up a piece of beef, Uchiha Madara knocked it down with chopsticks. He didn't get to eat his beloved beef. Saitama roared at Uchiha Madara, and then knocked away the dish that Uchiha Madara had picked up.

"~~~~~~~~~(A disdainful glance from Madara-sama)"

"Oh~, in that case, let's go grab some."

Uchiha Madara glanced at the bald devil with a look of contempt, and his hands quickly moved, competing with Saitama for the food.

"~~~~~(Ban Ye is using his chopsticks quickly)"

"~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil is parrying quickly)"

After a moment...

After a while, the two of them were evenly matched in this battle for food.

"~~~~~~~(Ban Ye is picking up food quickly)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil is interrupting quickly)"

"~~~~~~~~(The bald devil is picking up food quickly)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Ban Ye interrupts quickly)"

"Pong~..Bang Bang Bang~.....(Sound of chopsticks clashing)"

"~~~~~~(Countless delicacies were knocked down)"

Uchiha Madara had just picked up a piece of meat when Saitama quickly knocked it down with chopsticks. Saitama had just picked up a piece of meat when Uchiha Madara also knocked it down with chopsticks. The battle for food continued tensely. Obviously, this feast was no longer an ordinary food battle, but more like a competition between the two.

"~~~~~~~~(Excited bald devil)"

"You bastard Madara, you are really fast."

Saitama was interrupted several times while picking up food, so he praised Uchiha Madara.

"~~~~~~~~~(Contempt from Madara-sama)"

"You're not bad, but you're still far from it!"

"Zizi~. (Lightning Release)"

As he spoke, Uchiha Madara had already attached Lightning Release to increase his reaction ability and speed. After attaching Lightning Release, Uchiha Madara’s speed increased several times more than before.

"You bastard Ban, don't think you're the only one who can speed up, I can do it too!"

"~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a serious expression)"

As Uchiha Madara picked up the food faster and faster, Saitama also started to get serious.

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The two of them move quickly)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(The increasingly serious Madara-sama and the bald devil)"

"Pong Pong~..Bang Bang Bang....Bang Bang Bang Bang~.......(Sound of chopsticks clashing rapidly)"

"Pong Pong~..Pong....Bang Bang Bang~.......(Sound of chopsticks clashing rapidly)"

"~~~~~~~~(Countless delicacies were picked up)"

"~~~~~~~~~~(Countless delicacies were shot down)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Delicious food scattered on the table)"

As the two of them moved faster and faster, a lot of delicious food was knocked over. Looking at the delicious food that fell on the table, the two of them stopped fighting at the same time.

"~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a look of regret)"

"Ahhhhhhhh~, my beef, what a pity!!"

"(The bald devil glanced at Uchiha Madara)"

"Stop, let's stop fighting, whoever eats more will win!"

Saitama looked at the food scattered on the table and wailed in pain, and then proposed a truce that would not harm the food.

"~~~~~~~~(Ban Ye in deep thought)"


Uchiha Madara looked at the heartbroken Bald Demon King and then looked at the food scattered on the table. After a little thought, he also agreed to the proposal of a truce in the food war.

"~~~~~(The bald devil who quickly picks up food)"

"~~~~~~~~(Madara picks up food quickly)"

As the truce agreement of the food war came into effect, the two stopped interrupting each other's food and started to increase the speed of picking up food in their own bowls. After all, this food war has changed from the initial food war to a different mode of food snatching war where whoever eats more is the winner.

"~~~~~~~~~(Two people still struggling with food)"

"~~~~~~~~~~(The two people are still scrambling for food)"

"~~~~~~~(Two people enjoying a quick meal)"

10 minutes later...

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(The two people did not slow down their speed in picking up the food)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(The two of them are still eating and drinking)"

15 minutes later...

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The two people are still moving at the same speed)"

17 minutes later...

20 minutes later...

24 minutes later...

25 minutes later...

"~~~~~~~~(The two people’s speed of picking up food gradually slows down)"

27 minutes later...

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The two people pick up the food more and more slowly)"

28 minutes later...

"(They both stopped picking up food and looked at each other.)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Both of them noticed the helplessness in each other's eyes)"

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh~....(Two people taking deep breaths)"

"~~~~~~~(They both picked up their chopsticks again at the same time)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Ban Ye picked up a chicken nugget)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil also picked up a piece of beef)"

"~~~~~~~~~(After picking up the food, the two did not put it into their mouths immediately, and their chopsticks were suspended in mid-air.)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(The two still did not make any move)"

29 minutes later...

"~~~~~~~~~(Madara moves his chopsticks slowly)"

"~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil also slowly moves his chopsticks)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bara-sama pauses again)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil is still moving his chopsticks at a slow speed)"

"Throw~. (After hesitating for a moment, Madara let go of his chopsticks, and as he let go of his chopsticks, the chicken nuggets also fell on the table.)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Madara looks at the bald devil in front of him with a nervous look.)"

