"Lord Eleno, we received a call from the A-class hero Lightning Max!"

Just when everyone at the Hero Association headquarters was extremely anxious and at a loss, this call from Lightning Max instantly ignited the emotions of everyone at the Hero Association headquarters.


"Answer it quickly!"

When Eleno heard that it was a call from the hero who had gone to the scene to fight the monster, he immediately urged the relevant personnel to answer the phone.


Hearing Eleno's urgent instructions, the relevant personnel also ran to the phone and answered the call.

"Yes, Mr. Flash Max, this is the Hero Association headquarters"

"May I ask what is the current situation in Xiamin Street, Xiafeng District? The monsters have not been eliminated? What about the people?"

Obviously, the mobile phone number of each hero is recorded in the Hero Association, so when Lightning Max called, the relevant personnel of the Hero Association already knew Lightning Max's identity.

As soon as the call was connected, the relevant personnel of the Hero Association headquarters immediately asked Lightning Max about the current situation of the monsters and the people. However, the personnel of the Hero Association headquarters were also ready to hear good news. After all, since the hero can call, the result must have come out.

"The weirdos have been dealt with by Smiling Superman and I. As for the residents, I didn't see many of them. They should have fled before. As for Xiamin Street in Xiafeng District, the situation is not optimistic. The buildings are all damaged on a large scale and need to be rebuilt....."

Lightning Max gave a detailed introduction to the current situation in Xiafeng District, but was suddenly interrupted by a voice when he was talking about the latter part.

"Bang~. (Blast away the ruins)"

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh~....(The vaccine man slowly flies into the sky)"

"~~~~~~~(The vaccine man has a disdainful expression on his face)"

"You don't really think that such a weak attack can stop me from cleaning up the termites, do you?"

The vaccine man in the ruins directly released energy to blast away the ruins that were pressing down on him, flew into the air, and looked at Flash Max with disdain.

"~~~~~~~~~(Lightning Max with wide eyes)"

"How, how is it possible, how could you be unharmed after being hit by my ultimate move!"

Looking at the Vaccine Man flying high in the sky without any injury, Lightning Max opened his eyes and mouth in surprise, looking at the Vaccine Man in the air with an expression of disbelief

"Gurgle~. (Swallowing sound)"

"~~~~~~~~(Smiling Superman looks serious)"

"Be careful, this weirdo is a bit strange and may not be an ordinary ghost-level monster!"

Looking at the Vaccine Man who was unharmed in the air, the Smiling Superman beside him was also shocked and could n't help swallowing his saliva.

As an A-level hero, not many people know the power of Flash Max's kick better than Smiling Superman.

The fact that the Vaccine Man who was hit hard in the front was unharmed naturally shows that this weirdo is not ordinary.

So Smiling Superman watched the Vaccine Man in the air vigilantly and reminded Flash Max who was in a state of confusion next to him.

"~~~~~~~~~~(The vaccine man with an angry expression in the air)"

"How dare you weak humans attack me, the messenger of the Earth! ?"

"I will destroy all those who dare to stop me from cleaning up the termites! You are just termites that pollute the earth's environment anyway!!"

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh~....(Vaccine Man swoops down)"

"Sizzle~....(Energy bomb)"

The Vaccine Man in the air stared at the two people on the ground with his veins exposed and a face full of resentment, as if he was not looking at two heroes but two enemies with whom he had a blood feud.

For the current Vaccine Man, all humans are termites and his enemies. What's more, the two termites in front of him not only wasted his time to prevent him from killing more termites, but one of them even dared to attack him. Although no injuries were caused, it made the Vaccine Man very unhappy.

As the messenger appointed by Mother Earth, he was kicked by a termite, which made the Vaccine Man, who had just gained power and whose self-esteem was overflowing, furious. The Vaccine Man, who was furious, looked at the two people on the ground and dived down directly. While flying, his hands were also quickly gathering energy bombs.

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Two A-level heroes look cautious)"

"Be careful, that weirdo is about to attack again"

"I know, we must be careful of this weirdo's attack, whether it is fists or energy bombs, don't resist easily, it's better to avoid them."

