"~~~~~~~~~~(Eleno smiles and makes a gesture of invitation)"

"Please sit in the conference room for a while, and we will discuss this matter in detail."

"Tap tap tap~..Trample Trample~......(Eleno is walking)

Eleno didn't say anything here, but just asked the two of them to go into the meeting room first. After that, Eleno turned around and walked towards the meeting room first.

"~~~~~~(A proud little tornado pouting in the air)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(GIF of the pouting expression from the proud little Tornado)"

"Humph~, what the hell are you doing? I don't have time to waste with you."

"~~~~~~(The proud little Tornado floating in the air also floated towards the direction of the conference room)"

Seeing the dawdling Eleno, Tornado's originally unhappy mood was reduced a lot again, but seeing Eleno already turned around and walked towards the conference room, Tornado floating in the air had no choice but to pout and follow with an angry expression on his face.

"Step~..Trample Trample~....(Bangu is walking)

Bangu obviously didn't have so much to do. When he heard Eleanor calling him and others to go to the conference room for discussion, Bangu followed Eleanor and walked over.

"Step~....Trample Trample~.....(Eleno is the first to enter the meeting room)"

"~~~~~~~(A proud little tornado floats into the conference room)"

"Tap tap tap~.......Step~..(Banggu is the last to enter the meeting room)"

"~~~~~~~~(The senior executives in the conference room immediately focused their attention)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The daily professional smile of senior executives)"

"Welcome to our Hero Association to discuss this important meeting."

"Long time no see, Miss Tornado"

"Yes, it's been a long time since I last saw you, Mr. Tornado."

"Sir Silver Fang, welcome to the conference room"

"Yes, yes, welcome to our meeting.

Seeing the two S-class heroes coming in, the senior executives in the conference room also stood up and greeted them warmly.

"~~~~~~~~~~(The proud little tornado floating in the air with her hands on her hips)"

"Humph~, come on, if you have anything to say, just tell me now. I don't have time to waste here."

Apparently, the arrogant Tornado is very familiar with this politician's trick, so Tornado still repeated the same sentence without changing his expression.

"~~~~~~~~~~(Bangu glances around the conference room)"

""Huh~, isn't everyone here?"

Bang thought that the Hero Association headquarters had invited all the S-class heroes, but when he saw that there were only top executives and no other S-class heroes in the meeting room, Bang immediately asked.

"Please wait patiently for a moment, Ms. Tornado. The meeting will begin soon."

"That's right Mr. Silver Fang, we didn't invite all the S-class heroes."

"Yes, my Lords. This meeting is a secret meeting, so a large number of S-class heroes have not been notified. At present, the strength of that terrifying existence is still a non-public information."

Listening to the two people's questions, the senior executives in the meeting room also explained the secrecy of this meeting and the non-disclosure of information about Uchiha Madara.

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(From the arrogant expression of the arrogant little Tornado in daily life)"

"~~~~~~~~(Floating towards the seat, the proud little tornado sits down)"

"Hum~, in that case, let’s get started."

"~~~~~~~~~~(From the glance of the proud little Tornado)"

Tornado was not surprised at all after listening to the explanation of the senior executives. Tornado knew very well that if Uchiha Madara's strength was really made public, it would probably lead to a series of uncontrollable consequences.

After saying this, Tornado, floating in the air, floated directly to the seat in the conference room and sat down. After sitting down, Tornado looked up at the many senior executives.

"Tap tap tap~..Trample Trample~.....(Walks to his seat, Bang)"

"~~~~~~~(Bangu glanced at the senior executives around him)"

Bangu still didn't say anything, but quietly walked to the seat marked with his hero title in the conference room and sat down. After sitting down, Bangu also glanced at the senior executives around him with a questioning look.

"~~~~~~~~(The senior executives who were scanned by the two S-class heroes)"

"~~~~~(The senior executives who were laughing, wiping their sweat, and looking a little embarrassed)"

"My Lords, we cannot start the meeting yet...."

"Yes, my lords, please be patient and wait a moment."

"Please wait patiently for a moment. We have invited three heroes to our secret meeting this time, and one hero has not yet arrived, so please wait patiently for a moment."

The senior executives who were watched by the two S-level heroes wiped their sweat and explained with some embarrassment that one hero had not yet arrived and the meeting could not be held at the moment.

"~~~~~~~~~(A tsundere little Tornado with an unhappy expression)"

"~~~~~~~(Satire from the tsundere little Tornado)"

"Huh? What the hell? You want me to wait for someone else?"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(A proud little tornado with a slightly expectant look)"

"Who is the hero you invited? Is it Blast? Or another S-class hero?"

Tornado became even more upset after hearing the explanation from the top management, but when she thought that the person the top management invited might be Blast, her former lifesaver, Tornado calmed down a little and asked.

"~~~~~~~~(Bang looks curious)"

"Another hero is coming? Who is it?"

Bangu looked at the senior executives in the meeting room with curiosity.