"~~~~~~~~(The bald devil is still moving his chopsticks at a slow speed)"

"Chew~. (The bald devil slowly put the beef into his mouth and ate it with a slightly struggling expression.)"

After 30 minutes of food scramble, Saitama leads Uchiha Madara by a narrow margin.

"~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a smug expression on his face)"

"Hahahaha~, I knew I would win!"

"~~~~~~~(The bald devil with an increasingly excited expression)"

With the end of the food snatching battle, Saitama, the winner, is in a better mood.

Because Saitama lost to Uchiha Madara in the previous speed contest, which made Saitama, who had been invincible since he started cheating a year ago, very unhappy, but with the end of this food snatching battle, Saitama, the winner, is naturally in a better mood

"This time, you're just lucky.~"

After losing the game, Uchiha Madara's good mood also dropped a little. Although the food was particularly delicious, tasty and memorable, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but feel a little unhappy after losing the game.

If he lost to someone else, Uchiha Madara might not care so much about the result, but this time he lost to the Bald Demon King, a cheater, which made Uchiha Madara, who is also a cheater, very unhappy.

"~~~~~~(The bald devil with a victorious attitude)"

"Bang~. (Sound of clapping on the table)"

"Hahahaha~ (The smug laugh from the bald devil)"

"This way, we are evenly matched. I look forward to our next match!!"

Saitama looked at Uchiha Madara who looked a little unhappy, and immediately stood up and slapped the table and laughed.

"#~(Black lines start to appear on Madara's head)"

"I told you, you were just lucky this time, it won't happen again~!"

Looking at the smug bald devil, Uchiha Madara could only grit his teeth and say,"You are lucky this time."

"Whoosh~....(Uchiha Madara exhaled heavily)"

"~~~~~~~(Uchiha Madara stands up)"

"Step~....(Uchiha Madara is moving)"

With the end of the food snatching battle, Uchiha Madara, who was very satisfied with his meal, was also ready to get up and say goodbye.

Uchiha Madara knew that he couldn't stay in the house of the bald devil for too long, otherwise Saitama would definitely ask him to help with this and that without any hesitation, such as asking him to help sweep the floor, wash dishes, wipe the table and other trivial things. There is no doubt about this, otherwise there would not be such a tragic character as the wife-type Genos.

"(The bald devil suddenly glanced at Madara who was about to leave)"

"~~~~~~~~(From the bald devil's face change.GIF animation)"


"Where do you want to go, Uchiha Madara?"

Seeing Uchiha Madara standing up and about to leave, Saitama directly called out to Uchiha Madara, who was about to leave after having a full meal, as if to say,"Where do you want to go after eating?"

"~~~~~~~~(Madara looks a little embarrassed)"

"Oh~, thank you for the treat, it's delicious!"

Uchiha Madara naturally knew the reason why the bald devil stopped him, so he changed the subject by praising Saitama's delicious cooking, hoping to change the subject.

"~~~~~~~~(The evil smile from the bald devil)"

"Since it's delicious, please help me clean up the dishes.~~"

Saitama is obviously not the kind of person who can be dismissed with a few words. Hearing Uchiha Madara's praise, Saitama did not fall into the trap. Instead, he laughed evilly and got straight to the point.

"~~~~~~~~~(Madara with an angry expression)"

"Hey~, I paid for this and you just helped me cook, so it is not reasonable for me to help you clean up the garbage."

"Trample Trample~.....(Madara is moving)"

Uchiha Madara said and turned around and left

"#~(The bald devil with black lines on his forehead)"

"Bastard, although you paid, we have already agreed that you will help me sort out the shopping list and I will cook, so it’s no problem for you to help me clean up now."

Seeing Uchiha Madara turning around and about to leave, Saitama naturally didn’t want to let go of such a...���Good labor, so he shouted in a slightly angry tone.

After shouting, Saitama immediately stepped forward to block Uchiha Madara's way.

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Madara standing still)"

"Tsk~, trouble"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Madara looks a little unhappy)"

Looking at the bald devil who blocked his way again, Uchiha Madara had no choice but to stop.

Now Uchiha Madara didn't want to have a bad relationship with the bald devil, especially after eating this delicious meal, Uchiha Madara couldn't bear to really have a bad relationship with the bald devil and lose the opportunity to eat in the future.

In fact, for Uchiha Madara, cleaning the room, etc....Trivial matters are nothing but a piece of cake, because Uchiha Madara has many ways to do these things effortlessly, such as; Shadow Clone Technique...

"~~~~~~~(Roar from the Bald Demon King)"

"Bastard, why didn't I hear you say trouble when we were eating?"

Saitama couldn't help but roared after hearing Uchiha Madara say trouble, but seeing Uchiha Madara stopped and turned around, Saitama couldn't say anything more harsh, after all, it would be a pity if he really told Uchiha Madara, the coolie who came back, to leave.

"~~~~~~~(The bald devil is cleaning up the dishes)"

"In that case, come and help."

Saitama started to clear the dishes on the table.