Looking at the Vaccine Man with energy bombs gathered in his hands, the two heroes were also alert and cautious.

This time, the Vaccine Man did not throw energy bombs to attack the two in advance, but used high-speed movement to quickly approach the two.

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh~....(The vaccine man in the air quickly flies towards the two people)"

"~~~~~~~~(As the distance got closer, the vaccine man opened his hands and made an attacking gesture)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Looking at the two heroes so close, Vaccine Man also pushed the energy bomb in his hand over)"

"Boom~. (The energy bomb hits Smiling Superman)"

"Boom~. (The energy bomb hits Flash Max)"

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh~....(Two people were blown away by the huge force of the energy bomb)"

The current Vaccine Man's use of energy bombs has far exceeded that of when he first gained power. Moreover, this time it was almost a close attack, so the energy bomb successfully hit the two heroes. The huge power of the energy bomb directly pushed the two people away.

"Boom~. (It hits the building and explodes.)"

"Boom boom boom~..Boom boom boom boom~.....(Explosion)"

"~~~~~~~~(Splashed dust)"

The energy bomb carried a huge impact force and directly rushed the two people out, and a huge explosion occurred after hitting the building.

The energy bombs gathered by the vaccine man this time were also stronger than before.���The power was much greater. The two energy bombs destroyed many buildings in an instant. The two heroes who were hit by the energy bombs were lying in the ruins.

The Vaccine Man's attack also affected everyone in the meeting hall of the Hero Association headquarters.---

"Hello~, hello, is Mr. Lightning Max still here?"

Obviously, the person who answered the phone had also heard the conversation between the weirdo and the two heroes, so he anxiously asked about the current situation.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

"Did something happen in Xiafeng District again?"

Seeing the expression of the person who answered the phone change, everyone in the conference hall became nervous.

"Gulu~, the weirdo doesn't seem to be dead, and now the situation is unclear."

The person who answered the phone turned around blankly after hearing the busy tone on the phone, and explained to the people in the conference hall what he had just heard.

"Gurgle~. (Swallowing sound)"

"Wh, what?"

"The monster is fine? How is that possible? That was a full-strength attack from the A-class hero Flash Max."

"Yes, is this weirdo really a ghost? How could he take a hit from Flash Max and still be unscathed?"

".......(Different voices)" x14 listened to the relevant personnel repeating the previous conversation between the monster and the two heroes. The sound of swallowing saliva and surprised and puzzled voices continued to be heard in the meeting hall of the Hero Association. Obviously, everyone in the hall couldn't believe it was true. What everyone thought was a sure thing had unexpectedly taken a big turn. It was not the monster that was knocked down, but two A-level heroes.

"~~~~~~~~~(Eleno looks anxious)"

"Can we still contact Lightning Max now?"

Eleno anxiously asked the person who answered the phone.

Now the only person who can let the people at the Hero Association headquarters know the real-time situation in Xiafeng District is Lightning Max. If we lose contact, it means that the Hero Association headquarters will lose the real-time on-site data again.

"No, I can't hear any sound from the phone...."

Unfortunately, the person who answered the phone did not bring any good news but instead a despairing message.

"Can we contact the Smiling Superman?"

Eleno asked the relevant personnel again. Although there was a problem with Lightning Max's phone, if we contacted the Smiling Superman who was with Lightning Max, we could also learn the real-time situation at the scene.

"Beep Beep~.....(Busy tone)"

No one answered the phone call of Master Eleno and Smile Superman.


"Are we just going to watch the weirdos do whatever they want?"

After a moment of silence, Eleno said slowly in a frustrated voice.

In the Vaccine Man battlefield:

"Bang! Bang!~....(The two of them pushed away the rubble on their bodies in a panic)"

"cough cough~"

Flash Max and Smiling Man awkwardly pushed away the rubble on their bodies and stood up. They were obviously seriously injured. As for their cell phones, they were directly damaged in the explosion.

But even if the cell phones were not damaged, the two were not in any mood to communicate with the people at the Hero Association headquarters, because the power of this monster had obviously exceeded their psychological expectations.