"~~~~~~~~~(Eleno stands up)"

"It's the A-class hero Sweet Mask."

Before the top executives could answer, Eleno stood up and said

"~~~~~~~~~~(Tsundere Little Tornado with an extremely angry expression)"

"What! You want me to wait for an A-class hero?!!"

After hearing Eleno say that the other hero invited was not only not Blast but not even an S-class hero, Tornado immediately���I roared in shame

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bang looks like he has realized that.)"

"Oh~, it turned out to be the little fellow Sweet Mask."

Bang had some understanding of Sweet Mask, an A-class hero with S-class strength, so Bang's tone was not too volatile and he was not as furious as Tornado.

"~~~~~~~~~~(Eleno looks a little embarrassed)"

"Yes, because Sweet Mask is one of the few heroes who truly understands Madara-sama's strength."

Eleno told the two S-class heroes that Sweet Mask already knew the real strength of Uchiha Madara. Otherwise, Eleno really had no reason to convince the two S-class heroes to wait for an A-class hero.

Even though Sweet Mask has the strength of an S-class hero, it still won't work, because both Tornado and Silver Fang are among the best among S-class heroes, and only that terrifying existence can possibly calm the two, so Eleno directly told them that Sweet Mask already knew the real strength of Uchiha Madara.

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(The tsundere little Tornado gets furious)"

"~~~~~~~(GIF from Tsundere Little Tornado slapping the table)"


"~~~~~~~~~(The glare from the tsundere little Tornado)"

"What, you actually told such an important thing to a useless A-class hero?"

After hearing Eleno say that Sweet Mask already knew the true strength of Uchiha Madara, Tornado slammed the table and yelled at Eleno, the leader of the Hero Association.

Obviously, in Tornado's eyes, Sweet Mask had no right to know this, even though Sweet Mask was the most popular hero and the most supported hero by the people. Tornado cared about the real strength rather than those fancy popularity rankings.


"~~~~~~~~~~~~(Frowning Bang)"

After hearing that Eleno and other high-level officials told Sweetheart Mask the true strength of that terrifying existence, even Bang, who had always kept a low profile, looked unhappy.

Obviously, in Bang's eyes, the Hero Association's actions were too extreme. Didn't they know that the more people knew about this kind of thing, the more risks there would be?

"~~~~~~~~(Eleno with a serious face)"

"Sweet Mask has a lot of public support and is a hero that cannot be ignored."

"And recently, there has been a lot of controversy online about Madara-sama becoming the third S-class hero, and only Sweetheart Mask can solve this problem. Only Sweetheart Mask can calm the people's emotions and make them accept Madara-sama more quickly."

It is obvious that Bang and Tornado's ideas coincide with those of the previous senior executives, so Eleno also explained the reasons for his actions again.

"~~~~~~~~~(A proud little tornado with a proud look on her face)"

"Humph~, I don't care about these things.

Although Tornado said this, his expression was not as angry as before. It was obvious that Tornado also understood the importance of this matter.

"~~~~~~~~~(Smile from Bangu)"

"Oh~, so that's how it is���I understand."

After listening to Eleanor's explanation, Bangu thought for a moment and agreed with Eleanor's approach and considerations. Bangu had not thought about this problem before, but now that he thought about it, if there was no Sweetheart Mask, maybe the people would really make a lot of uncontrollable things. When he thought of this, Bangu's face became much kinder.

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Eleno greets with a smile)"

"I hope you two understand."

Seeing the two S-class heroes gradually calm down, Eleno continued to greet them with a smile.

"Step~..Tap tap tap~.......(A staff member suddenly rushed in)"

"Master Eleno, Master Sweet Mask is here."

At this time, a staff member of the Hero Association suddenly walked in from outside the meeting room and said to Eleno.

"~~~~~~~~(Eleno looks a little unhappy)"

"Please invite Sweetheart Mask to come up."

Without even turning his head, Eleno gave an order to the staff of the Hero Association. Apparently, Eleno's good face towards Sweetheart Mask, who had made him and others wait for a long time, had run out.

If it weren't for the large number of people supporting Sweetheart Mask, Eleno would have wanted to teach this troublemaker a lesson. Even

Eleno, who had always been good-tempered, was very unhappy. An A-level hero had made two S-level heroes, his leader, and a room full of senior executives wait for so long. Wasn't this a bit too much of a disdain for him and others? So when he heard the staff say that Sweetheart Mask had arrived, Eleno gave an order without even turning his head.

"Step~..Tap tap tap~........(Sweetheart Mask Walking)"

"No need, I'm here already."

Before the relevant personnel of the Hero Association could speak again, Sweetheart Mask had already come out of the meeting room. After coming out of the meeting room, Sweetheart Mask spoke directly.

"Tap tap tap~..Trample Trample~........(Sweetheart Mask walks into the meeting room)"

"~~~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart Mask with a normal expression)"

"Sorry everyone, we had a long filming today, so we were delayed a little on the way."