"~~~~~~~~~~(Madara looks a little unhappy)"

"Bang~. (Clone Technique)"

As Uchiha Madara quickly formed seals with his hands and slapped them on the ground, smoke suddenly filled the air. When the smoke dissipated, another identical clone of Uchiha Madara appeared next to him.

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a shocked look on his face)"


"Wow~, you are cheating"

"~~~~~~~(The bald devil stood there in a daze with a look on his face saying you are cheating)"

Saitama, who has a purely human worldview, naturally does not understand the secrets of these clone techniques, but it still surprised Saitama who was heading to the kitchen and stopped.

In fact, what shocked Saitama was not how powerful the clone technique was, but he imagined how easy it would be for him if he could clone himself. For example, he could create a clone to work for him, cook for him, clean his room, etc....

"~~~~~~~~~(Contempt from Madara-sama)"

"Cheating? You did, too, and it was a One Punch Cheat."

Uchiha Madara looked at the bald devil with contempt, as if to say that you, a cheater, have no right to say that others are cheating.

"One Punch Cheat? How come I don't know about it?"

Looking at Uchiha Madara who looked down on him, Saitama asked stupidly.

Well, in fact, even Saitama himself didn't know that he had been gradually turning to cheating since a year ago.

"Tap tap tap~..(Madara is moving)"

"~~(Madara is sitting in the living room, looking like he is watching a show)"

"Okay, you need to clean up, so start now."

"~~~~~~~(The bald devil is still standing there in a daze)"

Uchiha Madara directly gave a work instruction to the clone and ignored the bald devil. Instead, he walked to the living room and sat down, watching the clone working and the bald devil standing aside with an expression of watching a show.

"~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil stood there and complained)"

"Hey~, you bastard, why are you sitting down again? Aren't you here to help?"

Saitama couldn't help but complain when he saw Uchiha Madara sitting on the ground with a leisurely look on his face.

"~~~~(Uchiha Madara's clone clearing the dishes)"

"Trample Trample~....(Uchiha Madara's clone is moving)"

"Haven't I been doing it? Why did you stop?"

Before Uchiha Madara answered, Uchiha Madara's clone had already cleaned up the dishes and came to the kitchen, and said to the bald devil

"I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about him."

Saitama looked at the Uchiha Madara clone who was cleaning the dishes beside him and said,"I'm not talking about you." Then he pointed at the Uchiha Madara real body sitting in the living room.

"~~~~~~~~~(A disdainful look from Madara-sama)"

"He is me."

Uchiha Madara looked down at the bald devil and said contemptuously,"I am me." Following Uchiha Madara's action, the Uchiha clone next to the bald devil also pointed at himself.

"I know, but..."

Before Saitama could finish his words, he was interrupted by Uchiha Madara's clone next to him.

"Are you going to clean up or not? If you want to clean up, hurry up, or I will take a break."Uchiha Madara's clone said to the bald devil who kept complaining beside him, with an expression that said,"If you don't clean up, I will take a break."

"~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a speechless face)"

Saitama looked blankly at the Uchiha Madara clone beside him, then turned and walked towards the kitchen to continue cleaning up.

"~~~~~(The bald devil is washing dishes)"

"~~~~~~~~(Uchiha Madara's clone is washing dishes)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Saitama brushes the pot)"

3 minutes later...

Uchiha Madara's clone and Saitama were both very fast, and they finished cleaning all the dishes in just three minutes.

"Bang~. (The clone disappears)"

As the cleaning task was completed, the Uchiha Madara clone in the kitchen also turned into smoke and disappeared.

"Hey~, Madara, why is your clone gone?"

"~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a puzzled expression)"

Saitama looked at the Uchiha Madara clone who suddenly disappeared, and looked at the Uchiha Madara real body sitting in the living room with a puzzled look.

"The mission has been completed, so it will disappear naturally."

Looking at the puzzled expression on the bald devil's face, Uchiha Madara replied lightly.

"Tsk~, I originally wanted you to help me clean the room.

Saitama said to Uchiha Madara who was sitting in the living room with a regretful expression on his face.

"~~~~~~~~(Madara with a disdainful expression)"

"Don't think about it, idiot, it's impossible."

Uchiha Madara looked at the whimsical bald devil with a contemptuous expression and replied

"Trample Trample~....(The bald demon is moving)"

"Oh~, if that's the case, then what are we going to do next?"

After cleaning the dishes, Saitama also walked into the living room and sat down.

"Do you have a cell phone?"

Uchiha Madara asked the bald devil calmly. Although Uchiha Madara did not see Saitama using a cell phone in the early part of the original work, Uchiha Madara still asked curiously.


Saitama did not disappoint everyone and replied with a"no". After all, this is the standard for Saitama who is so poor that he has to eat cabbage every meal.

"Bang~. (Data outputs a teleportation scroll)"

"Pass~. (Uchiha Madara handed the teleportation scroll in his hand to the bald devil)"

"In that case, then you take this."

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