Before it didn't hit them, they thought the energy bomb attack was not very good, but now they found that the damage was terrible after being hit.

And this was not the most shocking thing for the two.

What shocked them the most was that they found that the strength of this monster seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

The two heroes didn't know whether it was because the monster had hidden its strength before or because of other reasons, but the two people who were fighting could clearly feel the change in the monster's power. Now the monster's attack was obviously much higher than before.

"~~~~~~~~~(Two people with ugly faces)"

"Gulu~, it looks like this is going to be a tough fight."

"Yes, this weirdo's power seems to have completely exceeded previous expectations."

After standing up, the two men said something very dejected, no longer as high-spirited as before.

"~~~~~~~(Vaccine man with a surprised expression)"

"Oh~, they haven't been cleaned up yet? Really, do I need to be more serious?"

The Vaccine Man looked at the two heroes who stood up again and his veins were exposed and his eyes were bloodshot. It seemed that the action of the two standing up made the Vaccine Man furious.

"Stop fantasizing, justice is invincible. As a hero of justice, it is impossible for me to be defeated by a weirdo like you."

"That is, as a monster, you must always be prepared to be judged by justice!"

Looking at the angry Vaccine Man with veins exposed, the two heroes also shouted out the famous saying that good will prevail over evil.

"~~~~~~~~(The vaccine man's face becomes more and more ferocious)"

"Whoosh~....Whoosh whoosh~......(Vaccine Man rushes to the sky)"

Vaccine Man didn't say anything, but his expression became more ferocious than before. Obviously, the righteous speech of the two heroes just now completely touched Vaccine Man's nerves.

You know, when Vaccine Man was a human, he always called himself the guardian of the environment, and he constantly fought against the black-hearted factories every day, but what was the result in the end?...Pain, despair, beatings, accusations, threats, etc., etc., now hearing the righteous words of the two heroes, the anger of the Vaccine Man also surged. The furious Vaccine Man directly floated into the air and rushed high into the sky!

"~~~~~~~~(Vaccine man flying high in the sky with his hands raised)"

"Sizzle~..(Sound of energy gathering)"

"Sizzle~.....(Sound of energy gathering)"

"~~~~~~~(Energy bombs getting bigger and bigger)"

"The ultimate magic explosion!"

"Whoosh~....(The super energy bomb thrown by the Vaccine Man)"

The Vaccine Man in the sky was furious and decided to use his ultimate move!

The Vaccine Man stopped in the sky with his hands raised high. As the Vaccine Man moved, the energy in the air was attracted and continued to flow into the Vaccine Man's hands. Soon, a huge energy ball appeared in the Vaccine Man's hands.

After condensing, the Vaccine Man mercilessly dropped this terrifying energy bomb to the ground below!


"~~~~~~~~(Two people with hopeless expressions)"

"Gulu~, it looks like we are going to die here"

"Hehe~ I didn't expect this weirdo to not be a demon-level. I'm so unwilling to fall here."

Looking at the huge energy bomb in the air, the two heroes suddenly became desperate.

Obviously, the powerful energy on this energy bomb can make even an A-level hero feel the deadly danger. Although the two still don't know how strong this weirdo is, they also understand that this weirdo is definitely not a demon-level strength!

"~~~~~~~~(Super energy bomb that hits the ground)"

"~~~~~(Super energy bomb slowly falls to the ground)"


The power of this attack far exceeded the previous energy bomb by dozens of times!

The original energy bomb could only cause damage within a range of 20 to 30 meters, but this time the ultimate magic explosion bomb had a range of 400 to 500 meters, and the damage was even more different!

The previous energy bomb could only destroy some buildings, but this time the ultimate magic explosion bomb was like a nuclear bomb, almost clearing the entire area of Xiafeng District in City A!


"!!! (City A is illuminated by the strong light of the energy bomb and becomes bright as day)"

"Boom boom boom boom~....(Buildings are annihilated)"

The center of the ultimate magic bomb fell, and all the ruins within a radius of nearly 100 meters disappeared, leaving only the smooth land. The entire ground was smashed down four or five meters! The powerful impact also caused all the buildings within a radius of two kilometers to be destroyed!

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