After entering the meeting room, Sweetheart Mask went straight to the seat marked with his hero title and sat down, then explained to everyone why he was late.

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The tsundere little Tornado who still has a sharp tongue)"

"Humph~, a mere A-rank hero dares to make me wait?"

After hearing Sweetheart Mask's explanation, Tornado was the first to speak sarcastically

"~~~~~~~~~(Banggu is still the kind grandmaster)"

"Hahaha~, it's okay, I just got here not long ago."

Bang was obviously not as sharp-tongued as the arrogant Tornado, not only did he not say anything sarcastic, but he said it was okay instead.

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The senior executives looked a little unhappy, but their tone was still kind.)"

"Sweet Mask, please come a little earlier next time."

"Yes, Sweetheart Mask, you should pay more attention to the time next time."

"Yes, as a hero, you must understand the concept of time."

"Sweetheart Masked Master, it may be like this in the future. Filming may be important, but it is definitely not as important as meetings. I hope Sweetheart Masked Master can distinguish this point."

"How can a hero set an example if he doesn't even understand the concept of time?"

"I have never seen a hero with such a lack of sense of time!"

"Sweet Masked Master, please don't delay the meeting because of filming anymore."

".........(Different voices)" x22 listened to Sweetheart Mask explaining why he was late. Many high-level executives also spoke up. However, some of them were playing the role of the bad guy, some were playing the role of the good guy, and some were playing the role of the bad guy. Because of Sweetheart Mask's special type, many high-level executives could not really get angry at Sweetheart Mask. At most, they could only make sarcastic remarks.

"~~~~~~~~(Eleno looks calm)"

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start this meeting!"

At this time, the leader of the British Association headquarters, Eleno, also spoke up. It was obvious that Eleno didn't want to waste time worrying about the reason why Sweetheart Mask was late.

"~~~~~~~~~~(The arrogant little tornado is still arrogant)"


"~~~~~(Satire from the tsundere little Tornado)"

After listening to everyone's answers, Tornado could only snort and then stopped talking.

"~~~~~~~~~(Eleno looks serious)"

"I will show you a video first, which is why I invited you all to discuss this."

Then, Eleno asked the relevant personnel of the British Association to play the scene of Uchiha Madara's attack, which was like a divine punishment.

"boom~..Boom boom boom~....(Screen from the video of City Z)"

"Bang Bang~..Bang, bang, bang (video footage)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Video playing)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(The video of Madara showing off his skills in Z City is still playing)"

"Gurgle~. (Swallowing sound)"

"Gurgle~, Gurgle~.....(Sounds of swallowing saliva were heard from time to time)"

As the video played, there were also sounds of swallowing saliva in the conference room. Although it was not the first time for the senior executives in the conference room to see the scene of a terrifying existence taking action, they could not help swallowing saliva every time they watched it, because everyone could not help but think of this terrifying existence who was like a god. If it became an enemy of them, where would the world go?

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(A proud little Tornado with a contemptuous expression)"

"~~~~~~~~(Bangu looks pale)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(Pale sweetheart mask)"

"~~~~~~~~~~(Bang and Sweet Mask are stunned)"

Among the three heroes called, only Tornado’s face was normal, while Silver Fang and Sweet Mask’s faces turned pale. They stared at the terrifying blow that was like a divine punishment with horror and could not recover for a long time.

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Bangu looks extremely serious)"

"Whoosh~..(Bang takes a deep breath)"

"Although I know that the power of that terrifying existence is unfathomable, I still didn't expect it to reach this level!"Although Bang knew that Uchiha Madara's power was unfathomable, he didn't expect that Uchiha Madara's attack would be so strong. The attack that seemed to penetrate the earth was like a divine punishment from the gods.

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart Mask with a frightened look)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart Mask stands up)"

"Gulu~ (Swallowing sound)"

Looking at the terrifying blow in the video, Sweetheart Mask couldn't help but stand up, widening his eyes and opening his mouth, with a trembling face. Although Sweetheart Mask had learned some of the strength of that terrifying existence from the phone before, he was still terrified by the blow that was like the anger of a god in the video.

"~~~~~~~~~~(Eleno with a serious expression)"

"I wonder what Miss Tornado and Mr. Bang think? After all, both of you have fought against Madara-sama before, so how much strength do you think Madara-sama used?"

Eleanor asked, looking at Tornado, whose expression remained unchanged, and Bang, whose expression changed with shock. It was obvious that Eleanor was also puzzled by the completely different expressions of the two S-class heroes who had fought against that terrifying existence.

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Bang replied in a deep voice)"

"Although I have fought against that terrifying existence before, I never thought that his strength would be so exaggerated. If he had used this attack at that time, I might have died!"

"I only know that the terrifying being was not serious when fighting with me, but I have no idea how much strength that terrifying being used. Perhaps I can only describe the strength of that terrifying being as unfathomable as a god."

Bang answered calmly, thinking back to the previous battle between Uchiha Madara and himself. Bang had no answer to the question of how much strength Uchiha Madara used.

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